Signs To Decide if you Need a Lift breast with your Breast Augmentation
Without even looking at photos, you may need a lift breast if – the position of your nipple is at or below your breast fold – you have a fair amount to a large amount of loose skin – if you want the nipple to be in the middle of your breast, and not at the lower portion of your breast
Getting a breast augmentation only will lift up your breast position overall, but not by a large amount. So, based on your photos, just a breast augmentation will leave you with a nice volume and shape, but your breasts may be a little too low on your chest and your nipple position will be too low on your breasts. (Roy Kim, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Is a mastopexy needed to give me a good result in addition to a breast augmentation
Lift breast before
Your photos are excellent and clearly demonstrate exactly what you would need surgically. Given that you would like to be larger, there is NO way that implants alone will correct the obvious drooping that you have – either placed above or below the muscle. Because your skin tone (elasticity) is diminished along with many other reasons, the implants should be placed behind the muscle.
Some physicians try to avoid a lift breast and place the implants above the muscle which results in the wrong solution for the problem short term and a bigger problem long term as the skin will relentlessly stretch and thin out. I agree with the assessment of your surgeon which you noted – a lift breast along with an enlargement – and there is no way around this that would provide you with a satisfactory result. I disagree with those who would only perform the augmentation and see how you “like” the ensuing but markedly compromised result.
Lift breast image scar
Having your breast tissue hang off the implants or your breasts hanging down too low over your abdomen because a lift was not performed is not an acceptable result (or solution). Ultimately to fully correct the problem, you will have to undergo two separate procedures rather than one which means 2 down times including potentially being off from work or school and total costs that will be significantly higher. It is understandable that you don’t want the scars associated with a mastopexy but performing the wrong or an inadequate procedure is a worse alternative. (Steven Turkeltaub, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation with or without a lift breast
Lift breast photo
Consider that the average breast implant weighs about 12 ounces (350g). This additional weight on the chest may accelerate the rate of ongoing breast ptosis. In some cases with just a slight sagging of the breasts, an implant alone, without a lift breast, may lift the breast some.
However, in a majority of cases, the implant is placed beneath the pectoral muscle and a mastopexy is then performed. The shape of the breast mound is usually better when both breast augmentation and breast lift are performed together. Looking at the pictures, it appears there is a sagging and a loss of fullness in the top portion of your breasts.
Lift breast picture
During breast augmentation and lift breast consultations we typically measure from the center of the nipple to the sternal notch to gauge how far the nipple has fallen. You can measure this on yourself. If you find the distance to be greater than 8 inches (or 21 centimeters), try moving the nipple up to this level with your opposite hand to give yourself a very rough idea of the final position following a breast lift.
In reality many other factors are considered, of course, and the final result may also differ due to stretching of the skin. Be sure to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon and openly discuss all of your options, questions, and concerns. There are many things to consider and decide upon before having breast augmentation surgery. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Two things to consider for a lift breast.
Lift breast scar
There are two things girls complain about when they say that they need a lift breast. One is that they are scooped up above, and have no upper pole fullness, and the second is that the nipples are pointing at the floor. These two things need two different fixes. The only way to get fullness up above is with an implant.
The only way to move the nipple up is with a lift. When using an implant, the larger the implant, the more “swing effect” (like being in a swing, you are higher when at the top of the swing than when at the bottom – and with an implant you get more swing).
Lift breast scars
These two things will give different results. I would suggest that if you are ok being larger to try the implant to see if the “swing effect” will help without the scars of a lift breast. If you however want to stay the same size, you have no other option than to do a lift and accept the scars.
The best way to know however is to have a consultation with someone that is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery and have them do a physical exam. From your photos, I would suggest implants first if you do not wish the scars. (Dan Mills, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)