Massage Breasts after Breast Aug with breast implant displacement exercises.
Breast implant displacement exercises are very important to keep breast implants soft and moveable and avoid capsular contracture or hardening of the implants.
The hand is used to squeeze the implant and push it upwards and downwards. Then with the palm the implant is pressed against the body.
In addition I have my patients press the two breasts together towards the center of the chest. Be sure to ask your surgeon for advice and if he/she wants you to do these exercises. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implant massage
This is an area of some debate. And the scientific literature is anything but conclusive.
In my experience, post operative implant massage is only necessary if the implants are unusually high and implant massage can help increase the speed/rate at which the implants drop.
I personally do not believe that implant massage is otherwise necessary nor does it affect the ultimate rate of capsular contracture. (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
I am a big advocate of breast massage. I like to wait until the first postoperative visit to begin massage for three reasons.
Breast aug massage photo
1. I do not want excess tension on the fresh incision, which can cause wound healing problems
2. Massage will increase soreness and I want to get patients off pain medication as quickly and safely as possible.
3. Early massage can increase the risk of bleeding, which is the number 1 cause of capsular contracture/scar formation. For this reason, I begin massage therapy at the first visit, which is 4-7 days postop.
I then establish a regimine of 3 minutes of massage 3 times a day for 3 months. I do prefer a bra, especially in physically active patients, as I find it helps prevent the implant from dropping too much and causing implant malposition. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
The breast aug massage
Massaging your breast implants
Obviously by the other answers, this is very controversial and we all do surgery post op care differently. I think massage is nice but not absolutely necessary. I think it can help massage the muscle, move the implant in a positive direction, soften the pocket, and also move the shoulders so you don’t get stiff. I don’t think it decreases your risk of capsular contracture. Your surgeon should have some years of experience to guide you with what works well in his or her practice. (Elisa A. Burgess, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
Post aug breast massage
I ask my patients to displace the implant so the pocket I created does not close off. It has worked well for me. I use smooth implants only. (Gregory Lynam, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)
Breast aug massage pictures
Breast Aug Massage
I suggest 3x a day moving your breast in every direction (top,bottom,left,right) I usually tell people to do it in the bathroom so they remember to do it (Ryan Neinstein, MD, FRCSC, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Lymphatic drainage massage
We do lymphatic drainage massage. This involves light, rhythmical massage that aids the body in collecting and moving lymphatic fluid. (Jhonny Salomon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Breast aug massage picture
The message of massaging your breasts seems to send the wrong picture. It is not a massage of the breast, rather manually displacing the implant in the created pocket to maintain the size of the pocket which will in turn lead to a large capsule.
This is performed with smooth implants only and is typically started, at least in my practice, one week post op. The best way to move the implants is to have your board certified plastic surgeon or his/her assistant show you the technique.
The movement of the implants is typically in an upward fashion. Upward and inward so really displacing the implants up towards your chin. (Joel B. Beck, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Massage
This is really something you should ask your surgeon. Just make sure that whatever you do, it is slow and steady rather than jerky and fast. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
How Do You Massage Breasts After Breast Augmentation?
If your implant was placed under the muscle, much of the massage will be performed by your pectoralis muscle every time you move your arm. Additional massage can be performed by placing gentle pressure in the lower pole of your breast and sliding the implant up towards your clavicle. Do this 10 times per day for optimal capsule and breast softness preservation. (Jason Mussman, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)
Several different surgical techniques are used with several different implant styles now days. and the decision on postop care for the implant depends on
1. what type of augmentation was performed and with what type of implant. I would not want you massaging a shaped implant at all. But rather perform mild stretching exercises and massage.
2. How you look on your first postop visit. -if we need to displace the implant in any direction. we may elect for select massaging techniques or specific implants displacement exercises and massage. This again would depend on what we are trying to accomplish post op.
The best answer for you: You should discuss this specifically with your plastic surgeon, as he is the only one who knows exactly what he did during surgery and what he wants to accomplish long term. (Paul W. Papillion, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)
I Don’t Believe in Implant Massage after breast augmentation
But I do want women to re-familiarize themselves with their new breasts after augmentation. This means feeling where the implant is located, feeling how the native breast tissue has changed, touching the scar to help to desensitize it.
I don’t feel that massage after breast augmentation can hurt the implant or the result, but I don’t think it can help them either. Women who examine their own breast regularly are better able to identify (with the help of their plastic surgeon) problems with the implant or breast. It is always best to know your own body and this is particularly true after surgery. (Adam J. Oppenheimer, MD, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)
Massaging your breasts after surgery
SO the truth is that there is NO data, proof that massaging your breast reduces capsular contracture. The enemy in breast augmentation is hardening and lots of doctors will have you massage in an effort to reduce the risk. That being said no one actually knows if it works. So dont over think massaging! (Rady Rahban, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implant exercises important
After breast augmentation, the implant can settle an almost astonishing amount. In our office, we use a protocol beginning 24 hrs after surgery. Formal breast implant exercises and massage start at 1 week. However, we use a modified protocol where in most patients they do not do the down direction unless there implants are very high. (Pramit Malhotra, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implant massage after breast augmentation
Demonstration is the best method, however if they are not shown they should perform the following actions. Push both breast together so that the cleavage is touching in the middle. Press each breast individually (similar to a mammogram) moving the implant to where they can feel the stretch inside. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)
Massage Techniques Differ Per Patient
Good question. Some surgeons are proponents of massage, and some are not. I have seen research that shows massage can help your breasts settle into position faster after surgery, keep your breasts soft over time, and possibly even prevent complications such as capsular contracture. That’s why I instruct my patients during a follow-up visit to begin massaging their breasts gently a few times a day once their incisions have fully healed. Most massage techniques involve pressing on the sides, top, and bottom with a couple of fingers to allow the implant to move within the breast pocket.
However, each patient has different needs, and you should ask your surgeon to demonstrate the precise technique you should follow. After he or she shows you, perform the massage technique yourself in your surgeon’s presence to be sure you’re doing it right. (Arthur M. Cambeiro, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
How Do You Massage Breasts After Breast Augmentation?
Breast massage after augmentation is highly recommended. The more interaction you have with your own body and your implants – the softer and more natural your breast will feel and appear. We advocate 4 different directions for massage. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Massage
This is one of those gray areas where plastic surgeons are not in complete agreement. Since conservative massage after breast augmentation is unlikely to be harmful, I recommend a program of gently pushing the implants toward each other five times a day for five months. Every surgeon has his/her own technique. (Richard L. Zeff, MD, Portsmouth Plastic Surgeon)
Massage implants after breast augmentation
Generally I do not have my patients massage their breast during the first post op week. The breasts are tight and displacement exercises uncomfortable.
Once softening has begun I do recommend massage since it helps maintain the surgically created pocket and assist with the settling process.
This is important with smooth round protheses placed submuscularly which most plastic surgeons utilize. Fortunately capsular contracture is much less common today than it was in the ” old days” that some of us around still remember. (William F. DeLuca Jr, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
I do not have any of my patients massage as I do not see any reason for it. If the pocket is created properly then massage to displace the implant in some way is not needed.
If the procedure was performed properly then the risk of capsule contrature has been minimized and breast massage will neither increase or decrease the incidence of it occuring.
In short, I do not personally see the need for massage after breast augmentation. If the patient wants to perform massage I am fine with it as well as it does not do any harm. (William F. DeLuca Jr, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implant displacement massage
If usually recommend to patients to perform breast implant displacement massage a few days after surgery. It is meant to keep the pocket open so that the implant moves freely in the pocket. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Massage – based on individual needs
There are many ways and many opinions on how or if to massage an impalnt following surgery. There are no absolutes in plastic surgery. There are 15 ways to do everything. Individualization is the key to success. I personally believe that massage is beneficial. Your plastic surgeon will advise you based upon your individual needs. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Massage after breast augmentation
There is a lot of talk about massage vs. no massage. I would strongly urge you to talk with your surgeon to see what his protocol is. If he thinks it would be good for you, he will teach you the proper technique. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Breast “massage” after breast augmentation is a waste of time.
There is no reason at all to massage breasts after augmentation. It does nothing to decrease capsular contracture. If it feels good, that may be a reason for massage, but there is no therapeutic value – period. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implant massage is intended to keep the pockets a little larger than the implant so as to kep them soft and hopefully minimize the risk of capsular contracture.
The massage routine needs to be set by your doctor because it can vary from patient to patient. (Ivar van Heijningen, MD, Belgium Plastic Surgeon)
Don’t massage if you have anatomical silicon gel implants!
After correct pocket dissection the implants should stay where they are. They should NOT move.
Especially with anatomical implants! I advise a sports bra for at least 4 weeks, and no sportingfor 6 weeks.
After that the implants are fixed. As you have seen many american docters advise you to massage because they use SALINE filled implants, since these are harder to the touch then silicone gel they prefer some movement and thus a larger pocket. So first of all check what implants you have, and then decide whether you need massaging. (John Burns, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Massage afrter Augmentation
I rarely prescribe breast massage after augmentation unless there is a specific problem that needs to be addressed such as mild repositioning or early tendency toward tightening. I am not convinced there is evidence to support this prevents scar capsule contracture.
All massage should be physician directed and I have the patients demonstrate to me how they are doing it to be sure they are not too aggressive. (John Burns, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implant massage is very specific
I do recommend performing breast implant displacement massage for my patients who have submuscular smooth implants and have videos on my website detailing the technique. I do not recommend such an aggressive massage for textured implants (these implants are designed to stay in place, and in breasts augmented with textured implants, the exercises are really just a massage rather than a displacement technique.)
True implant massage is a medical therapy, so only perform the particular technique that your surgeon suggests. (You could get into trouble if you perform overly aggressive cleavage exercises with subglandular implants!) Visit with your surgeon to see what they recommend. (James F. Boynton, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Massage daily and make sure you move the implant
Massage is a very important part of the post op treatment of Breast Augmentation. Usually 7-10 days post op, your doctor should show you how to do the massage.
You want to make sure the muscle is relaxed, so you should always use your opposite hand. If you are massaging the left breast, let your left arm hang to your side. With your right hand, cup the breast and move the implant to the sides, and up and down in a back and forth motion. Do massage both sides. It should be done every day in the first 2 months. About 1-2 minutes per day. I recommend in the shower so the warm water helps relax your muscle. You can have help, but instruct the partner how to do it right. Don’t grab the breast, massage it with a cupped hand. This not only helps reduce the chance of scarring, but also relaxes the muscle and skin to get a more natural shape sooner. You will also feel more comfortable with the implants as you massage. (James F. Boynton, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Massage after implants
Various PS will have different recommendations. We start massage during the first week in smooth shell implants. Massage is directed in all angles except to push the implants apart. I recommend doing it several times per day (Ivar van Heijningen, MD, Belgium Plastic Surgeon)