Breast Augmentation Recovery Uneven Swelling

Breast augmentation uneven swelling usually is gone around one month. There may still be some traces after that, but not a significant amount for most women. (John Zannis, MD, New Bern Plastic Surgeon)

Uneven swelling is usually due to local anesthetics that were used as well as a small amount of post operative fluid retention. It should be markedly reduced in the first week.

Your breasts may look larger due to the implants being a bit high (they will fall) and after that it is the size of the implants used. Talk to your surgeon. (A. Dean Jabs, MD, PhD, FACS, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon)

Although most of the swelling dissipates after about 2-6 weeks, it is common to have intermittent swelling for a few months after.

Breast augmentation swelling picture

For people who start exercising too early or doing to much activity before the acute healing time is over, can cause an increase to the swelling time (recovery). (Alfred Sofer, MD, FACS, Fairfield Plastic Surgeon)

Honestly, there is very little swelling of the breasts after augmentation. What you are seeing is probably upper pole fullness which is caused by your now tight skin pressing on the implant.

As your skin grows, relaxes, and gets used to the implant, the shape will mature into a natural appearing breast. Depending on the size of the implant and the quality of your skin it can take anywhere from two to six months. be patient. Dont shop for a bra for at least a month. (Stephan Finical, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation uneven swelling

Internal sutures after surgery

Breast augmentation swelling can be significant and usually is seen during the first week postop. The tissues will slowly heal and the swelling will resolve over several weeks to months. The tissues will also relax and conform to the implants over several months.

You should not expect to see your final size and shape till this healing process has finished. If you have significantly more swelling on one side compared to the other please see your surgeon to rule out bleeding or a fluid collection. (Andrew Goldberg, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)

You most likely have swelling at this time and the implants may be sitting a little high. As the breast tissue and muscles relax the implants will settle in to place giving you a more natural look.

discomfort after surgery Breast augmentation

Uneven swelling after breast augmentation recovery usually will resolve in approximately 6- 8 weeks. It is much too soon to be trying to determine the final cup size. Quite often you plastic surgeon will assist you in determining your new cup size. (Heather Rocheford, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after breast augmentation is probably maximum at 5-7 days and then will subside slowly after that. I tell my patient to wait 2-3 months to see the final size and not to spend too much on bras until then also. (Ralph R. Garramone, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon)

In my experience that uneven swelling takes 4-6 weeks to resolve after breast augmentation. It is still very early, so don’t get worried yet! (Bradley A. Hubbard, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling Post Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation swelling after surgery

You ar in the very early days post op. the majority of selling will resolve n the first 6 weeks after surgery but even further improvements will be seen for up to 4 months. Please allow time for things to settle (Gerard Lambe, MD, Manchester Plastic Surgeon)

Post-Breast Augmentation Swelling

Many of my patients inquire about post-breast augmentation swelling. I generally tell my patients that most swelling is gone after a week. The remainder of the swelling will subside in around 3 months, although of course swelling varies with each patient based on individual factors, such as age, implant position (over/under pectoral muscle), and the technique used.

You are definitely going to still be seeing swelling after only 5 days post-procedure. Over the course of the next 3 months, the swelling will lessen gradually as you continue to heal and the implant settles.

swelling may give an additional size

While breast augmentation uneven swelling is completely normal following a breast augmentation, symptoms such as increased or spreading redness or fever could be signs of infection, and you should contact your doctor immediately. (David Rapaport, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Give Yourself More Time to Heal

The size of your breasts can be attributed to swelling. After breast augmentation, it takes some time for swelling to decrease as your breast tissue expands to accommodate your implants. Five days is still quite early in the recuperation process, and it’s normal to feel as though your breasts are “too large.”

After breast augmentation surgery is not always predetermined the appearance of hematoma

As the weeks and months progress, your breasts will soften up, become smaller, and likely drop a bit as part of the settling process. At that point, you’ll be more likely to fit into the C-cup bras you were excited to wear before your surgery. (Howard Silverman, MD, FRCSC, Ottawa Plastic Surgeon)

At 5 days you are very early after surgery. In fact, I don’t prefer that my patients even wear a bra at that point. The bra size will change over the next 6 months. I would not worry about your cup size this early after surgery. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation uneven swelling after breast implants

swelling may give an additional dimension

You are definitely still swollen 5 days after surgery. Though 80% of swelling will subside in the first 2-3 weeks, we typically do not recommend getting fit for your new bra size until 6-8 weeks after surgery as it often takes this long for all the swelling to dissipate and for your breasts to fully drop in the pocket your surgeon has created.

It will be very uncomfortable to wear an underwire bra that may potentially dig into the side of your breast/implant while your breasts are still swollen and healing. Its a good idea to wait until your doctor clears you to wear an underwire bra for optimal healing and results. (Alan N. Larsen, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Getting to Your Final Breast Size

Breast aug postoperative period

Every patient experiences post-operative swelling. After breast augmentation, swelling usually continues and worsens for about 5 days before it begins to go down. A patient’s anatomy, implant size, surgeon’s technique, and most importantly, a patient’s post-operative care (activity, diet, rest, supplementation, etc.) greatly influences the recovery.

My patients usually take 4-6 weeks for their swelling to go away, but this is not their final size. The size can continue to change as a patient settles, which can take months to a year. My average patient takes 2-3 months to completely settle and achieve their final size/look. (Gabriel Chiu, DO, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Uneven Swelling Subsides after a few months. Most of the swelling should be gone in 8 weeks but every patient is different. Sometimes it can take up to six month to really determine what size you will be. (Norman M. Rowe, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

There is considerable swelling after breast augmentation in the first week. Often the skin of the breast feels tight and shiny due to the swelling.

Your initial reaction is that the breast is too big and too high in position. The swelling can sometimes make your breast look one cup size bigger than it truly is.

As the swelling subsides and the implants settle the tissue around the implants will relax and settle into a more pleasing and natural shape.

This is a gradual process which takes 3-4 months to occur. So don’t worry just don’t be very active as unwanted scars may occur because of excessive activity and the implants won’t settle in that case. (Benjamin Chu, MD, FACS, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)

3 months for final result

In general, it takes about 3 months for the implants to settle into something that will resemble a “final” position. While implant position will continue to change over time (along with additional changes in weight, breastfeeding/pregnancy) most of the swelling is gone after about 6 weeks and a final result can be assessed at 3 months. The pectoralis muscle (if “unders” are placed) will often be in spasm on and off for the first several weeks.

This can result in implants that are higher than desired. A breast implant stabilizer band may help the implants to settle sooner.

I generally provide my patients with a sports bra to wear over the first 4 weeks, after which they can replenish their wardrobe with bra shopping that will likely be accurate for long term sizing. (Adam J. Oppenheimer, MD, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

Uneven Swelling after breast augmentation is normal. The most significant swelling takes place in the first week. After the first week, swelling will start to subside slowly. Swelling can be present for up to 3 months.

Strenuous physical activity can make swelling worse or cause swelling to be more persistent. I usually have my patients limit their strenuous physical activity for the first month. If healing is going well, I tell my patients they can shop for new bras at 6 weeks.

If there is still a significant amount of swelling, I will tell them to hold off a little longer. Final results for the implant to drop into position and for sizing is usually about 3 months. (Joseph W. Aguiar, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Augmentation Recovery

How long uneven swelling lasts is due to a couple of factors, including to technique of placement, the compliance of your tissues and your personal metabolism. All that being said, most patients experience resolution of their swelling by 3-4 weeks. Of more importance is your concern about cup size. This is almost never a standard measurement. I have many patients who are measured as a D cup in one store and a B cup in another. Most important is the proportion that the new implants give you. Most patients are looking for a certain “balance” or to be “proportionate”. If it looks right, it is right, regardless of your cup size. (Robert J. Carpenter, MD, Cumberland Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling around breast implants.

Some breast augmentation swelling is expected after surgery, and may take several weeks to subside. Implants placed under the muscle will take longer to settle down in place as the muscle relaxes. Early on, implants under the muscle may look high and be fairly tight.

Many implants have settled into place by week 6, and most are their true size by 3 months. At just five days from surgery, you might want to consider using cold compresses for swelling and comfort. (Connie Hiers, MD, Auburn Plastic Surgeon)

I think at this time there is still a considerable amount of swelling that can give you a false impression of the end size. The amount of time ti takes depends on many variables, for example if placed under the muscle, it can take a bit longer. I would not buy any new bras for 4-6 weeks.

After that amount of time the majority of the swelling will be better but the breast will still change somewhat in terms of how tight the skin is and how it is positioned. The end results might take 6 months, although after the first 6 weeks the changes are small and not as easily appreciated as the first 6 weeks. Hang in there and congratulations on the new you. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling following breast augmentation

Swelling is a normal part of healing following breast augmentation. The majority of swelling will subside in 4-6 weeks; however, it may take 3 months for it all to go away. If your implants were placed under the muscle, your breasts will change shape in the first 3-6 months after surgery. Initially, they will start out “high.”

Over the next couple of months, the bottom of the breast will stretch out and the implant position will appear to lower as this relaxation occurs. Wait until the swelling has gone away and your implants have settled until you get fitted for a new bra. And, remember, the letter on the bra is not as important as what you look like! (Ralph Trey Aquadro, MD, )

I would not go out and purchase any type of ‘new’ bra at this juncture. It usually takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks for your implants to settle down into the pocket.

You should start massaging your implants in a few days. Your PS should go over these techniques with you to insure that you are doing them correctly.

You may find that when you increase your activities, you may have an increase in swelling.

Be patient and you should start noticing decreased swelling, tightness and discomfort everyday. (Shelby Brantley, MD, Jackson Plastic Surgeon)

Stomach swelling after breast implants

Stomach swelling usually begins to decrease after 3 days.

The majority of it is usually gone by 2 weeks, and the final size is clear by 6 weeks.

I would wait to buy bras until 6 weeks for this reason. (Frederick G. Weniger, MD, FACS, Hilton Head Island Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Augment

I tell patients the swelling can last up to 3 months, in terms of bras I ask them to wait for 6 weeks before buying new expensive bras (Ryan Neinstein, MD, FRCSC, New York Plastic Surgeon)

I agree that 3 months is the time when you should be at a stable size. In some cases with smaller implants it can be as quick as one month. (Gregory Lynam, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)

Stomach swelling Post Breast Augmentation

Post operative stomach swelling after a breast augmentation is typically maximal around 48hrs and begins to subside after that. There is usually a significant reductions in swelling (-80%) during the first 6 weeks with final bra sizing around the 3 month mark. (Quinton Chivers, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Approximately 2 months

Initial swelling after Breast Augmentation surgery generally subsides after about two weeks. You may however notice that there is a degree of “top fullness” remaining. Over the ensuing two to three months this too will subside. The skin and the muscles will continue to stretch and the top fullness will lessen as the breasts assume a more natural shape. (Saeed Marefat, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation stomach swelling

In my experience, the swelling after breast augmentation is mostly resolved several weeks post-operatively. That being said, you should not expect to see your final result for several months post-operatively. (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

When does uneven swelling after breast augmentation begin to subside?

Although it varies from patient to patient, at 5 days you are still swollen and your breasts have usually not settled and adopted their final and more natural shape. The uneven swelling usually resolves over a few weeks, and the breasts may continue to relax into your tissues over a few months. I would suggest not spending money on new expensive bras until at least 6-8 weeks. (Robert M. Grenley, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Augmentation Recovery Uneven Swelling

If your breast augmentation was 5 days ago, you are in the peak time of uneven swelling, try to wait at least 8 weeks if not 12 before making any decisions or determinations about size.

Remember that cup size is variable, try to focus on how you look, if you are proportional and then look again in 8-12 weeks. If you are a little larger than you want at 5 days out, that is normal and expected with the uneven stomach swelling. (Timothy Janiga, MD, FACS, Reno Plastic Surgeon)

Breast shape after augmentation changes rapidly for 6 weeks

Breast shape after augmentation changes rapidly for 6 weeks, then at a slower rate for a full 9 months. This feature of wound healing biology can be utilized to modify and improve your final result.

If one side is a little higher than the other, exercises to expand the lower edge of the implant pocket on that side can help that implant move down to a position that is balanced with the other side. If one side is too low, wearing an underwire bra can re-set the inframammary fold to a higher level to balance with the other side. It is easy to become impatient to get to your final result, but the time can often be put to good use. (John J. Seaberg, MD, FACS, Columbia Plastic Surgeon)

Postoperative Breast Augmentation Swelling can last a while.

Swelling after breast augmentation can last a very long time. The significant initial swelling can last 2-4 weeks, then there is moderate swelling for 2weeks-6 weeks and finally minimal swelling for up to 6-9 months. Everyone is different and everyone’s breast responds differently to monthly menstrual cycles. I ask my patients not to buy expensive bras for at least 3 months. (Laurie Casas, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)