Breast Augmentation Recovery Zingers

Nipple zingers after surgeon’s fingers

Post augmentation, some discomfort and nerve type pain is expected and usually improves over time. Desensitizing the area by “touching” it or gentle massage may help as well. This is something I counsel my patients on preoperatively. (Matthew H. Conrad, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon)

It is not uncommon to have an increase in nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation. Most often this subsides with time, as the nerves to the nipple adjust to the presence of the implant.

The fact that you are having it on both sides is encouraging and makes it less likely you have a larger problem. I would discuss it with your surgeon and make sure that nothing else is going on, but assuming there is no other problem I would expect it to improve with time.

Until then, take pain medication as needed. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

I advise my patients that they may experience changes in nipple sensation as a normal part of the recovery process after breast augmentation.

Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation surgery

Some patients become extremely sensitive and notice a burning or electric shock-type sensation or zingers that comes and goes.

This condition is known as dysesthesia. It generally resolves in the first two months after augmentation as the tissues stretch around the implants and relax. (Meghan Nadeau, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Pain, Swelling, Nipple Sensitivity After Breast Augmentation Surgery

These are very common complaints after breast augmentation surgery and all patients undergo some degree of these symptoms. During the operation, an implant is placed into a surgically created pocket which creates pressure and stretching of the overlying breast and skin. Post-operative discomfort can be due to this pressure as well as stretching of the local nerves which can cause nipple sensitivity.

Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation photo

Until the breast tissue can accommodate the new volume these symptoms can persist. Symptoms may resolve as early as a few weeks but the majority of patients have some degree of tenderness for about 2 months after surgery.

Placing gauze around the nipples may help with hypersensitivity, and anti-inflammatory medication, when cleared to take by your plastic surgeon, can help elevate any discomfort. (Gary Motykie, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensation changes after breast augmentation

Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation picture

Are actually fairly common. The broad range of changes that our patients experience include both hyper (increased) and hypo-sensitivity (decreased).

Patients may also experience paresthesias (false sensations) and dysesthesias (false pains) after BAM.

These symptoms typically resolve within weeks but, in some cases, can take up to 18 months to resolve.

Rarely, they can be permanent. (Steven M. Gitt, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)


Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation pictures

Pain and soreness after breast augmentation is expected for the first few days to a week. Sometimes you can have nerve-related pain from stretching the nerves in the skin – this can lead to the type of symptoms you’re describing – such as burning, zingers or hypersensitivity.

The good news is that this typically resolves with time. You can try performing massage which may help desensitize things. Be sure to visit with your plastic surgeon, as surely he or she will be able to guide you appropriately! (Bryan Correa, MD, The Woodlands Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitive Nipples after Breast Augmentation

The Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation

Your symptoms are very common after breast augmentation and generally resolve after several weeks to months. Hypersensitivity is due to stretching of the the nerve to the nipple as well as from increased projection causing possibly more pressure of the nipple against the inside of the bra. When this occurs, I first make sure the bra my patients are wearing is not too tight.

Then, I advise to “desensitize” the nipple by rubbing gently with a washcloth in the shower and whenever else to get the nerve to quiet down. Just like you notice wearing a new watch or bracelet on your wrist for a little while, nerves that are overstimulated tend to normalize more quickly with desensitization techniques. This should not be a lasting concern for you. (Scott A. Brenman, MD, FACS, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitive breast augmentation nipples

It’s not uncommon for the nerve to the nipple to be temporarily stretched during surgery.

While it is healing, there may be a short-term, annoying increase in sensation, as you’ve described, for about six weeks before the nerve returns to normal. (Ted Eisenberg, DO, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

Hypersensitivity after breast augmentation can occur. It usually last for months after the operation, and there is no specific way to treat it.

However, the good news is that it means that the nerves are intact, and it usually resolves on its own. It will ease in time. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Some patients can have increased or decreased sensation after breast augmentation. This is usually temporary and after a few days the sensation will be normal. (Frank J. Ferraro, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)

In general, most women who have a disturbance in nipple sensation, whether it be less (hypo-sensation), or in some cases too much (hyper-sensation), the sensation goes back to normal with 3-6 months. Occasionally, it can take 1 – 2 years to be normally. Extremely rarely, the sensation never goes back to normal.

This is extremely rare in augmentation alone, more common in lift or reduction. Signs that sensation is coming back are needle type sensation at the nipple, itchiness at the nipple, or ‘zingers’ to the nipple. The number of women that lose sensation is much lower than 10%, closer to 1% in a simple augmentation. Unfortunately there is no surgical correction for this. Massaging the area can help sensation normalize faster if it is going to normalize, but will not help if the nerve does not recover.

In women with hyper-sensitive breast augmentation nipples, this will go away with time. usually 3 months or so. In the interim, I have them wear nipple covers or ‘pasties’ to protect them from rubbing. (Pablo Prichard, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitive nipples following breast augmentation

Sensitive nipples following breast augmentation is not unusual. It is generally very temporary. You plastic surgeon should have nipple protectors available for you, as this helps with the comfort and healing of breast augmentation patients. Always contact your plastic surgeon’s office with any questions or concerns. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Hypersensitive breast augmentation nipples

Nipple and areola sensitivity is extremely common after breast augmentation and fortunately it is rare for this pain, tingling and hypersensitivity not to pass 6-8 weeks after surgery. I advise patients that their nipples will become sensitive much alike the sensitivity we all experience when we start breast feeding. The nerve that supplies feeling to your nipple has been stretched and needs to accommodate to its new stretched position. This takes a few weeks. In women who experience distracting levels of pain and sensitivity, I prescribe a nerve stabilising medication. These usually take effect in dampening your pain within a day or two. Most of my patients only need to continue the medication for two weeks. (Amira Sanki, MBBS Hons, FRACS, PhD, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)

That is a common problem after an augmentation as the nerves can get stretched and it will feel much more sensitive. In time it gets better as the nerves settle down, but that can take a couple of months in some cases. I have found that wearing silicone nipple guards from places like Victoria’s Secret, for those women that want to hide their breast augmentation nipples from protruding when going bra-less, work wonders. They help the nipple skin not get irritated by the fabric and also help to desensitize the nerves faster. I wish you the best. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure and the patient can expect some discomfort but not severe pain. Support and rest can diminish the pain and use of Exparel can also help. (Frank J. Ferraro, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensory changes are common after breast augmentation surgery and are usually temporary, resolving in several weeks to months.

A small percent of women will have permanent sensory changes(5-10%) These changes can range from temporary numbness to decreased sensation to heightened sensation (including burning sensations and zingers).

Relief of these symptoms can be difficult but treatments include massage, NSIADs, heat a/o cold therapy. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)

Changes in nipple sensation after breast augmentation

Changes in sensitivity of the nipple and surrounding breast skin are extremely common following breast augmentation. These changes generally result from trauma to the small nerves going to these areas during placement of the implants. The good news is that these changes very rarely last long-term. (Earl E. Ferguson III, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Post-Operative Soreness

You may feel some discomfort and pain after breast augmentation, but this is generally well controlled by pain medications. Most patients experience a moderate degree of discomfort for up to 7-14 days, however this can be longer depending on your physiology, which appears to be the case for you. Please ask your surgeon for medication to help your recovery. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Pain, swelling, nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation

I routinely tell my patients that one of the complications in a breast augmentation is changes in nipple sensitivity. Obviously this is more common in peri-areolar incisions, but can still occur with augmentations done through the fold. The nerve endings that supply the nipple come from the lateral aspect of the breast. During the surgery, this lateral part of the breast has to be “dissected” to accommodate the width of the implant.

I have seen more problems with nipple sensitivity when the pocked has been dissected to far laterally and disrupted the nerves. As the healing process occurs, some of the nerves become trapped by scar tissue. I don’t believe the compression of the implant under the nipple causes these sensation changes. If the sensisivity has decreased, I tell patients that it may return with time. If there is hypersensitivity or pain, I will try early massage over the nipple to “de-sensitize” the area. If this does not work, there are several medications that can decrease this neuropathic pain. (Robert Najera, MD, Frisco Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple pain after Breast Augmentation

Yes having Hypersensitive nipples after breast augmentation is very normal. Unfortantely it may last up to 6 months but most patients say it improves quickly. Often patients cover their nipples initially but you dont want to completely avoid them because stimulating them actually will help reduce the pain (Rady Rahban, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitivity After Breast Augmentation

Nipple sensitivity is not uncommon. Massaging the breast will help this sensation go away quicker – compression over the nipples may also help. Pain typically subsides after 2-5 days. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensation after breast augmentation

In explaining the recovery from breast augmentation surgery, I tell my patients that there can be increased, decreased, or a loss of sensation immediately following surgery and that these changes may be temporary or permanent. That being said, in my experience the most common change is to have either no changes or some increased sensitivity following the surgery and it usually resolves within a few weeks or months.

Just letting time pass is the best way to ease the condition. You can also try have some soft gauze on top of your nipples to prevent any rubbing against your clothing. (Samir S. Rao, MD, Chevy Chase Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple Pain and zingers after breast augmentation

3 weeks is still very early in the healing process and it is very common to have a change in nipple sensation at this point. During the operation (especially if the implant was placed through an incision around the nipples) the small sensory nerves can get stretched or bruised, causing numbeness or even hypersensitivity.

While the nerves recover, patients often present with a zingers or burning sensation. This is usually short lived and resolves with time. A small proportion of women may have some long term change in the sensation of the nipples, but this is quite rare. (Kunaal Jindal, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the U.S.

The recovery is fairly quick, Mild to moderate pain, However pain is very well cotroled.

Back to normal light activity within couple of days and back to work in a week. No heavy activity for three weeks.

No lifting, pushing or pulling for three weeks (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from breast augmentation surgery

The recovery time from Breast Augmentation varies to a few days to weeks.

There are many factors that effect the recovery. Discuss these with your chosen plastic surgeon. I tell my personal patients the average is a week to 10 days. As for caring for your small children. I would recommend help for the first week. The scars in breast implants will be mostly un noticeable by 1 month (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from Breast augmentation

Here’s my timetable:

Day #2 Remove drains

Day #4 Remove pain pump – Pain pump is extremely important in reducing pain and improving recovery time

Day #7 Start driving As far as babies, have somebody helping out the first few days. Check out the video on pain pumps and why they are important, and the blogpost on sedation (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from Breast augmentation is easy.

Most of our breast augmentation patients in New York City are pleasantly surprised with the recovery. Of course, it is out patient surgery, and many patients go back to work in 2 or 3 days! (This is confirmed in some large series of patients.)

I would get some help with your kids for maybe 4 days. The only thing is you should avoid STRENUOUS exercise for 3 weeks, (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from breast implants

Most patients can go back to routine acitivities within 1 week. I instruct patients to avoid aerobic type activities for 2-3 weeks and heavy lifting for 6 weeks including small children! Scars can fade relatively quickly but may take up to 1 year to fade all the way. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation recovery

If your breast implants are to be placed under your pectoral (chest) muscle, you should plan on no heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks. However, you may return to regular work-related (office) activity within 3 days or so. Most patients will take narcotics for pain for about 3 days, so you can not drive or go to work during this early period of recovery. The pectoral muscle will be inflamed for the first few weeks or months so you’ll want to minimize your upper body activity during this time period. If you have small children you can hold them, but you should not lift them up if they weigh more than 25 pounds or so during the first four weeks. Best wishes, Dr. Bruno (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Duration of Breast Augmentation recovery depends on some circumstances

Time for recovery following augmentation varies depending on circumstances, placement of implants,etc. Some women are able to return to sedentary work after 3-5 days whereas women who have more active occupations may need to miss work for 4-6 weeks.

There is definitely more initial pain when implants are placed beneath the muscle. Scars may require 6-12 months to totally fade. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation recovery

Breast implant surgery is usually followed by some short-term discomfort that is usually easily controlled with medication or pain pump. A small amount of bruising and swelling is also usually mild and resolves in a short period of time.

You can shower the day after surgery, and can often resume your normal routine shortly after your breast augmentation.

Several modalities are currently being used to modulate pain- form oral medications to pain pumps, to the Actipatch which I use routinely and have had unbelievable success with.

I ask patients not to exercise enough to sweat for at least 3 weeks, and avoid contact sports for 6 weeks. (Adam David Lowenstein, MD, FACS, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)

It is not uncommon to have some sensation abnormalities or zingers for a few weeks after a breast implants.

In some unusual cases it can even last 6 months to a year. Rarely, sensation abnormalities can be permanent. It is best to see you surgeon to discuss these issues.

In most cases, such symptoms are temporary; however, your surgeon should be consulted to ensure that these are not signs of a collection or wound healing issues. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

NIpple sensitivity

Many of my patients will ask about the risk of losing nipple sensation.

When we discuss this, I usually state that nipple sensitivity can increase and be an inconvenience for the initial postoperative period. Silicone nipple shields can help. The soreness, zingers and burning pain can also be not uncommon. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple hypersensitivity after implants

It is common for the nipples to be extremely sensitive after breast implants. It is caused by the stretching of the nerves. In my experience every case has calmed down and returned to normal but it can take up to 3 months. In the meantime it is ok to place a small pad over your nipples to protect them from your clothing. Be patient. It will get better. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple hypersensitivity after breast implants

Sensitive nipples is common after breast implants as the nerves are healing. This usually improves after a few weeks. If this is severe or prolonged, speak to your surgeon about this. If you had your surgery using an incision around the areolas, then you do want to make sure there is no infection at the incision site. (Matthew Schulman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitivity after breast implants

Nerves stretched during implant placement can result in various symptoms. Besides waiting for the nerves to recover, there are some things you can do to speed up the healing. If you give your body the right building blocks to heal nerves, they will heal much faster. We have a list of supplements we recommend to patients with nerve-related problems. If you’re interested, contact me and I will send you the list. (We don’t sell the supplements or endorse any companies. We just inform you of what will help.) (Victor Ferrari, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Post breast implants pain, zingers, swelling and nipple sensation

Pain, swelling, zingers and nipple increased or decreased sensation is normal after breast implants with breast implants. This is due to the procedure which stretches the breast and chest muscles. It is usually limited to the first 2-12 weeks. I would recommend that you talk to your board certified plastic surgeon and have him/her exam you so that you can be sure this is normal for your situation. He/she may have a remedy that can help you feel more comfortable while it dissipates. (Laurie Casas, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitivity after breast implants

It is common to have some nipple sensitivity after a breast implants. This is usually due to tissue stretching and nerve stretching that occurs when the breast is enlarged. This usually resolves in the vast majority of cases between 2 weeks and 2 months. (Kelly E. Tjelmeland, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Hypersensitivity after augment

Hypersensitivity after augmentation is usually due to stretch on the nerve to the nipple(T4). This usually gets better in weeks to several months as the breasts settle. (Daniel J. Casper, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)