Surgical Bras and BBAs
The short and sweet answer is that it probably makes no difference.
Having said that, many surgeons have very specific beliefs about bra usage after breast augmentation. My approach to post-op bras is the following.
If I want the implant to drop (usually after a subpectoral or under the muscle augment), I have my patients go without a bra. I may also use a bandeau which pushes the implants down.
This is because implants tend to ride high in the first few weeks after a subpectoral augment, and I want to get my patients to the final cosmetic result as soon as possible.
Bra after breast augmentation recovery
If I have inserted an implant in either the subfascial or subglandular space, I usually have patients wear a surgical bra, as I don’t want the implants do drop or distort the position of the IMF.
The IMF is the fold under the breast. In cases where I have altered the IMF position for symmetry purposes, I will have patients wear an underwire bra after breast augmentation to help define the new IMF. There is no evidence for any of the above, but it makes sense to me. I suggest you ask your surgeon for their rationale/approach to post-op bra usage. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
To bra or not to bra after breast augmentation
The bra after breast augmentation is used for implant support and sometimes comfort. Many times the bra doesn’t fit that well since surgical bra’s are one size fit’s no one (even if they’re measured).
Bra after breast augmentation implants
Sometimes the implants sit in a slightly higher position than ideal and sometimes they’re right where we want them. If the implant looks low during surgery then sutures are added internally to help support the implant. If it is slightly high, then we don’t use implants so that it is allowed to settle over the next 3 months.
This algorhythm seems logical so I apply it to my breast aug patients. Your surgeon already knows that he doesn’t want a bra after breast augmentation which is somewhat unconventional, but I do it often myself. He, like myself probably doesn’t have any dressings or sutures exposed. Some of us use skin glue over our closure so that the patients can shower and wash their hair the same day of surgery so you don’t need a bra to hold up dressings.
He, like many has probably decided that the bra is too much hastle and doesn’t make much of a difference. As you can see with the other answers, almost all agree that there’s not much agreed upon. (Ricardo A. Meade, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Bra or No bra after breast augmentation that is the question
Bra after breast augmentation photos
I think you can tell from the responses that there is no consensus and that it is a personal decision of the surgeon rather than a scientific decision. In my practice I have for nearly 15 years now placed patients in a well fitting, unpadded under wire bra immediately after the surgery and I encourage patients to wear this type of bra the majority of the time after surgery. I do recommend a sports bra when going to the gym or running etc.
The value of the bra is too offer support rather than having the weight of the implant being supported just by your skin which is the alternative. If the procedure is performed correctly, you should not have to rely on the bra to keep the implants in place or no bra after breast augmentation to let the implants move around to adjust the pocket, that is done at the time of the procedure. I would listen to your surgeon because he or she is doing what works best for them. (Ralph R. Garramone, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical bra after breast augmentation
Bra after breast augmentation photo
The truth is that there is no right answer. Each doctor has his or her preference. I like surgical bras and I make my patients wear it for 6wks. I dont like underwire bra’s initially and then I insist on it later. Everyone has there own ideas (Rady Rahban, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Support your investment with a bra after breast augmentation
You should wear a supportive bra after breast augmentation without underwire 24/7 after surgery for two weeks, then during the day for one more week. If a surgical bra is not provided wear a sports bra that clips in the front.
This helps to support the implant weight while the tissue is healing around it. You will also be more comfortable. After a month you can wear any bra you like (or go braless!). Happy bra shopping! (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Every surgeon is different as far as post-operative instructions.
I usually advise patients to stay in the surgical bra at least until their first post-op appointment, however, you should listen to the instructions you were given by your surgeon. (C. Andrew Salzberg, MD, Westchester Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical compression bra after breast augmentation
We also place patients in a surgical compression bra after breast augmentation for postop support.
I feel that this well enhance the results (Sanjay Lalla, MD, FACS, West Orange Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical compression bra after breast augmentation after breast augmentation
This is an excellent question which we get all the time from patients. In my opinion there is no technical or medical scientific reason to use post-operative surgical bras in after surgery after a breast augmentation.
If there is revisionary work being performed or some type of reconstructive procedure, some type of bra may be necessary. When I first started in private practice, everyone left the operating room in a compressive dressing for a few days and then moved into a compression bra after breast augmentation.
Why? Because this is what we all learn in training. Then we get out into practice see what works and what doesn’t. We go to the meetings and talk to our peers and compare “best practices”. In my practice now, patients leave the operating room with a small waterproof dressing (tegaderm) over their steri-strip and that’s it. We tell patients a sports bra, post-surgical bra or a snug camisole may be more comfortable after surgery, but many patients prefer nothing at all. The main reason for the bra during the first 2 weeks of recovery is that we want you to wait before going shopping for nice new beautiful bras.
It takes a few weeks for the implants to settle, the skin to stretch and the implants take on a better size / shape. So in my opinion, other than comfort there is no scientific reason for a post-operative bra. (Christopher T. Maloney Jr., MD, Tucson Plastic Surgeon)
Compression bra after breast augmentation after surgery
Most plastic surgeons do place their women into a compression bra after breast augmentation at surgery or soon afterwards. I apply a dressing with and ace wrap for the first night, and then give a light compressing sports bra for the first 4 weeks.
I do not want the bra to mold the breast shape, but just give some light support and comfort for the first few weeks. Every plastic surgeon will have specific reasons for the dressing or bra they choose. Discuss this with your surgeon. (Connie Hiers, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical Bra Following Breast Augmentation – Follow Your Surgeon’s Advice
It is rather confusing to get conflicting advice from different sources about the same issue. Some plastic surgeons recommend a surgical or sports bra postoperatively and others discourage it. The bottom line is that there is probably no one right answer to any medical question.
Medicine is not an exact science and each situation can be different or unique. The best advice is to follow the recommendations that your own plastic surgeon gives you.
There is usually a good reason surgeons choose their method of treatment and there may be something different about his or her technique necessitating the advice that he / she gives you. (Marie E. Montag, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Best results after breast augmentation.
I have found that a post surgical bra provides the safest and most attractive breast appearance in women undergoing breast implants alone. If a breast lift is also performed, the post surgical compression bra after breast augmentation may be deleted, to allow safer healing.
The best postop care needs to be individualized. (George John Alexander, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Compression bra after breast augmentation after surgery
I typically recommend a soft sports style bra for a month after surgery. This give some gentle support and time to recover. There isn’t any right or wrong so I would recommend doing what your PS says for the best result. Good luck (Mahlon Kerr, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
No Bra After Augmentation
I prefer that the patients not wear a bra for one month after breast augmentation.
This allows the implant to settle naturally into position. A bra will not help position the breast implant. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Ask your surgeon why
I recommend you wear a bra day and night for the first two months after surgery to minimize the risk of bottoming out. However, you should ask your surgeon why they recommended wearing no bra as every surgeon has different guidelines regarding this.
Perhaps they can explain their advice. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Best bra after breast augmentation surgery
The majority of doctors have their patients wear bras after breast surgery. Certainly some sort of compression immediately after to help avoid fluid collections. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this practice. Which is to say, no study has ever been done studying results with and without bras.
If you are going to a plastic surgeon with experience and good results, they must have a plan that works. If there are other issues with this physician that are giving you pause, it would be worth having a couple more consults for piece-of-mind. (Bradley A. Hubbard, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Best surgical bra after surgery?
I have all my patients wear a surgical bra after surgery. It’s like a sports bra that snaps in the front so it’s easy for them to get it on and off. There is no underwire. After about a month, I allow them to wear bras with an underwire. Plastic surgeons sometimes differ in their approach to these issues, so it’s best to talk with your surgeon about his/her preferences and the reasons. (James Knoetgen, III, MD, Fresno Plastic Surgeon)
Listen to your doctor or choose another doctor.
I place my patients in a best surgical bra for a couple of weeks after surgery. I think it is most comfortable for patients to be supported. I don’t believe that wearing or not wearing a bra has any effect on the outcome of the surgery.
If patients tell me their bra is uncomfortable, I tell them to go without. You have chosen a surgeon who feels diffently. They may have experience that influences that opinion. Question your surgeon. There is a reason that you chose this surgeon over whoever your friends went to for surgery. Your best course of action is to always follow the advice of the person that has operated on you. (Stephan Finical, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Wearing a best bra after augmentation
Every surgeon has their own preferences on postoperative techniques, however choosing to have a patient not wear a bra after an augmentation is not common practice.
Once a precise implant pocket has been created, a bra helps to maintain that implant in the proper position until the tissues have begun to heal. (Earl E. Ferguson III, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Best Surgical bra after breast augmentation
A best surgical bra after surgery is very important. The surgical bra must fit correctly and be a specific brand and size. It will assist with shape and relieve pain after surgery. My patients are asked to wear the bra for several weeks after surgery and they find it very comfortable. (Frank J. Ferraro, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)
Wear a best bra after breast augmentation
All my patients wear surgical or sports bras after breast augmentation. It helps with swelling, support and keeps everything “in place”. (Michael Ian Rose, MD, Red Bank Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical bra after breast augmentation
After a breast augmentation without lift, a bra does provide some mild compression to the breasts that can help seal small blood vessels and prevent bleeding. However, a bra overall most likely does not influence your final outcome. (Pramit Malhotra, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)
Should I wear a bra after augmentation
Physicians vary on their use of a post-op bra. I generally feel that the bra is worn only to support dressings on the breast and not to support the breasts. I do not want the bra to move the implant.
In general, if the desired size pocket is made in surgery for the implants, the tissues around the implant will act like a bra. If you need the implants to also lift your breasts, then a bra may be useful to support the tissues immediately after surgery. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)
What to wear after breast aug
Post breast augmentation I recommend my patients to wear an athletic-type bra or coobie post breast augmentation bra.
Patients are to wait at least 4 weeks post-operatively before wearing a bra with underwire. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Bras after Breast Augmentation?
This is an excellent question that every patient wants to know.
There is no “right” answer, and I don’t believe that whether a patient wears a bra or not after surgery affects the final outcome.
That being said, I do send my patients home in a soft, supportive cotton bra immediately after surgery. I think that it gives them gentle support and makes them more comfortable. I just want them to have the most comfortable recovery that they can, and that’s why I use it. (Dustin L. Reid, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Post breast augmentation bra
Bras may or may not be used after breast augmentation. Whether or not to wear a bra after breast augmentation can vary between surgeons and can depend on the size and shape of breast. There is not a single way of doing things so you should follow your own surgeon’s advise. Some breasts are simply more prone to allow the implant to drop too much and for this reason a bra might be helpful early. Other breasts are very tight and don’t allow the implant to drop much, and for these breasts it is helpful not to wear anything that gives support, so that the implant can drop more easily. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Bra or Bra less
I don’t believe it really matters but I usually recommend a loose fitting sports bra with a zipper of clip in front. The bra gives a little support and compression. On the other hand, I do not believe a post breast augmentation bra will make or break the final result. Comfort is most important.
The bra should not be tight or leave marks. If the bra feels comfortable, it probably is just fine. If the bra is uncomfortable, the post breast augmentation bra should be changed or not worn at all. (George C. Peck, Jr, MD, West Orange Plastic Surgeon)
No Surgical Bra Needed after Breast Augmentation
I place my patients in a very loose fitting bra after surgery and this is only because the breasts may be very sensitive and may be uncomfortable if completely braless. I do not recommend tight compression surgical bra.
We want your implants to drop naturally and having them wrapped or compressed can prevent this. Speak to your surgeon specifically, but my patients are usually braless. (Matthew Schulman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical Bra after Augmentation
Our patients are always instructed to wear a surgical bra after augmentation. We provide the post breast augmentation bra in order to correct sizing and to ensure that the garment is appropriate.
The reason we have our patients wear a surgical bra is to provide support post-operatively. Underwire is specifically not used because it can irritate the incisions. (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Follow the advice of your surgeon.
Your surgeon decides whether or not you should wear a surgical bra. In some instances the surgeon has to manipulate in infra-mammary fold to accept the implant; and the use of a post breast augmentation bra in this instance may interfere with the natural drop of the implant. This will alter the eventual position of the prosthesis, and therefore the ultimate result. (Norman G. Morrison, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Bra after breast augmentation?
I ace-wrap all my patients the day of surgery. The following day, the switch to a lightweight bra that gives gentle compression, but does not lift the breast. This minimizes the swelling and patients feel more comfortable. The scar tissue capsule is very immature in the first few weeks so you don’t need to worry about that. Regardless of the advice given to you on this site, always go by what your surgeon recommends. If you don’t trust your PS, then you may want to seek another opinion. (Victor Ferrari, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
What to wear after my breast augmentation?
I have always maintained that bras are overrated. If you feel the need to wear one post-operatively, my preference is that you do not wear an underwire bra for the first one month post-op.
After that time, feel free to wear whatever you like! (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Bra after breast augmentation surgery
There is no right or wrong answer on this one. Follow the advice your plastic surgeon gives you, even though it may differ from what I or other plastic surgeons on this forum may suggest.
I have all my patients wear a sport bra with the clasps in front day and night for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
I think it supports the weight of the implants and is comfortable.
But if your plastic surgeon doesn’t want you to wear a bra, it is a completely valid suggestion. (Damian Marucci, MBBS, FRACS, Australia Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical Bra Guidelines Following Breast Augmentation
Every plastic surgeon has his or her own unique instructions regarding care after a breast augmentation. Some surgeons prefer that you wear a breast augmentation bra and some do not.
Usually, your doctor has developed these instructions over time based on patient experience. The instructions you receive will reflect what works the best for your doctor. Some doctors feel that some compression prevents excessive swelling. Others feel that it’s best for the implant to move freely to help keep the pocket from shrinking. In any event, your doctor will usually select the method that works best for his or her own patients based on past experiences. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical breast augmentation bra
Opinions vary when it comes to wearing a bra or compression garment. Most surgeons recommend a breast augmentation bra for several weeks. Some recommend nothing and some use an ace wrap compression. I believe in most cases you don’t really need a bra except for comfort. If your implants are not in the correct place, your surgeon may recommend a garment to push or stabilize them. I would go with what your PS says. (Kurtis Martin, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical Bra After Breast Augmentation
We have our patients wear a surgical bra After Breast Augmentation for 3 weeks. After that they may use their own. (Jhonny Salomon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
There is no consensus on what should be done afterward. Most surgeons will instruct you on what to do, because they get good results with their own technique, so follow your surgeon’s instructions. (Dennis Dass, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
With or Without a Breast augmentation bra…That is the question!
In my practice, I use a soft surgical bra after surgery for patient comfort. I find that my patients appreciate having something on and covering the nipple-areola as these can be sensitive after surgery. I do not use a surgical bra for support, as I have already created the exact pocket for the breast implant at the time of surgery.
When it comes to your surgery, rest -assured that having a bra or not having a bra will not affect your long-term result. What is important is that your surgeon be performed by a surgeon who is ABPS Board Certified in Plastic Surgery at the very least. Best of luck to you! (Rocco C. Piazza, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)