Burning Sensation After Breast Augmentation

Burning Sensation After Breast Augmentation

With any surgery the small skin sensation nerves are bruised and stretched, and this usually causes some numbness in the operated area. As the nerves recover and start working again the send out signals that feel like burning, tingling, or even electric shocks.

This is almost always temporary, and resolves as the sensation returns to normal. If it is intolerable during the healing period, then your physician could offer Gabapentin, a pill that reduces nerve pain but can cause drowsiness, or Capsaicin, a cream that desensitizes nerves but can cause skin irritation. (Cory Goldberg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation.

Burning Sensation After Breast Augmentation surgery

The pain and hypersensitivity of the nipple that you are describing can happen after breast augmentation in the early recovery phase. Rest assured that this resolves after a short period of time. Following breast augmentation, the nerves that supply the sensation to the nipple can be affected. For some women, this can manifest as a very sensitive and in some cases, painful nipple.

During this early phase, the nipple is easily irritated by bras and even light touch. Fortunately, this resolves after a couple of weeks for most women. As some of the nipple swelling resolves, the nipple typically becomes less sensitive. The resolution can also be sped up by desensitization exercises and massage. Examples of this would be manually massaging the nipples as well as rubbing them with different cloths and materials to re-introduce the nipples to sensations. Typically, this will resolve after a couple of weeks. Best of luck with your continued recovery from your breast augmentation. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitivity

Burning Sensation After Breast Augmentation procedure

Every patient has some change in sensibility in the nipples postoperatively. It is usually transient and goes away in 6 months. You can try “stickies” on the nipples. (Jacob Freiman, MD, FACS, Miami Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Pain, Swelling, Nipple Sensitivity After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Extra sensitivity to the point of being uncomfortable can be normal after breast augmentation. Also, tingling, burning, electrical sensations and itching can occur. These sensations can result from the stretching and compression of the nerves that happens when the implants are placed. It is always important to talk to your plastic surgeon when you have concerns, but if your symptoms are from nerve compression and stretching they will resolve on their own over the first 6-8 weeks in most people.

Burning Sensation After Breast Augmentation operation

Massaging your breasts at least 3 times per day can help the nerves settle faster and speed resolution of these symptoms. (Michael Vennemeyer, MD, Southlake Plastic Surgeon)

It is normal to have some pain and swelling after breast augmentation surgery. Many times the nipple-areolar complex will have hypersensitivity or dysethesia due to stretching of the sensory nerves during surgery. This sensation will usually resolve on its own without treatment. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Symptoms post breast augmentation

Burning Sensation After Breast Aug

There are a variety of symptoms that patients experience after breast augmentation and yours sound like they are within the normal range for 3 weeks post surgery. I would recommend you schedule an appointment with your surgeon to be evaluated and discuss any concerns you may have. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation.

If there are no other issues such as redness or signs of infection your symptoms described sounds like nipple sensitivity following breast augmentation.

Although many women worry about the loss of sensation following augmentation, I think it is far more common to have overy sensitivity. I would recommend that you regularly massage the areas of sensitivity as this seems to help. This along with time usually results in the sensitivity issue correcting itself. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)