How to make your breasts closer together?

Unfortunately, there are no lotions or medicines that will make your breasts closer together.

The many bras on the market designed to enhance cleavage are your best bet while in clothes.

While out of clothes, there unfortunately is no way to alter this without surgery, normally an augmentation.

Since you are happy with your size, this would not apply to you. (Bryan Correa, MD, The Woodlands Plastic Surgeon)

The only non surgical way to improve your breasts by bringing them closer to one another is with an under wire bra. A mastopexy with or without an augmentation can do this without a bra (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Choose the correct bra to make your breasts closer together

How to make your breasts closer together photo

Unfortunately there is no surgical or medicinal way to create cleavage. The breast has a natural footprint. This is like the foundation of a house. Even after breast augmentation, the implant sits within this natural footprint.

A breast augmentation makes the breast larger, but does not bring them closer together. The only way to create cleavage is to wear a push-up bra that pushes your breasts higher and closer together. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Without inserting a breast implant, it will not be possible to achieve the look you are desiring. However, an implant will fill the medial space, creating more cleavage. Their are no medicinal or non-surgical methods of creating that look. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

How make your breasts closer together

A naturally occurring wide cleave can be improved (some) with implants but may risk causing the nipples to point outwards more. 3D imaging with computer simulation will help with predicting the best size, shape and position of the implant to give the optimal desired results. The only non-surgical option to improve cleavage is to wear a proper bra that shifts the breasts inward. This is clearly only effective while wearing the bra. (Scott A. Brenman, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

Many women desire more cleavage but a bra is the best way and safest way to do this. The only other way would be by increasing the size of the breast with implants and even this cannot always create the cleavage that you might desire. Gerard Lambe, MD, Manchester Plastic Surgeon)

Non-surgical options to bring breasts closer together

How to make your breasts closer together without surgery

There isn’t a natural way to push your breasts together. If you don’t want to go bigger ie implant, then I would recommend that you find a supportive bra which will hold them in place, in much the same way as you are doing with your hands. If you are on your back, your bra will hold them in place. But without the bra, it is normal for breasts to drop away from the centre due to gravity. (Vladimir Milovic, MD, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)

Bringing Your Breasts Closer Together

This is a very common question, as the majority of women want to increase the medial fullness without increasing the size of their breasts. Truly the only way you can currently the fullness medially is to undergo a breast augmentation.

best bra to push breasts together

The implant will help move your breast closer together. A lot of women like yourself do not want an implant as they are worried that the it is going to make them look big or fake.

This really has not been true with the new implants. The gel implants are very soft and natural. It is important to see your board certified plastic surgeon to help guide you in a breast augmentation decisions. (Johnny Franco, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)