What cup size 375cc or 350cc of breast implants is better for me?

375cc breast implants choice

Please don’t worry and stress about this decision – the difference between 350 cc and 375 cc is so small that the appearance will be almost the same with either size. BOTH will likely make you very happy.

I cannot really give you specific advice without an examination or at least photos, but it seems that using 350 cc will make you feel more comfortable about the procedure. (Andres Taleisnik, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

25 cc is almost nothing when it comes to breast implant volume.

Keep in mind that a standard shot glass is 45 cc – nearly double the difference you are concerned about.

375cc breast implants picture

The volume can add up but there is no way to know what implant is ideal – communicate with your surgeon to get the best result. (Vincent P. Marin, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

350 or 375cc breast implants

I am not sure that were your surgeon to use a 350 in one side and a 375 in the other that either of you could tell which was the larger. These are so close in size that I would suggest not becoming too anxious about the decision. This would be hard to answer even with photos, and even with an in person exam! (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Implant size question

350cc breast

We see this kind of question very often: there are two things to consider. First, 25cc is negligible, I bet your surgeon (if they were inclined) could put 325cc on one side and 350cc on the other, and you would not be able to tell. Second, don’t approach this question as a ‘multiple choice’, with only a single right answer. The answer to the question likely has multiple ‘correct’ answers (what size implant should I choose?). 325cc will look good, 350cc will look good, etc. So try to not get too agonized over this choice. (Matthew Concannon, MD, Columbia Plastic Surgeon)

I’m 26 yrs old, 5’2, 124lbs. Still Confused Between 350cc or 375 Cc Silicone Implants. Any suggestions?

The difference between these two sizes is less than two tablespoons. I would not worry and would simply allow your surgeon to make the decision during surgery. Either implant would likely look fine. (David A. Caplin, MD, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

Between 350cc or 375 Cc Silicone Breast Implants. Any suggestions?

375cc cup size

Although there is a very slight difference between a 375 cc and 350 cc breast implant it is most important that she would be comfortable with your decision. There is a difference in the base width of the larger implant which would make the breast slightly wider and more projected. If you are really concerned about being too large now, this could affect her satisfaction with your procedure which should be a very happy event. In my experience, patients are concerned about going too large and they’re deciding between sizes 25 cc apart I usually recommend a smaller implant. However this is very important decision for you. I encourage you to revisit her plastic surgeon and discussed or concerns in detail so that you had this totally resolved before undergoing surgery. For more information about choosing breast implant size please read the following link. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

How to Choose Breast Implant Size

375cc photo

Its a really good question that you ask and actually not easy to answer. There is not a big difference between the sizes that you are considering but it is enough to be noticeable. 375cc breast implants change at rather small but perceptible increments as they get larger and smaller. We can not really answer which is the better choice with out examining you. As a perspective patient it can be really hard to know what the difference will look like. I would suggest looking at a lot of your surgeon’s before and after photos so you can show him multiple examples of the look you like, and well as the ones you don’t like. That way you and your surgeon can be on the same page. I find this to be one of the most helpful tools in my practice to help assure that a patient’s expectations are met. (Bernard A. Shuster, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Different sizes of 375cc breast implants


A 25 cc difference is a difference of 0.8 ounces (less than one ounce). So even though it may seem like a lot, 0.8 ounces spread over a breast is not a lot. Whether you choose 350 or 375 cc is unlikely to make a significant difference in size. Review all your concerns with your surgeon since they have examined you and done your breast measurements. Best, (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Breast Implant Size

The exact size of the implant that fits your breast properly is usually accurately determined during surgery with the use of silicone sizers. Dimensional measurement of your breasts and chest wall can predict within a close range of sizes. After the pocket is made, the sizers can be used to determine the best fit for your tissue and your desired outcome based on pre-surgery counseling. (Steven J. Smith, MD, Knoxville Plastic Surgeon)

There is such a small difference between 350 cc and 375 cc. Trust your surgeon to make the right decision. Best wishes ! (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)