Best breast augmentation results

Breast Augmentation with Moderatie Profile Saline Implants

You appear to be starting with a decent amount of breast tissue, so 400 cc implants will likely make you a D cup or more.

The bigger issue that I see from your photos is that you have both asymmetry (the two breasts are different in the amount of breast tissue they have and the nipple on the right appears to be lower) and sagging of the breasts.

I would be a bit concerned that without a simulatenous breast lift with the augmentation you may not be fully satisfied.

These are questions to bring up with your plastic surgeon prior to the surgery.

Best breast augmentation results under breasts scar

You could do the breast augmentation first, followed later by a breast lift, but this would require 2 surgeries and 2 recoveries. (Kent V. Hasen, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Make sure your surgeon is aware of your best breast augmentation result. The implant style you mention should work well in getting the look you want but let the doctor worry about what size to use. That is his job, not yours, and the decision should be made in the OR with the use of sizers. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, )

My guess is that 400cc will take you to a full large D cup, but this is just a guess based on photos. This is something you need to discuss with your surgeon. (Gregory Sexton, MD, Columbia Plastic Surgeon)

Options in breast enhancement surgery

Best breast augmentation results photo

In general for every 200 cc of implant volume you will go up a cup size. More important than volume is the base diameter of the implant. There also appears to be some degree of breast sagging and widening of your areola. These factors need to be addressed as well. You may need more volume on the left side than the right.

You should be prepared for some degree of breast sagging or droop of the breast based on your existing breast anatomy. It is possible that you will get some lift of the breast with the implant alone and that you would be happy with this result otherwise you may need to consider a breast lift. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Implant Sizing

Best breast augmentation results bra

400 cc implants on your small frame and current breast size will make you look very large and increase your cup size more than one letter. Moderate profile will give a softer, more natural appearance to your breasts. Implant profile will not have a negative effect with the gap between your breasts, which on you is tight. (Gerald Minniti, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Beautiful Results After Breast Augmentation

Given your height and weight 400cc may be too big if you want to go up one cup size. We use implant sizers and 3-D imaging to help patients decide what size is best for them. (Lisa M. DiFrancesco, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Beautiful Results with Breast Augmentation

Photos of best breast augmentation results

You need to discuss this with your surgeon right away! 400cc saline implants in someone your size is not going to make you a D cup size when you are starting at a C – although it does depend on the bra since there is no standard for bra cup size.

My experience is that 200 cc usually translates to a cup size so you may want to think about a 200-250 cc implant. Again, this depends on your physical examination, evaluation of the chest wall, the breast tissue you already have, etc. (Jay Calvert, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)