Are you happy with the size of your breasts while they are in a bra? Then you need a lift. If you want added volume, then an augmentation is needed.
If you need both repositioning of the breast volume and added volume, then both a lift and augmentation are needed. (Michael A. Fiorillo, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Lift and Breast Implants
Breast lifts and breast implants perform different functions.
Breast implants provide volume and can either enhance or restore the size of the breasts.
Breast implants alone do not provide substantial lift to the breasts.
Breast Lift versus Breast Augmentation surgery
If the primary concern is sagging or ptosis to the breast, the better operation is to formally lift he breasts through a mastopexy. Sometimes patients desire both, i.e. increased volume and lift to the breasts.
In this situation both operations are performed. As to when a breast lift is “required”, one condition is often quoted as a guide. If the nipple position is lower than the inframmary fold, i.e. the crease beneath the breast, then a breast lift is usually recommended. (Michael A. Fiorillo, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
To lift? or only an augmentation?
Breast Lift versus Breast Augmentation photo
A breast lift is a procedure to raise the nipple-areolar complex. It does not increase the volume of the breast like an augmentation. Some patients are candidates for both procedures. A consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will determine what procedure is best for you. (Eric Chang, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Lift or Larger?
Ask yourself if are happy with the size of your bra or would you prefer a larger cup size. If you want a larger cup size then you will need an implant or augmentation. If you are ok with the size but would prefer to be a bit more perky, then a lift might be just right for you. A lift is going to do a lot for drooping or sagging of the breast and an implant is going to add fullness and volume to the breast. (Eric Chang, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation vs. Mastopexy. Natrelle STYLE 510 prostheses.
The breast Lift versus Breast Augmentation
The purpose of each surgical procedure is different:
BREAST AUGMENTATION: Improve the size of your breasts.
BREAST LIFT (Mastopexy): Improve the downward position of your nipples, and the breast sagging / laxity. But there are same clinical situations, where a breast augmentation, when your (and your surgeon) choice is an ANATOMICAL (SHAPED) PROSTHESE, can correct a mild / moderate drop.
If “STYLE 510” (Natrelle-Allergan) implant is chosen, we can solve a 2-3 cm drop without a lift. The main advantage of an anatomical shaped breast augmentation will be a minimal scar (45mm). When we use ROUND implants, we worsen the nipple-areola malposition if a lift is needed. This fact occurs because the maximum projection point of a round implant is just in the middle. In the other hand, the major projection of a shaped implant is lower (aproximately at 30% of its lower point); with “Style 510” the most projected point of the prosthese is at 20% of the bottom.
Breast Lift versus Breast Augmentation
In Europe (specially in Spain), breast augmentation with anatomical implants, specially in moderate ptosis (<2cms.) has become in recent years the most preferred option for both patients and plastic surgeons. Although upper pole is not improved, breast shape is clearly enhanced and stylized. (Wayne I. Yamahata, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implants are designed to enhance the size of a woman’s breasts, and
They work extremely well when chosen wisely and placed skillfully. They are not really designed to change the shape of a woman’s breasts, specifically issues like uneven areolar size, or position. Implants, particularly placed above the muscle, can have a small effect on droopy (ptotic) breasts, but if there is significant ptosis of the breasts, than a breast lift is the correct operation.
If the problem is one of both size and shape of the breasts, than a combination of both operations, the augmentation mastopexy, is the appropriate operation. Clearly, a consultation with a skilled cosmetic breast surgeon is necessary to decide the best approach in your particular situation. (Wayne I. Yamahata, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)