Breast Enhancement Cream With Volufiline

Breast enhancement creams and pills with volufiline do not work, and can be dangerous!

Stimulation of the growth of a gland that is already associated with a high enough rate of cancer seems very foolish. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

They do not work. They are a gimmick to take your money.

These companies use the same gimmicks that sell penile enhancement creams (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

Every plastic surgeon here agrees – but this is actually “proof” that this miracle cream must work. If it truly does what it claims, each of us would be “out of business” doing breast implants.

Breast enhancement creams do not work

So, of course we will all tell you that this stuff doesn’t work; we don’t want to lose our livelihood to this magic cream with volufiline that can “naturally” grow your breast cells without surgery, recovery, or risk, all with a money-back guarantee (no doubt; they really expect you to believe that as well)!

How does the cream know to “grow” only the good cells, not the precancerous ones, or the fat cells within your breasts? And do you have to keep using the cream with volufiline or will the stimulated growth goes away? Have you seen this “FDA-regulated” laboratory? BTW, the FDA regulates pharmaceuticals, but this “wonder cream” is available without a doctor’s prescription, so it must therefore be PROVEN to not cause changes within tissues. If it did, then it would be defined as a pharmaceutical, and WOULD be regulated by the FDA, and available only by prescription from a physician.

Breast enhancement creams not work

Your BS radar was at full alert when you asked the insightful question about cancer, and when you felt the cream promised “so much” you hesitated. Unfortunately, the company now knows how to tweak the ad text to promise just slightly less – that would have done the job of convincing you, right?! I’m truly saddened that otherwise smart people have just enough science education or background that “junk science” can be made to sound so convincing. It’s ALL hogwash, and BTW, I’d be fine even if I never did another breast augmentation in my practice – I actually learned the entire scope and range of General Surgery (Board certified by the American Board of Surgery 1986; did not re-certify) and Plastic Surgery (certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery 1989) and actually have a few other operations and doctoring skills to “fall back on.”

Breast enhancement creams that do now workpicture

Breast augmentation is best done with implants, by an ABPS-certified plastic surgeon, in an accredited surgical facility. That is why most of us do it that way, and most patients just ignore these creams, exercisers, and pills. (Richard H. Tholen, MD, FACS, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Human nature would lead me to believe that humbug lotions and potions were on sale dating back to our cave swelling ancestors.

Late night TV and the backs of women’s magazines are filled with “safe and effctive” solutions to women’s daily problems.

  • creams that magically melt fat
  • creams which make bigger buttocks
  • creams which make breasts smaller
  • creams which make breasts larger
  • creams which make you less hairy
  • creams which make you more hairy etc , etc

Does breast enhancement creams work

Based on previous experience I would advise you not to waste your hard earned money. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

It’s a good thing that you decided to ask before . totally wasting your money on another scam product. The only person these creams work for are the hucksters who “create” and sell them. You also see them sold for other body parts – but let’s not go there. If these creams with volufiline worked, don’t you think that you would have many friends and acquaintances raving about them? You’re not that lucky to be privy to an amazing breast enlarging (by 2 sizes) product that no one else has heard of before. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Ways to enlarge your breasts

  1. Breast Implants – see a doctor first!
  2. Autologous fat Transfer for breast enlargement – see a doctor first!
  3. Weight gain – not advisable for most people.
  4. Birth control pills – see a doctor first.
  5. Pregnancy – temporary.
  6. Brava system – bulky and annoying – see a doctor first. (Robert M. Freund, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Does breast enhancement cream work question

Topical creams with volufiline for breast enlargement do not work

To answer your question directly, topical creams for breast enlargement do not work. Also, if a cream truly stimulated breast tissue to grow, then it may stimulate breast cancer to grow. (J. Jason Wendel, MD, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

Breast cream with volufiline to increase size

There is not a cream that will increase the size of a women’ s breast to any significant extent. (Jay M. Pensler, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Breast enhancement creams

I know of no cream that can increase the size of any body part. The only way to enhance the breast size is by gaining weight or getting implants. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

No, I am not aware of anything that can be applied topically that will enlarge the breasts or any FDA approved creams with volufiline. (George John Alexander, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

At best, breast enhancement creams & pills give just a temporary increase.

Most contain some estrogen-like compound to get this effect.

It is not permanent. And they are expensive, and not FDA-approved. So far, only implants and fat grafting to the breast can give a permanent size increase. (Thomas Fiala, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Marketers substitute glorious predictions and unachievable promises for knowledge, science, and reason, while laying claim to them all. Yet there is nothing new in deception disguised as hope and nothing original in abstraction framed as progress. To quote from Mark Levin, germanely descriptive of the NATURAFUL effect. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Breast enhancement creams: there are many on the market there are no studies these are not FDA controlled we don’t know if they work or long term effect we don’t know what the”secret ingrediants” are (Jed H. Horowitz, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon

There is a huge benefit to breast enhancement creams. Unfortunately for you the advantage is only for the seller. He gets your money. There is no advantage for you other than the possibility of a very minor change with the risks delineated by the other doctors. I know there are glowing reviews on the internet and I’m sure none of those are fakes? (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Creams marketed to enhance the breast size have been around for a hundred years or more. It simply seems too easy to apply a cream and grow by one to two cup sizes.

Wouldn’t everybody know about it by now? And guaranteed (or your money back except shipping and handling?). There is fine print written all over this one. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Certain plant-derived substances have estrogen-like properties, which is the theoretical basis for these creams. However, stimulating estrogen receptors can also increase risk of breast cancer, and these compounds are not regulated by the FDA so there is no guarantee of safety and despite marketing claims, no good evidence that they work.

Just because they are “natural” doesn’t mean that they are safe either – hemlock is 100% natural and organic, and fatal in small amounts. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

In a word: beware! There is no evidence based study to indicate that they work, they are not FDA regulated and they can, as Dr. Baxter notes, stimulate estrogen receptors and be carcinogenic I would be wary of anything that makes a guarantee and also note that it is the product, not the laboratory, which should be FDA approved. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Breast enhancement creams

For thousands of years people have made outrageous claims about products and services. None of these will be of any benefit to you and are best avoided. Many are totally unregulated and could actually be harmful to your health. Best to totally avoid this one. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Do Breast-Enhancment Creams Really Work?

No. They really don’t work. Creams promising larger breasts is gimmicky and false advertising. (John J. Corey, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

They absolutely, categorically do not work. It is nothing more than a gimmick. If it sounds too good to be typically is. (Jeffrey Hartog, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Enhancement Creams: Do they work?

Breast enhancement creams with volufiline, marketed lavishly and gloriously under several different names, do not appear to provide long lasting breast enhancement. Photography skills and deception can make vague results appear impressive. I would caution anyone to avoid claims of a cream providing breast enhancement of any appreciable volume. (Antonio Gayoso, MD, Saint Petersburg Plastic Surgeon)

If breast enhancement creams with volufiline worked there would be no breast implants and plastic surgeons performing breast augmentation! By the way, the lab may be FDA approved for other drugs/vitamins, that doesn’t mean the product is, let the buyer beware. (Steven Schuster, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

If it really worked all plastic surgeons would be out of work. There is a lot of stuff out there that is too good to be true. Also your thoughts about cancer might be appropriate. No one wants to have surgery unless it is needed, but these pills and ointments really don’t work. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)