Can you get breast implants without a lift?

You can have a breast augmentation without a lift, that being said you will basically have a similar slightly lifted version of what you have now just bigger, if you are ok with that you could do it knowing you may want a lift later, I find adding fat helps reshape a breast as well so you could do both at the same time without the scars of a lift (Ryan Neinstein, MD, FRCSC, New York Plastic Surgeon)

In order to arrive at a pleasing breast shape, you will require a breast lift (mastopexy).If you undergo breast augmentation only, your nipples/areolas will not be positioned over the implant as they should be, and your breasts will appear to be “sliding off” of the implants. Your concerns about breast scars are completely understandable, but patients with breast anatomy like yours need to understand that implants without a lift will not deliver a nice outcome.

Patient needs breast implant without lift

With time the scars around your areola and the vertical scar on your breast do fade considerably, but you do have to accept permanent scars. (Joshua Cooper, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Reviewing your photo show you have Grade III Ptosis, that is falling of the nipple areola complex relative to the breast crease. Your nipples are essentially at the bottom of the breasts and pointing down. The only way around this, and I personally would not do this, is to place VERY LARGE implants, drop your breast creases (the natural breast shelf) and this would re-centralize your nipple on the mound. The problem with this is, very heavy beast implants, that will give you large and low slung breasts. Then there is the issue of gravity and the implants migrating down and to the sides of your chest wall over time. Now your back for another operation to correct this problem. All that to say, I believe your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is correct.

Breast Augmentation without lifting your breast

You have to have the nipples re-centralized on the breast mounds and an implants added for volume. There are many ways to do a mastopexy, some have less scars than other. Here is where your Plastic Surgeon again can help you understand your options and let you make the correct choice. (Stephen M. Davis, MD, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

You should not contemplate a breast augmentation without a breast lift. It will not give you a nice aesthetic result and I do not feel as if you would be happy at all. Breast lift surgery does have additional incisions, but a beautifully shaped breast( even with scars) can be much more aesthetically pleasing than a ptotic breast without scars. (Antonio Gayoso, MD, Saint Petersburg Plastic Surgeon)

Breast implants alone without lift will add volume to your breasts

Any attempt to do augmentation without a lift will look like a “rock in a sock” which is not a pretty site. Scars can be treated with laser or steroids and can be very reasonable. (Gregory Lynam, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)

Do not have a Breast Augmentation without lifting your breast. As previously stated, you will have “a rock in a sock look”, which is far from an ideal result. Do your homework. Search for a surgeon who specializes in breast surgery. A variety of scar therapy can make your scars virtually invisible. Yes, it takes time and effort but if you follow instructions, you will have an amazing result. (James E. Murphy, MD, FACS, Reno Plastic Surgeon)

I would recommend a breast lift procedure, with or without the addition of breast implants for more volume. Implants alone will add volume to your breasts but your nipples will still point downward.

scar after brest lift with implant

At the end of the day, you have to decide whether you would like to have shapelier breasts with a few scars or breasts that sag. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

You cannot get an attractive shape without a breast lift. The nipples would still point down. It is possible that you could get a reasonable correction without a vertical scar ( only around the nipple), but that could only be determined by an in person consultation.

I would carefully check the credentials and experience of your surgeon, consider more than one consultation, and then follow your surgeon’s advice. (Thomas A. Mustoe, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Patient needs breast lift

You have a common concern of all women faced with the scarring associated with a lift. It all depends on what you foresee as the end result. implants will simply make your breasts larger with a small improvement in shape. Your nipples will point slightly more horizontally once the implants have settled, but I doubt they will end up truly horizontal (which is ideal).

I have done several women like you with good results and happy patients because their expectations were properly set. If you’re not looking to have the aesthetically perfect breast, then yes, implants alone would be an option. Be sure to seek a board-cert PS that has lots of experience with implants and will listen to all your concerns and go over the end result as well. (Victor Ferrari, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need a lift with the implant.

breast asymmetry surgery before photo

You have a tuberous breast deformity or snoopy breast. You will benefit tremendously with the implants and scoring. In addition if the implant still sits off center of the nipple,

I agree with your plastic surgeon that I would be a peri-areolar lift around the nipple-areolar complexes. (Alan B. Pillersdorf, MD, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

I am going to respond with a simple NO! To much hanging or ptosis of the N/A complexes as seen in posted photos.(Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)