Breast augmentation with areola reduction

Areolar reduction and implant to improve projection

After review of your photos, I believe a reduction of the areolar size and skin envelope in conjunction with an implant would enhance the appearance of your breasts.

This would also offer the potential to elevate the position of the nipple slightly. (Jay M. Pensler, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Areolar reduction and implant?

It is likely that the ideal procedure will a combination of an implant and areolar reduction and mild lift to help center your nipple and areola on the new breast shape.

Breast augmentation surgery with areola reduction

See a board certified plastic surgeon to get more information from an in-person consultation. (Vincent P. Marin, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

You would be a good candidate fro an areolar reduction with an implant. This would reduce the size of your very large areolas and also give you more volume in the upper part of your breasts.

You should get a good result . Make certain your are dealing with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon. (John P. Stratis, MD, Harrisburg Plastic Surgeon)

Perky natural results with areolar reduction and augmentation

Breast augmentation with areola reduction photos

In my opinion, you have two options, a lolipop scar from a vertical mastopexy or what I call a circum-nipple mastopexy in wich the scar is hidden at the nipple-areola junction. With a circumareolar lift you will be assured a large irregular and widening scar especially with an implant with a breast shape such as yours. I would also strongly recommend a wide low profile implant placed subfascially to deliver the bestnatural appearing results. Your breasts are very narrow for your chest wwall and a high profile implant will only accentuate this. I prefer to use a technique called ‘cold-subfascial augmentation’ in which I am able to contour the implants profile into a tear-drop shape with the fascial dissection. (Rian A. Maercks, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Peraiareolar lift and implants is a good plan

Breast augmentation with areola reduction picture

The plan to use a silicone implant and reduce the areola is a good answer for you. You should be able to choose a reasonable size implant and get a nice result. The skin tightening with the areola reduction will help the breasts to stay elevated and younger looking. Discuss your goals with a board certified plastic surgeon to get the best information. (Marcus L. Peterson, MD, Saint George Plastic Surgeon)

Yes, an areolar reduction and an implant will perk you up. I would use silicone and put it under the breast. It is what you need. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Yes your assessment is correct “areolar reduction and implant”

The breast augmentation with areola reduction

I think you will do very well with an areolar reduction and an implant. Avoid a large implant because that can stretch the areolar out back to the original size. I find that the short scar – lollipop mastopexy with an implant avoids stretching out of the areolar again. (Louise Ferland, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)

What do I need done on my breasts

I would agree with your evaluation. I think that a periareolar mastopexy with areolar reduction and a silicone implant will give you a perky natural look. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)

Areolar reduction with implant

Breast augmentation with areola reduction photos

Yes, I would recommend a reduction of your areola together with an implant. I think that the silicone gel implants give the most natural breast feel. You have some asymmetry issues so I would be carefull going too big. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Breast implants and areola reduction

You may benefit from an areola reduction but remember that they may nor be able to made to osmall because if you put in implants, it might be too tight. Just be careful in not choosing too larger an implant. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Best Operation to Perk Up Breasts?

Breast augmentation with areola reduction pictures

You will be much better served with in person consultation with well experienced board certified plastic surgeons, than with online consultation. Much of the decision-making involved with providing recommendations to you will depend on your specific goals. In my practice, communicating patient goals is usually best done in front of a full-length mirror and with the help of “goal pictures”.

Generally speaking, I think you may benefit from breast augmentation along with breast lifting; it may be that circumareolar breast lifting will be the best operation for you. This type of breast lifting will lift the breasts to a minimal degree, reduce the areola size, and may flatten the breast profile.

Silicone breast implants generally associated with less rippling potential and saline breast implants; keep in mind, that all breast implants can potentially be associated with rippling/palpability of the implants. Again, do your due diligence carefully and seek consultation with board certified plastic surgeons. Best wishes. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)