Breasts Pocket too high?
The photos demonstrate significant upper fullness.
There has been some improvement from day 2 to day 19 but there is also cause for a little concern.
Textured implants do not slip and slide as easily into position as smooth implants in my opinion.
That is usually a good thing unless they are too high.
Textured implants can offer great long term positional stability.
Some of what you see today will resolve and I think you are still at least a few weeks from knowing whether repositioning the implants is in order.
High profile breast augmentation photos
I would suggest a weekly photo as close to breast level as possible, at some point the position will not change any more and you can discuss the outcome with your surgeon. (Daniel Ness, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Your implants are still in the process of dropping – it is not unusual for it to take several months, especially when you start with a tight fold and not much tissue in the lower pole of the breasts.
I use only textured implants and have seen them continue to drop and settle for up to six months. You should go in and see your surgeon – he or she may want to put a band across the top of your breasts to encourage the implants to drop into the pocket that was created for them. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Implants too high?
High profile breast augmentation after
The best advice at this point is patience. The implants will soften and drop by around 2-3 months. As the implant pushes on the breast tissue the breast will soften and the implant will look “dropped” and more normal. Hang in there (Mahlon Kerr, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Breast position after an augmentation
Although there will be some settling of the implant in time, textured implants do not move as much as smooth implants as they attach to the tissues. Attempting muscle massage or implant massage can at times be effective in the first few weeks, but by 6 weeks the changes are very small. I think you should go back and see your surgeons so they can photograph you every 4-6 weeks to see what improvements are occurring. There is a possibility you might need the pocket adjusted with surgery but that will need to be decided between you and your surgeon as to how soon. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
High profile breast augmentation picture
Please wait until about three to four months after your surgery to assess your results. By this time, your breasts will have taken on a more natural contour, where the lower breasts become softer and rounder. Natural tissue expansion occurs to allow this to happen, with the help of gravity. Please wait until at least your fourth month to consider revision surgery. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Because it has only been three weeks since your surgery it is hard to say if you will eventually need a revision. Breast augmentation swelling can still be present even up to six weeks post-operatively which may cause implants appearing “too high”. I would suggest waiting another few weeks to see how your breast look then. I normally do not suggest massaging of breast after using a textured implant. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implants Too High?
High profile breast augmentation after surgery
It is way too early to tell how the implants will settle. This process takes from 1 to 6 months and possibly even longer. You may just have muscle spasm or the interior pocket may have closed up or not be large enough. It’s also possible the implants are just too big for your chest. However no revision should be attempted for at least six months if they do not settle.
It takes Your body that long before it is ready for another surgery. Do not do massage. It is contraindicated for textured implants and just causes more scar tissue and possible fluid collections. Like the song says time is on your side. You just have to give it enough time for things to sort themselves out. (Andrew Kaczynski, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)
Although your implants do look high right now, there’s still plenty of time for them to drop during your recovery before you consider revision surgery.
Three weeks after surgery is a very short time, even though it may feel like forever.
In fact, most plastic surgeons will tell you that you need to wait at least six months after your initial surgery before they’ll perform a revision for this very reason.
Although it’s always hard to be patient, give it a bit longer and try not to get discouraged in the meantime.
You should also check back with your surgeon to get his or her opinion about what your next step should be just in case. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Three weeks after surgery is pretty early to be considering breast surgery revision; I recommend waiting at least six months before considering further surgery. That being said, the final results of your breast augmentation definitely take some time to reveal themselves.
The surgical implant pocket is tight at first, and the implants take a little while to drop and settle into their final position, especially with a submuscular placement. This can take from few weeks (rarely that soon) to a few months (a much more typical timeframe). Give it some time, and call your surgeon in a couple more months if the implants still seem too high to see what options or suggestions he or she recommends. (Frank Campanile, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implants are always “high profile” post-operatively. And they always drop. I still remember the first breast augmentation that I performed. I saw the patient one week later and the implants were so high.
I had to change my Depends. They always fall. Hers fell, she got a great result, and her photos are now on my web site. So, the punch line is don’t worry – implants always drop! (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation high profile
I would be patient. Implants often drop at their own pace and as your physical activity increases, this should continue to improve. If you have not seen any improvement by 4 months, I would consider the option of revision.
I would maintain close followup with your plastic surgeon and discuss a massage regimen for your implants. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
While your implants are currently high profile, you are still in the early recovery period at 3 weeks. Your implants will likely drop a bit more over the next couple of weeks as the inferior pole skin relaxes.
Whether or not the amount of drop is sufficient remains to be determined. Looking at the markings on your photos as well as the shape of your breasts, it appears that the plan was to lower your crease a bit.
The initial distance from your nipples to inframammary fold was short, which increases the incidence of high riding implants. The degree of post op descent will be influenced by the amount of muscle release during the surgery and the type of implants used. The textured implants do drop a bit less in my experience.
I would typically recommend massage exercises to help with the descent but would advise discussing this with your plastic surgeon first. There are several types of exercises that can help. I would wait for a couple more weeks before even considering revision in most cases. Best of luck with your breasts. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
The period of time immediately following breast augmentation surgery is characterized by rapid change. During this dynamic phase of healing, swelling, muscle spasm, and the healing process itself all contribute to changes in the appearance of a woman’s breast. In some cases, swelling and muscle spasm can displace the breast implants in a superior direction when implants are placed beneath the muscle. Based on your pictures, I believe this is a distinct possibility.
In some cases, superior implant displacement may be due to inadequate dissection of the muscle insertions of the inferior portion of the breast pocket. There is no evidence that this has occurred in your case. Indeed, your pre-operative markings suggest adequate dissection of the inferior portion of the pocket.
With time, assuming adequate pocket dissection, these implants might return to a more normal position. Unfortunately, when texturized implants are used, this is less likely to occur than when smooth-walled implants are used. Sometimes, the use of a bandeau superiorly and massage may facilitate this process, but again this is less likely with texturized implants. It may take 3 to 6 months for these implants to drop into a normal position.
If no progress has occurred by then, revisional surgery may be necessary. This would involve re-creating the lower portions of the breast pocket. It’s important to have good communication with your plastic surgeon. Make sure he is aware of your concerns. He is familiar with the specifics of your surgery and will be able to give you appropriate direction. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Usually it only takes some time before the implants will drop into place. Wait at least 3 – 6 months and see your surgeon if your implants have not fallen into the proper position. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
High implants after breast augmentation
This is a common concern after breast augmentation. If the implants were placed under the muscle they might take longer to drop and I recommend to my patients to wear an elastic band for the first 3-4 weeks. Be patient and keep the routine follow up with your surgeon. Massage your breast as recommended and you will see improvement by weeks 6-8. (Humberto Palladino, MD, FACS, El Paso Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implants pocket too high after surgery
I agree from the photos that your breast implants appear too high. Your implants will continue to drop after your augmentation. Massaging is something I do recommend for patients. On most occasions I do not have patients to wear a strap that aids in the dropping of the implants into place.
Since you are only three weeks out I would not begin to worry just yet. You can be swollen for several weeks. Please discuss your concerns with your surgeon. (Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)
Implant position i too high
It is common for implants to rise in the pocket in the early post operative period. Many surgeons will use a compression band to combat this and also recommend downward massage efforts in the weeks following surgery. The textured surface of your implants is designed to reduce capsular contracture but will also make displacement of your implant less likely.
Both of these techniques can be tried and will not likely cause any harm. If these methods are not successful, then you may have to consider a return to the operating room. Make no decision for at least three months. Time is a great ally in these situations. (Douglas Hargrave, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implants take some time to settle after surgery, but do so to a variable extent. I did not see pre-operative images in your assortment, so I can’t tell you much more. Textured implants supposedly do not require massage but this is controversial and I don’t use textured implants for other reasons. I would follow your surgeon’s advice on these things. You should still be seeing him or her for post-operative care. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)
You are right that in general massage of textured implants is not recommended although I have met a few plastic surgeons who have their patients do this. You are very early in your recovery by the dates on your photos but if after 3-6 months of healing, they have not dropped, you may want to consider a revision to lower them.
Discuss this concern with your plastic surgeon to develope a plan. Dr Edwards (Michael C. Edwards, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implants high after Breast Augmentation
It is true that implants drop over time, but I am not sure this will happen with you. Firstly, textured implants do not drop as much. They tend to stay close to where they were placed. Also, it appears that your lower pole skin was tight and the fold was high. If this skin was not loosened and the fold was not dropped, then you can’t expect much to happen. I suspect that you will need a revision, but speak to your surgeon and wait it out a few more months. (Matthew Schulman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast height after augmentation
Yes, the breasts look high but it is normal from them to begin high and then gradually settle. You are very early in the healing process so be patient and follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implants high after breast augmentation surgery
You are early in the recovery process from your breast augmentation surgery. Your implants will continue to drop for up to 2-3 months. The muscle can pull the implants higher after surgery and if this occurs, they will take longer to settle and drop.
In our Jacksonville breast augmentation practice, we use a top strap with help prevent the implants from riding up in the early stages and, therefore, minimize the time it takes for patients to see their final result. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
High Breast After Augmentation
Your breasts will continue to drop after your augmentation. Massaging is something I highly recommend for patients.
On most occasions I require patients to wear a strap that aids in the dropping of the implants into place.
Since you are only three weeks out I would not begin to worry just yet. You can be swollen for up to a year in some cases. Good Luck! (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)