Can the general surgeon to carry out an breast augmentation?

Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is very important. But in your particular case, I think the more important question is whether or not this surgeon has had plastic surgery training.

It may be possible that the surgeon in question may be a general surgeon who has finished a plastic surgery residency or fellowship, but has not yet passed the board examination to become board certified.

If the surgeon is a plastic surgeon and has finished a plastic surgery training program, then he might be completely qualified to achieve great results with breast augmentation.

All of us were practicing plastic surgeons without board certification at one point and still achieving very good and safe results.

choose in American Society of Plastic Surgeons

If however, your surgeon does not have any plastic surgery training, then I would be much more cautious. Part of what is learned in the residency process is not only techniques to perform cosmetic surgery, but also how to deal with the complications that can be seen with patients of even the most experienced surgeons.

I think that you are taking too great a risk if your surgeon has not at least completed a plastic surgery residency. And you are even more safe to put your trust in the experience of a board certified plastic surgeon. (William T. Stoeckel, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Best breast augmantation surgeon

Finding the best breast augmentation surgeon for your breast implant surgery The best breast augmentation surgeon is the one that gives you the results you desire, given the limitations of your anatomy.

Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon

This seems obvious, but all too often, surgeons try to convince patients to do the procedure that they perform, rather than helping them choose the procedure that will come closest to giving them the result they desire. Research, go to several consults, look at the surgeon’s results on breasts that look like yours to begin with, and then choose the surgeon you feel most comfortable with.

At Hankins and Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates, we perform over 500 breast augmentations a year and the number one goal we have is to listen to your desires and help you come as close as you can to achieving them!

While those of us who are board certified plastic surgeons would like to think we have the monopoly on great brest augmenation results, the surgeon’s results literally speak for themselves – see several qualified surgeons and let your comfort level choose the best surgeon. (W. Tracy Hankins, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Plastic surgeons for breast augmentation – Board Certification

Breast augmentation is a very popular procedure and there are always non-plastic surgeons who try to do it. I have heard of dentists doing it, ENT, cardiothoracic surgeons or dermatologists and general surgeons as well.

The problem that these doctors have is that they lack the two to three years of plastic surgery training required by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

They may be board certified in their own field of medical training but who knows how they learned to do breast augmentation. It may have been a weekend course or a seminar. There is no standardization in their training. I would avoid seeing a non-plastic surgery trained physician who is not board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. (Leo Lapuerta, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

For breast augmentation need ABCS board certification

You may get lucky, beat the odds, and get a good result. I would think that a person planning to go into surgery on the only body they will ever have would at least go to someone who has been trained in that specialty. Breast implants are not as simple as making a hole and putting an implant in it. Size, placement, correction of asymmetry, as well as being able to take care of any complication may occur are important. Techniques to minimize capsular contracture and creating a breast that looks natural are also goals one should seek and find important.

At least a board certified plastic surgeon has gone through the years of proper training to offer his patients the best chance for an excellent result, which is incidentally 5 years of general surgery plus 2 to 3 more years of plastic surgery. I have never know what to think of a person who is unwilling to be trained in plastic surgery, but yet wants to perform the procedures. Short-cuts in education are not what I would look for when seeking surgery. Surgery is serious and a bad result can be devastating. (E. Ronald Finger, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Augmentation by General Surgeon?

Choose only Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeons for breast augmentation with lift

A little risky, IMO. Plastic surgery training takes three additional years AFTER training in general surgery. General surgeons doing breast augmentation have learned the procedure without certified training.

Any given talented surgeon can do a good job, of course, but there is the obvious lack of training to consider. (Gregory Diehl, MD, FACS, Long Island Plastic Surgeon)