What procedure would be appropriate: A breast augmentation with or without a lift?

Breast implants

As you can see, this is a very tough subject to give one exact opinion, as there are many. A reason is that everybody wants a “perfect” result and there is not one!

People want to avoid too much scarring. Your photos can indicate either a lift (along with augmentation), or augmentation alone.

This is an answer that your plastic surgeon’s experience will dictate. She alone will give you the best advice, since she is the one who has examined you.

If you still uncertain, please seek a second opinion. (Shahin Javaheri, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation together with breast lift

Breast lifts works great!

Make sure the TT is done before the breast surgery even if it is done at the same surgery to avoid breast distortion from the downward pull in the abdomen.

On the side view your nipples are above the inframammary folds so technically you do not have ptosis. In order to give you an appropriate answer we really need to know measurements (breast base width, sternal notch to nipple distance, nipple to fold distance, midline to nipple distance), whether you want implants above or below the muscle and your age among other things. Then you have to decide the trade offs among the available options to make an informed decision. That is why you need to meet with a surgeon before you have breast surgery.

Have a nice elastic breasts – a healthy desire of every woman

There is no one size fits all answer to the question posed. Each surgical option has pros and cons or tradeoffs like amount of skin scar vs. lifting. If you would be happier with less lifting and less skin scar implant only should be the route you take. Your surgeon’s job is to paint a picture of possible results with different options so you can make an informed decision. Two patients starting in the same place may be happy with 2 different procedures or options. (Aaron Stone, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need a lift.

Breast lift is moving the nipple and areola in a more attractive position

I think by your pictures it appears your nipples are at and may be even slightly above your crease. An augmentation in a dual plane position, with only the upper half of the implant under the muscle, can lead to an acceptable result.

On the other hand, I think your result could be improved with a peri-areolar mastopexy. The implant can be placed through the areola as well. On my website you will find videos explaining breast augmentation and lifts. (Vishnu Rumalla, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Benelli breast lift with implants works great.

  1. Breast lifts without implants photo

    I don’t think it is a good idea to have the patient make a highly technical decision like this.

  2. Judging only by your pictures (remember, I have not examined you), you will have the best result with a combination operation which includes a minimal scar breast lift.
  3. The breast lift is done just with a circular scar at the edge of your areolas, where the skin changes color. This scar is inconspicuous and fades with time.
  4. Then, we use smooth walled, round, silicone gel breast implants, placed over the muscle.
  5. If you rely on implants alone to correct the sagging, you need very large implants, which are not a good idea. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Choosing a augmentation or a lift or both.

breast lift is the removal of excess skin

If you are happy with the position of your nipples and you wish to simply increase the volume of your breasts then a simple augmentation would be your best choice. This will provide volume only. If you wish to have the nipple/areolar lifted to a perkier position and a better shape to your breast then a lift would be in order. Keep in mind this increases the incisions on your breast.

If you wish to have both a better nipple position and more volume in the breast then both procedures need to be done. Some surgeons do both at the same time, while others do them separately, feeling they can more accurately position the nipple correctly over the center of the implant this way. Ask your surgeon which they feel most comfortable with. (Jeffrey M. Darrow, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Breast lift with implants, or not

The technical essence of breast lift surgery

You are correct in that breast lift is all about nipple position, as if the nipple lies just below the breast fold the implant will tend to push the nipple lower giving a rather ‘mature’ look to the breast. Based on your photos you are on the line, though I feel that the nipple is just above the fold. Remember the nipple is the center, not the areola for our measurements. You should do well with the implants alone, a good choice, and lift later if necessary. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

What procedure would be appropriate: A breast augmentation with or without a lift?

As you can see from the advocating of both procedures by several plastic surgeons, there is no one right answer given your “borderline” situation. To add to this confusion, the style of implant that you would be receiving can also affect the ultimate appearance and the greater or lesser need for a lift.

That is, a higher profile implant may provide you with a more acceptable appearance versus a moderate or lower profile where the nipple position would be situated in a less desirable position regarding the breast crease and breast mound. A clinical examination may allow for a more definitive answer. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)