What Are The Bumps On My Areola?

What you are noticing are likely Montgomery glands which are normal anatomic structures found on the areola. With recent breast surgery they are likely more noticable because of the postoperative swelling you are experiencing. Rest assured, they will most likely become less prominent and nothing needs to be done to address this particular finding. (Rachel Streu, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on your areola

These bumps are actually normal anatomy – they are called the tubercles of Montgomery and function to keep the nipple and areola lubricated, as well as facilitate breast feeding. Most likely, you are experiencing normal post-operative swelling and inflammation which is exaggerating the size and shape of these tubercles.

What are the bumps on my areola photo

This will likely resolve as the swelling resolves. Be sure to ask your surgeon about it the next time you see him or her. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

You are seeing the normal Montgomery’s Tubercles which are slightly swollen due altered circulation from the surgery around the areola. These will subside as the overall swelling resolves. They are not of concern in terms of infection and should return to a normal appearance as your breasts settle and swelling resolves. (Scott A. Brenman, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

Montgomery’s tubercles

bumps on nipple after breast augmentation

Most likely you are noticing Montgomery’s tubercles which are a normal part of the areola. If they’re on both sides, I’m sure that’s what they are with heat rash a very very unlikely second possibility. These are named after Sir Alfred Montgomery who having scaled Mount Kilimanjaro in the early 1900s, pulled his shirt off and . No, I’m kidding about the last part. They are normal though. (Matthew H. Conrad, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon)

Montgomery’s Glands

Montgomery’s glands are normal, and have the appearance of bumps in the nipple areolar complex. You may not have noticed them before surgery, but they were there.

bumps in areola pictures

It is possible that there is swelling which will subside after the wounds have all healed. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Looking at your photos, the bumps appear to be enlarged Montgomery glands, which are a type of sebaceous gland that produces oils to keep the surrounding area protected with lubrication. These small bumps around the areola and nipple are perfectly normal, and it’s not unusual that they can seem more noticeable in response to post-op swelling of the breast itself. If you notice tenderness, pain or other side effects that trouble you, certainly call your plastic surgeon and schedule a follow-up that includes a physical exam. (Nirav Savalia, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on the nipple after breast surgery

breast augmentation areola bumps

So these “bumps” are just normal glands. Often after breast surgery especially if the nipple and areola are involved there is some swelling and they can seem enhanced. Additionally you are now much more aware of your breasts then ever before. Totally ok! (Rady Rahban, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Your bumps appear to be normal and likely are related to the persistent swelling. They do become a little more pronounced with swelling secondary to your surgery and possibly also the heat.

I would mention this concern to your plastic surgeon at your next visit. (Nina S. Naidu, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

The photo is hard to interpret, with the steristrips etc. However, the bumps I see are on the areola. To me, I con’t see redness or signs of infection. Therefore I think I am looking at Montgomery’s glands. These are normal and not to worry about. You may not have noticed it previously, but they were there. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

These small bumps on breast are normal findings called Montgomery’s Tubercles.

They were present before surgery, but with stretching of the skin and swelling are now more apparent.

They do not require any type of treatment. If you continue to have concerns, you should consult your plastic surgeon. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

The bumps could easily be the normal glands of Montgomery accentuated after the surgery or there may be some inflammation.

The best approach would be to have your surgeon see the nipple areolar complex to determine the diagnosis. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

These appear to be Montgomery glands, which are normal sebaceous glands that surround the nipple. They secrete an oily substance to help lubricate the nipple and areola. They were present before surgery, but are probably just more noticeable now. Nothing to worry about. (William T. Stoeckel, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on nipples after breast lift

The small bumps on breast that you are seeing are perfectly normal and are known as montgomery’s glands.

They are the glands which produce the oily secretions that lubricate and protect the nipples. After a breast life, the size of the glands can increase and will subside over time. (Kunaal Jindal, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps around nipple after breast lift

These bumps are normal and are referred to as Montgomery’s tubercles. They may change with any breast lift with a peri-areolar (around the nipple) incision because of swelling and post operative changes – but in time they will likely be back as they were. (James F. Boynton, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on nipple after breast surgery

The bumps on your breast are normal. They are montgomery glands and they are edematous (swollen) from surgery. The swelling will resolve over time as your heal. There is no need to be concerned. (Robert Heck, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on nipple

Small bumps on breast are small normal glands on the nipple. They are swollen and should return to a similar size as before with time. (Mahlon Kerr, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Montgomery’s tubercles

This is a normal finding. You might be noticing them more just after surgery and in the heat due to swelling and perfusion. The nipple and areola are very vascular and sit atop the breast gland. This too fluctuates and with it the areola as well. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on nipples

These small bumps are called Montgomery glands, and they are normal. They have always been there, but may just be more noticeable to you after your breast lift. The good news is that they are normal and nothing needs to be done. (Dustin L. Reid, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Probably a heat rash. Nothing to do other than keep areas from being exposed to excessive heat and moisture.

Also its very normal for your montgomery glands to be swollen after this procedure. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple bumps post op

This is a normal finding and not of concern. It is not related to your breast surgery. Best of luck. (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Bumps on nipple after breast lift may be Montgomery’s Glands

Although you would have to rule out an infection (red, painful, drainage type symptoms), the bumps around the areola are called Montgomery’s Glands or Follicles, which are naturally occurring show more during pregnancy or with swelling.

In your case, the swelling post surgery has likely made them more noticeable.

This is not unusual but if you have concerns, speak to your surgeon. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Montgomery glands on nipples

These bumps are called Montgomery glands and are normal for the breast tissue. They may be more prominent after an augmentation, but don’t worry that they are a problem. (Francis (Frank) William Rieger, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after Breast Implant Surgery

The bumps you refer to often occurs after breast augmentation surgery and especially after the breast reduction or breast result. This should resolve in the next month or so as you continue to heal and recover from you surgery. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

Areola bumps after breast augmentation very normal

From the photograph you’ve submitted, it looks like you have prominent Montgomery Glands of the areola, and this happens from swelling in most cases. This is very normal after augmentation, especially with mastopexy. As your swelling resolves over several months after surgery, the prominence of the glands should subside, making the area appear more normal to you again. (Amy M. Sprole, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon)

All operations trigger inflammation which is a major component of healing. The manifestations of swelling include redness, swelling, pain, and even regional warmth. It is nothing to be alarmed about. The trend, though, should be favourable over the weeks after the operation.

Your surgeon will monitor your progress with you as he has overseen these things thousands of times before. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

It is normal and all will be well. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)