Breast asymmetry causes & treatment

Breasts are glands within an envelope of skin, and are derived (develop as) organs of the skin.

Determinants of breast size and shape are manifold, including genetics, age, hormonal influence, weight, skin elasticity, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, rib/chest anatomy, and others.

There is an extremely wide variation of normal breast morphology (form). That being said, YES, implants, properly selected and skillfully placed under safe conditions would very likely “solve these issues.” (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Most woman have breast asymmetry which is what you have. So don’t feel like this is abnormal. On your photos it looks like you have excess skin that could be filled in with an implant.

Causes of breast asymmetry

So a good option for you would be a breast augmentation, this would allow the skin to be filled in a bit as well as could improve your asymmetry. (Margo Herron, MD, Medford Plastic Surgeon)

Many women have breasts that look just like yours, so please don’t feel that there is something wrong or abnormal about your body.

Having said that, if you are dissatisfied with the deflated appearance of your breasts, breast augmentation can help improve your shape and fullness. (Larry Fan, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Breast asymmetry

Breast asymmetry scar

Every body has body asymmetry and you ar eno exception. You appear to have loss of volume that could benefit from augmentation. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Don’t worry, there really is not much “wrong” with your breast. You fall within the range of “normal.” Breast augmentation will make a nice difference by adding volume to your breasts and giving them a more youthful and full shape. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

I think your breast are just under filled and require some volume. This can be improved with a breast augmentation. It will remove what you call the deflated look. I think breast augmentation will improve the look of your breasts immensely. You should have a consultation with a qualified breast surgeon and and see what they can offer you. Regards Stephen Salerno (Stephen Salerno, MBBS, FRACS, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

Deflation and loss of shape and tone in the breasts

Asymmetry causes 

Believe it or not, your breasts don’t look that much different than A LOT of other ladies’ breasts! Having said that, your word “deflation” is probably the best word to describe conceptually what is happening here. The skin and supportive framework for the breasts has more “slack” than the actual volume of the breast tissue can take up, thus, there is always slack in the system, and whatever way your body turns, gravity acts on the loose tissues and pulls them that way.

If you lay on your side, it is to that side; if you bend forward, the tissues fall away from your chest. The basic strategy to address this issue is to bring the tissue tone and the breast volume back into balance. In other words, if you put only 5 lbs. of sugar into a 10 lb sack, the sack will be loose. You must either reduce the size of the sack, or increase the volume of the sugar.

As this relates to the breasts then, we either increase the volume by putting in breast implants or fat grafting, or we decrease the “sack,” or skin envelope by doing some kind of lifting procedure, or as is typically done in cases like this, we do a combination of both.

Breast asymmetry scar after

There are many techniques and ways to lift breasts, and it is hard to know which one is best for a particular lady without a formal consultation. Suffice it to say that if you need a lift and you opt to have only implants, you will likely be disappointed with your results.

Also bear in mind that even though the nipples may be in a good position (although yours are a little different between the two breasts, and this may be another good reason for a lift) in many instances a lift is not done to actually lift the nipples, rather to tighten the breast tissues. One other final thought is that we must be realistic about what is expected of these operations.

The breast asymmetry causes photos

We are doing this surgery because there is some abnormality in the tissues, and that will still exist; we’ll just cover it up by putting in implants or lifting the breasts. Thus, when you place your body in unusual positions such as bending forward or laying back or to the side, while improved, your breasts still may not sit up on top of your chest fully like the firm mounds of tight breast tissue that a typical 16 or 17 year old girl might have.

We must expect that we will improve the appearance of the breasts, but there may still be certain features that will remain. Find a good board certified surgeon in your area with experience in breast augmentation and lifting procedures and schedule a formal consultation.

I think you are an excellent candidate for the surgery, and I think that you can expect to be very happy and get a very beautiful improvement in the appearance of your breasts. (Joseph L. Grzeskiewicz, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Breast asymmetry and shape can be improved with implants.

Your breasts are not hard to improve. Different size silicone implants OVER the muscle should help a lot. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)