Massaging Breasts After Breast Augmentation
I recommend breast augmentation massage smooth breast implants after surgery to keep the pocket as large as possible, and minimize the chance of capsular contracture.
This is done by pushing the breast implants up and holding there about 10 seconds, then down and holding, then right and holding, then left and holding, and finally in as large a circle as possible.
Both can be done at the same time. This is not needed for textured implants. (Karen Singer, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Although there is a significant amount of debate regarding this question, I do not believe that breast massage has any significant impact on your results.
The real issue relates to the formation of the scar that develops around the implant which is called the capsule.
Although the implants are usually placed in their proper position, some believe that creating a larger pocket will help reduce contraction of the scar around the implant.
However, this larger pocket can create additional space for the implant to migrate. Should the implant heal in a location that is not ideal, abnormal positioning can occur. It is probably best to ensure that the development of the pocket is as meticulous and sterile as possible this would also include minimizing any bleeding whatsoever as this could be a contributing factor to the development of abnormal scar.
Massage after breast aug picture
My experience in performing exact and meticulous dissections has not required the use of breast massage. Unfortunately, there will always be certain patients who, despite all courses of management, will develop abnormal scar tissue and require additional management.
Consider this: if massaging the breasts made a significant difference, wouldn’t everyone would be doing it? (Melek Kayser, MD, Detroit Plastic Surgeon)
How to perform breast massage after aug
I ask my patients to feel the implant between their thumb and 4 fingers at the lower outer quadrant of the breast and push up and in.
The massage after breast aug
Only about 1 minute in the morning and the evening for a year to avoid scar tissue developing around the implant, causing firmness. You need to grab and squeeze, not just press on the breast to optimally move the implant. (Michele A. Shermak, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Massage after Breast Aug
The best way to massage after a breast aug will depend on each patient. Your plastic surgeon or their nurse will show you exactly how to massage based on your characteristics, usually at the first post-operative visit. It is an important part of breast augmentation recovery and can truly affect the final outcome. But it should be fun and will definitely involve you in your healing. (Dustin L. Reid, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Massage your breasts – Only after your surgeon tells you to do so
Massage after breast aug photo
This may be if benefit, but it may cause arm, Check with your plastic surgeon before starting tis protocol or anything that was not discussed before surgery Most imporyantly – find the right surgeon. This video helps provide some guidelines on selecting the right surgeon for you. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
I honestly don’t think it matters. In theory when a breast implant patient can tolerate massage, the patient may be able to prevent a capsular contracture by keeping the pocket from scarring down.
As the pocket gets scarred down, the patient may develop a harder, firmer breast. There is no real scientific data that supports massage but as long as it doesn’t hurt to perform, it won’t hurt you either. (George C. Peck, Jr, MD, West Orange Plastic Surgeon)
Post Breast Aug Massages
Massage after breast aug for recovery
It is not easy to say that there is universal agreement about breast massaging after breast aug. Some surgeons recommend massaging after breast aug regardless of the kind of implant placed.
Other surgeons recommend massaging silicone implants, while there are others who don’t recommend massaging at all. Nonetheless, massaging your breasts after breast aug in downward, medial and lateral directions maintains the pocket and reduces the likelihood of capsular contracture. Routinely upward massaging is not recommended because the implants are already riding high following surgery so this is not necessary.
It is good to note though that massaging should be tailored to the individual, with the size of the implants placed, the quality of the muscle, the size of the pocket, the pocket created during surgery and the size of the muscle all taken into consideration. Gentle massaging can commence one week following breast aug and be performed 2-3 times each day for the first month and 1-2 times each day subsequently. (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implant Massage after Breast Augmentation
Although it’s controversial whether it actually works or not, if done correctly, will not harm if it doesn’t harm you. Then why not do it. As long as you do it correctly! I wait until about three weeks after the procedure. At that time the wound has healed and the swelling after breast augmentation has essentially resolved.
Any residual discomfort is gone as well. I advise equal and opposite pressure on the implants – but just enough to cause the pocket to stretch. I have the patient start at the twelve o’clock and six o’clock positions and apply “equal and opposite pressure”. Then continue around the entire breast in the same fashion. Never apply pressure in one direction only !
Over time this could lead to stretching the pocket and the skin and in some cases can lead to “bottoming out” of the implants! (Louis C. Cutolo, Jr., MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Massage following Breast Augmentation Surgery
I do not have my patients massage their breasts following breast augmentation surgery as I believe it can increase your risk for capsular contraction. I truly believe that control of the breast implant pocket is important and massaging can alter the size of the pocket following breast augmentation surgery. (Christopher J. Morea, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Massage after Implants
Whether or not to massage is one of the questions in plastic surgery where you will not find a correct answer but will find many, many surgeons who feel confident that they know best. Whether or not massage works has not been figured out. The reasons for massage may, however, be dependant upon your surgeon or your surgery.
For that reason, it is best to ask your surgeon what he or she suggests and why. There may be a reason that none of us here know that is specific to your case. When choosing your surgeon you likely chose someone who you feel was knowledgeable and capable. It is reasonable, then, to trust that persons opinion on postoperative care as well. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Breast massage after breast augmentation
The most helpful massage after breast reduction is medial. This is a very effective way to reduce the gap that many women get in the midline after augmentation. Stretching the skin and muscle a bit in the medial quadrant will create a more natural appearing cleavage which will do much to enhance the overall result. (Douglas Hargrave, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
Massaging is not needed or recommended with advanced technique
My breast augmentation surgical technique is very precise. Thus, I do not recommend breast massage after surgery. It is simply not needed. In fact, the massage activity can result in a stretched pocket and implant malposition. Massaging does nothing to prevent contracture. Reach out to your surgeon if questions persist. Development of a more refined technique for breast implant surgery has resulted in quicker breast augmentation recovery and return to normal activity in 2-3 days. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Massage after breast augmentation
This is something I go over with all of my breast implant patients. I believe it is important for implants to be in a symmetric and controlled location before and after surgery. Breast massage has been advocated by some to reduce capsular contracture after breast augmentation (when implants become hard and firm), but I believe many of those factors are controlled during surgery.
I instruct my patients to perform gentle arm stretches which I describe as air yoga starting 48 hrs after surgery. This allows the patient to gently work out any mild soreness and allow the implants to move as they are supposed for a natural result. (Steven M. Camp, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)
How to massage the breast after breast augmentation.
When breast augmentation is performed there is a new space under the breast/muscle and this space is not normally present.
The body has a tendency to want to close this space off. The purpose of breast augmentation massage is to push the breast implants in various directions in order to keep the space that was created to maintain the shape of the breast.
The space around the implant has everything to do with the shape of the breast.
If the space changes the shape changes and the feel of the breast may be come firmer.
I recommend to start by compressing the lateral part of the breast towards the rib cage to help define the cleavage line by holding this compression 5 seconds. Then repeat 10 times. Then push the lower part of the breast up with your hand in a upwards motion angling up at around 30 degrees to displace the implant towards the top of the breast.
This maintains the upper pole space. This space is important in how soft the implant feels. If there is no space above the implant the implant has no place to move and this make the breast feel considerably firmer.
The last exercise is to push the upper pole of the implant backwards towards the upper rib cage in an attempt to stretch the lower part of the breast. This is only done early after breast augmentation, since shortly after initial breast augmentation the implant tends to sit high on the chest. Once the implant settles down, the breast must be supported and not displaced downwards any more.
Usually after a month if the breasts are equally soft breast augmentation massage is not necessary. (Benjamin Chu, MD, FACS, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation massage after surgery
I recommend very gentle movement of your breasts during the first week. By week 2, I suggest pushing your breasts inward and holding for 1 minute. Then push to the sides and hold for 1 minute.
Then gently push and “pinch” the tissue around your breasts for 1 minute. Do this at least 3 times a day. For those who have implants under the muscle, raise your arms above your head, and roll your shoulders forward and backward for a minute each, three times a day. (Connie Hiers, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Post-op Massage
I have my patients move their implants starting the first day after surgery. Despite the fact that they have some restriction from wearing the sports bra for 3 weeks, it is still good to displace the implants in their pocket 3 or 4 times a day so the implant mobility is maintained. In terms of massaging the breast tissue itself, it does reduce some edema and make the patient more comfortable starting about 2 weeks post op. I have a licensed massage therapist in my practice do breast augmentation massage and massage of your post operative sites. If you allow someone else to do this who is not a professional, you may not be as happy with the massage outcome.
The patient herself can massage and move her implants during her day through her clothing. I have found that the patients are much more desensitized and feel more comfortable when their implants are more mobilized by week
3. This has not been shown, however, to reduce the capsular contracture risk. (Paul Vanek, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implants
Breast augmentation massage depends on what your doctor recommend. I do not believe that massaging helps the end result.
I do tell my patients to start massaging after three months. It is really up to your Plastic Surgeon to decide if this is the right thing to do. (Norman M. Rowe, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
I do not recommend implant massage
I use textured implants under the muscle to avoid capsular contracture – no massage needed! (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation massage Following Surgery
When a breast implant is placed, either under the breast or underlying muscle, a natural lining will develop around the breast implant itself. As long as the pocket that is created by this lining remains large enough to allow for some movement of the implant within the pocket, the breast should remain soft and natural in its feel.
If the implant pocket shrinks in size then it will not allow for natural movement of the implant and can lead to a breast that feels unnaturally firm. This phenomenon is referred to as a capsular contracture.
To help prevent this phenomenon many surgeons recommend some form of massage after breast augmentation. The breast augmentation massage is intended to help keep the pocket from shrinking in size. Each surgeon normally has his or her own recommended technique for this.In some cases, it is helpful to customize the type of massage to the specific situation of the patient.
In general, the breast implant should be pushed in each direction and held in that position for ten seconds. This would include an upward movement, a downward movement, a right movement, and a left movement. This process ideally should be repeated a few times daily. If your surgeon feels that you need more stretching of the lower part of the breast then an effective technique would be to use your opposite hand placed on the top part of the breast and lifting it upward tightly.
You should then take the other hand and place it flatly on the nipple area and push directly inward. This will direct pressure to the lower portion of the breast. Before you start any type of breast massage however, be certain to check with your surgeon. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Implant massaging after augmentation
The purpose of implant exercises is to manipulate the implant to the entire extent of the pocket that was created to fool your body into thinking the implant is larger than it actually is so, when you lie down the implant falls a little to the side and when you sit up, it drops down naturally.
The exercises are performed by using the opposite hand, right hand for left breast and vice versa. The right hand cups the left breast underneath and leaving the little finger in the fold rocks toward the chest displacing the implant upward. It is not a lift, a rock. The second exercise, the right hand reaches around cupping the side of the left breast and rocks it toward the center of the chest. Typically I recommend two directions.
If the implant is sitting high I would add a third to displace the implant down from above. Exercises are performed twice a day morning and evening, two times each side. (Roger J. Friedman, MD, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon)
Massaging after breast implant
Implant massaging in my opinion is an important part of your post implantation regimen to get a great result. The idea is that your surgeon has made an implant pocket of an appropriate size, and once the healing process begins, your body wants to close off this space and make it as small as possible – that is just he bodies natural way of healing itself.
Massaging keeps this space the same size as your surgeon originally designed it- after 8 weeks or so your body essentially gives up its plan to make the pocket smaller.
Every surgeon has his or her regimen that works for them – I would consult with our PS to get their idea of how to do it. It is also important not to massage textured implants – it can lead to issues. (Robert Steely, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Breast massaging
This will be dependent on the type of implant you have, please consult your plastic surgeon before beginning and implant massaging. For example, if you have shaped/textured implants, it is not advisable to massaging the implants. (Dennis Dass, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Massaging After Breast Augmentation
When smooth round implants are used for breast augmentation, most surgeons recommend “massaging” starting around 2 weeks after surgery. The best way to do this is to press the implant between you thumb and fingers in each direction – up, down, side, then towards the center.
Make sure your plastic surgeon wants you to do this. I do not have my patients who get a textured implant, round or anatomic, do any massage. (Cory Goldberg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Implant Displacement Excercises
It is very important that after your breast augmentation procedure you perform “implant displacement excercises” in order to maintain soft and supple implants. These excercises also help with avoiding capsular contractures. (Carl Askren, MD, Fresno Plastic Surgeon)
Massaging after augmentation
Very few of my patients ever massaging due to my low rate of capsular contracture but when indicated, it is merely displacing the implant around the pocket to theoretically maintain the space. Up, down, side to side, and circular motion, clockwise and counter clockwise for 5 minutes each side. Thats it. (Daniel J. Casper, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)