Hypersensitivity After Breast Enlargement

Increased breast augmentation nipple sensation is very common after breast augmentation surgery. Do not truly know the reason, it may be related to swelling, relaxation of the nerve leading to the nipple, possibly some stimulation of the breast tissue with associated release of hormones.

There are plenty of different theories, but nobody know for sure. The good news is that in most cases it will go away on its own within a couple of weeks or a couple of months.

Some patients find comfort in protecting the nipples with Band-Aids, the others use over-the-counter lidocaine patches to decreased breast augmentation nipple sensation.

I have several patients who report more comfort with cotton bronze, rather than polyester ones. (Boris Volshteyn, MD, MS, East Brunswick Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple Sensitivity after Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation nipple picture

Breast augmentation nipple hypersensitivity is a common complaint after breast augmentation. It will resolve with time.

Sometimes creams used for nursing mothers can help provide some relief, or you could place some gauze over the breast augmentation nipple to help with friction. (Jeffrey W. Hall, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

There can be an increase in sensitivity initially but this should subside over time as the breast skin, nipples and nerves accomodate the additional stretch. Give it some time. (Raj S. Ambay, MD, Brandon Plastic Surgeon)

Occasionally, a patient might complain about hypersensitive nipples after breast augmentation. This will subside with time as it is a byproduct of swelling. I doubt any cream would do any good. Oral steroids might help but I would avoid them if possible. See if an anti-inflammatory drug (ibuprofen) helps and be patient. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple hypersensitivity post augmentation

Breast augmentation nipple photo

This is incredibly common and typically due to the placement of a large implant which is placing pressure on the 4th intercostal nerve which comes off the ribs on the side of your breast. The stretch may provide hypersensitivity. This will usually resolve over 8-10 weeks requiring no treatment. (Roger J. Friedman, MD, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon)

The discomfort is normal. This will settle within 6-8 weeks. There is no specific treatment. (Wayne R. Perron, MD, Calgary Plastic Surgeon)

Hypersensitvity of the nipples is fairly common after breast augmentation. This usually gets better after a few months.

Breast augmentation nipple sensivity

You may want to apply soft cotton or other padding to minimize the rubbing. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Breast augmentation nipple hypersensitivity also called a dyesthesia or hyperesthesia is a very common early problem following a breast augmentation. The nerves that supply the breast come up between the ribs on the lateral side of the breasts. These nerves become stretched due to the implant, which is below the nerves. Dyesthesia will get better over time. Massage in the lateral area and around the nipple and areola will help to desensitize the nerves. If the problem is severe then medication like Pamelor or Neurotin can be beneficial.

Also I have used a small injection of botox to the area under the areola with some success. Over time the condition will go away. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Breast implants nipples hypersensitivity is fairly common after augmentation because of the stretch and inflammation of the breast tissue that occurs as the implants are settling in.

A similar reaction is seen in runners with the so called joggers nipple where the nipple becomes very sensitive and occasionally swollen.

We use a soft cup stretch bra after augmentation to hold the breast and implant still and reduce pain and inflammation. Our patients also will use a silk lined bra or cami top to increase comfort.

The tenderness will resolve. Creames and massage don’t help, rest will. Best of luck, peterejohnsonmd (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

1 month is very early post-op. Over the next few weeks to months, you will notice changes in sensitivity as the swelling resolves and the tissues settle. Your current concern of over sensitive breast implants nipples will likely resolve with time. In the mean time, you should consider placing a band-aid or other type of bandage to help prevent the friction over the nipple. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Hypersensitivity of breast implants nipples is not uncommon after breast augmentation. Fortunately, if does ease with time. Although, how long this will take is hard to predict. In the meantime, you might try keeping a soft piece of gauze tape over the breast implants nipples to prevent rubbing from overlying cloth. There are even some silicone breast forms that can be purchased online that will cover and protect the nipple area from excessive stimulation. Be patient and the symptoms should abate with time. (Mitchel Krieger, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)

While many patients and doctors talk about numbness to the nipples and breast after augmentation, hypersensitivity is also possible. The sensory changes are unpredictable and one can have a numb nipple on one side and a hypersensitive nipple, like yours, on the other. Both invariable resolve with time in the vast percentage of cases. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitive nipples after augmentation

It is not uncommon to to have sensitive nipples following breast augmentation. It will get better with time. Meanwhile, use a barrier on the nipples to prevent friction. You can also use a lidocaine cream if it is painful. It will get better. (Hisham Seify, MD, PhD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

The sensitivity you are experiencing is not uncommon, and is due to the irritability that develops in the nerves to the nipple as a result of the surgery. Placement of a breast implant places the major nerve to the nipple under some stretch, and as a rule, nerves do not like to be stretched.

The irritability that results usually only lasts a few weeks, but can take a few months to completely resolve. While you wait for it to get better, you might consider covering your breast implants nipples with a lightly adhesive bandage to keep things from rubbing them through the course of the day. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitivity after augment/mastopexy/reduction is a common occurrence and can last 6-8 weeks. It is uncommon for it to be persistent. (Peter Bridge, MD, Brandon Plastic Surgeon)

A lot of patients go thru a period of hypersensitivity caused by the nerves stretching during surgery. Hypersensitivity does subside, but it takes time. (Joseph W. Aguiar, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

The hypersensitivity should be improving. It is related to nerve stretch from the augmentation. I would recommend more aggressive implant massage and also direct deep massage of the nipple area.

Massage of the nipples will actually be the best thing to dull the hypersensitivity.

Regardless, this should resolve completely by 3 months. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple sensitive skin following breast augmentation

Nipple sensitive skin can vary following breast augmentation surgery. Some nipples will be hypersensitive and some can be hypo sensitive. This can take 4-5 months to resolve. Unfortunately, there is no topical cream that I believe can make a significant difference. I would suggest placing a piece of telfa gauge between your breast and the fabric. (Christopher J. Morea, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitivity after a breast augmentation

It is very common for your nipples and areolas to be very sensitive after a breast augmentation. This happens because the nerves are recovering from the surgery. You might even experience at times sort of pulsing pains, this is normal and can take up to a couple of months to heal. there is nothing that can be recommended but just to give it time. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Nipple Sensitivity Following Breast Surgery

Sensitive nipples after breast augmentation are not uncommon. Fortunately, this increased sensitivity subsides in time and your breasts will usually regain their normal preoperative sensitivity. Unfortunately, there is no way to hurry this process. In the meantime, the best you can do is to avoid situations which aggravate this discomfort. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Very Sensitive Nipples After Breast Augmentation

This hypersensitivity is very common after augmentation. It will generally improve over time (next few months). At this time I can only recommend that you protect the areas from fabrics that make you uncomfortable and look for improvement going forward. (Garrett A. Wirth, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Sensitivity following breast augment

It is very common to have hypersensitivity of the nipples following breast augment. This will resolve in a few weeks to months and should be of no concern.

If it really bothers you, try a pasty over the nipple and this should help. Numbness of the nipple is a much more serious problem but fortunately this is rare also. (Kurtis Martin, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)