Breast Implants and Tummy Tuck
It is very common to have a breast Implants and tummy tuck combo done in the same surgery.
This is often considered the mommy makeover as while children are absolutely wonderful they often can take a toll on a woman’s body.
I typically do not like for elective outpatient surgery to go over five hours, but a breast implants and a tummy tuck combo can easily be achieved in this time period.
The other question that I commonly get about my mommy makeover is about the recovery for a combined procedure such as this one.
Tummy tuck and breast augmentation picture before
The recover has become much easier for patients then it was even five years previously for several reasons. One, all the patients go home the same day after their procedure. Two, I typically do not use drains so it is much easier for patient to move around after surgery.
Thirdly and most importantly there is a new medication that is a long acting local anesthesia that I inject into the muscles (that are commonly tightened during the tummy tuck), incisions and any area where I performed liposuction and this medication works for three days. It has become more common that patients tend to be too active after surgery rather than having pain issues. I would recommend that you discuss this with your board certified plastic surgeon. (Johnny Franco, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
This combination a good plan in most patients
Before tummy tuck and breast implants
Breast implants is very often combine with tummy tuck. The recovery is the same as if you had done the tummy tuck alone. These are two operations which go well together. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Combining breast implantswith tummy tuck surgery
Breast and abdominal surgeries are frequently done at the same time. It is usually safe to do both together, and is sometimes called a “mommy makeover”. I generally advise patients to stay over night if they have both procedures done together. Combining the surgeries actually saves money(compared to two separate surgeries), results in only one recovery, and only one anesthetic. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover
The tummy tuck and breast implants
These surgeries are very commonly combined. It is both safe and efficient to have both procedures at once – one anesthetic, one recovery, and one fantastic result. We commonly refer to this combination as a “mommy makeover”. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Combining a breast implants with a tummy tuck
It is very common to have both surgeries done together & more recommended. For example, if you separate the two surgeries not only will it cost more because you would have to pay double anesthesia & OR fees, it’ll also take longer to recover so then you would need more time off of work.
It is completely safe to have both surgeries done at the same time. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck and breast augmentation before
It is common to perform breast augmentation and tummy tuck during the same operation. This is commonly referred to as “mommy makeover.” Combining the surgeries leads to 1 recovery period and potentially some cost savings over splitting up the surgeries. (Dennis Dass, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Combining a breast implants and a tummy tuck
It is quite common to combine a tummy tuck and breast implants at the same time. This is often referred to as a mommy make over, as it can address many of the changes that occur in a woman’s body after childbirth. Because the breasts and belly are often viewed together, this combination can restore and enhance your torso, making your clothes fit better and you to feel better.
Tummy tuck and breast augmentation image
There are also advantages to combining the procedures. These typically include less cost than doing the procedures separately and overlapping the recovery times. An evaluation by a plastic surgeon will determine if you are well suited for both procedures. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
Combination Procedures are a Great Option! Tummy Tuck with Breast Augmentation is Referred to as a Mommy Makeover
The majority of patients who request Tummy Tuck in combination with breast augmentation have had previous pregnancies.
Tummy tuck and breast augmentation after photo
It’s not uncommon for women to develop breast volume loss, breast sag, and redundant abdominal tissue with weakened muscles following pregnancy. Many of these problems are refractory to diet and exercise. In many cases, they can severely affect self confidence, self esteem, self image, sexuality, and how clothes fit. For these reasons, we see a large number of patients who request treatment of these conditions. When several of these problems are addressed in combination, we call the procedure a Mommy Make-Over. It’s not uncommon to perform breast implants and abdominoplasty together. There are several advantages to this type of approach. When done in combination, patients have synergy that improves their overall result. In addition, there’s significant cost savings and patients have only one recovery. Combination surgery is not for everyone. Some patients may have co-existing health problems which prevent this approach. In these cases, surgery should probably be staged. The Mommy Make-Over and its variants have extremely high satisfaction rates. If you’re considering combination surgery, consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who can help you determine what option is best for you. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
It is possible to combine breast implants and a body contouring procedure such as tummy tuck at the same time.
The combination is commonly called a mommy makeover. You should consult with 2 – 3 surgeons to ensure that the combination is appropriate and safe for you. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Very Common To Combine Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck
It is very common and is part of a “mommy makeover”. To determine whether it is suitable for you to have both procedures performed in a single surgery, please speak to a certified plastic surgeon.
They will examine your medical history and current condition to make sure it’s safe for you, as it will be a fairly lengthy surgery.
The benefits of combining the procedures include limiting anesthesia to just one administration, experiencing a single (although possibly more intensive) recovery process, taking less time off of work and it is generally less expensive. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy Makeover
Breast augmentation and tummy tuck combo procedures can be combined, and in fact often are. Of course, this is assuming you do not have any medical comorbidities that would put you at high risk for complications like a DVT/PE. If you have any significant medical issues, these may limit the number of procedures you can have at a single setting. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Is It Common to Combine Breast augmentation and tummy tuck
Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck are procedures that are commonly performed together. With the advent of the “mommymakeover” we have seen an increase in these procedures and they are safe to perform in the same surgical setting. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Combining Breast implants with a Tummy Tuck is fine in a healthy patient.
Abdominoplasty and breast enlargements are often combined in healthy patients to provide for one recovery period (this is also known as a mommy makeover). The patient’s examination and discussion of the patient’s objectives with the plastic surgeon is essential to determine what specific procedures need be performed (and can be safely combined). (Douglas J. Raskin, MD, DMD, Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon)
It is very safe for a healthy lady to have Breast Augmentation and Abdominoplasty at the same setting. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Abdominoplasty and breast implants can be combined….
but it depends a bit on the case. Very extensive tummy tucks, like for example after massive weight loss and/or a gastric band, can be quite extenisve operations. Tummy tucks are not all the same. If it is a moderate tummy tuck there is no problem. We have recently reviewed a series of 132 such combined surgeries and found that patient satisfaction was even higher compared to the operations being performed separately. (Alexander Aslani, MD, EBOPRAS, Spain Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck: a good combo for the right patient
Generally the answer is yes: a breast implants and a tummy tuck combo can be done at the same time. This can be otherwise referred to as a “Mommy Makeover.” (Love the concept, hate the name.) The real advantage to this is that you have only one recovery.
And, it has been my experience that adding the breast implants to the tummy tuck does not really prolong the recovery from the tummy tuck. Said differently, the tummy tuck recovery is the longer recovery and really drives the recovery process. And while there can be some cost savings in doing the two together, the biggest saving is in your time, with only one recovery. Some things to consider, though. You should be done having children, and I suspect you are.
Also, it is best to get as close to the weight where you want to be prior to the surgery. While many people are just interested in a breast implants, some need a breast lift as well. This will not necessarily extend the recovery, but does take a little longer to do. All in all, the two operations go well together. You next best move is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon and get his/her take on what would be best for you. (David B. Reath, MD, Knoxville Plastic Surgeon)
These 2 procedures can be performed together, make sure you have your procedure performed by a board certified plastic surgeon that performs this combination frequently. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
s It Common to Combine Breast implants with Tummy Tuck Surgery?
It is very common to combine tummy tuck with either breast implants or breast lift (called the “Mommy Makeover – speaking to correcting the issues that occur after pregnancy).
These two procedures are commonly performed simlutaneously, and allows you (the patient) a single recovery process.
When deciding how much is safe to do at one time, the surgeon needs to take into consideration the amount of time each part of the procedure will take, how much blood do they expect to lose, etc – At the end of the day, the most important issue is patient safety.
Having said all that, this combination of procedures is quite safe and a very popular option for a lot of our patients. (Matthew Concannon, MD, Columbia Plastic Surgeon)
Many women after having children desire both procedures done at the same time. This procedure is called the “Mommy Makeover.” This has become a popular combinatination for for many women. I would advise that you meet with a board certified plastic surgeon to be examined to determaine if you indeed are a candidate to have both procedures done at the same time. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Is it common to perform an augmentation mammoplasty and abdominoplansty together?
Yes it is. Of course, it is more common to do breast implants and an abdominoplasty separately, but after pregnancy the breasts often lose some of their size and may even sag, and the abdomen after pregnancy stretches and often protrudes. The common term for the two procedures together is “mommy make-over.”
Doing them together saves recovery time and money because the supplies and anesthesia prices are combined and less than the price of them separately. Another procedures frequently done in combination are a breast uplift (mastopexy) and/or liposuction. (E. Ronald Finger, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)
Enhancing Your Breast implants with Additional Procedures
Breast implants currently is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. There has been a marked increase in the number of women, not only asking for implants, but combining their breast enlargement procedure with additional body contouring procedures in order to achieve a better overall result.
The most common procedures include liposuction of the abdomen, hips, and thighs or possibly a tummy tuck with additional liposuction of the hips and thighs. Women comment to us that the outcome of the augmentation is enhanced by these additional procedures.
Many patients have likened it to when they guy a new top and then continue to wear their older slacks. They find that the new top looks much better with a new pair of slacks.
These types of combination procedures are performed on a routine basis at Aesthetic Surgical Images.
Our patients also tell us that they like the idea of one recovery instead of several recovery times for different operations.
They also appreciate the fact that it is less expensive to perform two or three operations at the same time than to separate them. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)