Patients can certainly decide, after mastopexy, that they’d like additional volume and roundness. Usually, women opt for implants if they want more upper pole volume.
So long as your breast lift was performed at least six months ago, it is fine to consider implants.
See a board certified plastic surgeon in consultation and, if you were happy with the lift, your surgeon is the first person you should contact. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
It is generally acceptable to place implants after a lift especially if there has been significant loos of volume and the patient likes a fuller, rounder look than can be achieved with just a lift.
Breast lift and implants before and after gallery photos
Sometimes this is done simultaneously if planned carefully. Since you already have your lift, it is simpler now to just plan an augmentation on a normalized mound. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Implant after a breast lift
It is certainly possible to have implants placed after a breast lift. In fact, for my patients that need both, I usually recommend doing the two procedures separately as the likelihood of achieving a good result is improved.
Since it is impossible to accurately advise you without an evaluation in person, you should see a plastic surgeon in your area certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery for an individual consultation. (Margaret Skiles, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)
Breast lift and implants before and after photos
Quite common to use breast augmentation with implants to compliment the results of a lift. Assuming the lift was done at least several months prior to the augmentation, it is no more risky to do an augmentation than it is for a woman who has not had the lift. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
In my opinion waiting to place breast implants for at least 3-6 months after a full Mastopexy (or breast lift) is the ideal way to go. It sound like implants would give you the look you are trying to achieve! (James E. Murphy, MD, FACS, Reno Plastic Surgeon)
Certainly a breast augmentation can be performed after a breast lift. I would what for the breast lift to heal and wait about 4-6 months. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Implants After Lift?
Breast lift and implants before and after images
I do think that with an evaluation by a board certified Plastic Surgeon and good communication of your goals, this will lead you to the correct answer. Without being able to discuss with you and see what we are starting with it is hard to say what you would need. From what you seem to present in your question it certainly sounds reasonable to have implants and even a revision of your breast lift if needed. Gravity wins over time. Things you want to consider are childbearing status and what your look is that you are trying to achieve. It is always best to do this kind of surgery after you are done having children if you plan to have children. Massive weight loss also will make me think that you could need an implant as the breasts do deflate quite a bit. (Richard J. Brown, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Implants after breast lift?
Yes, that is usually necessary to create a full natural shape in mothers who have nursed. But I never do both operations at the same time because each operation interfers with the healing of the other. 3-6 months after the lift is OK. You can choose exactly the size you desire by placing many different sizers in a soft bra covered by a T shirt.
Breast lift and implants before and after pictures
For saline implants we ask our patients to choose a PlayBoy type photo and then use that photo as a guide as to size during surgery. The implants are placed empty thru a 1 inch incision and filled to exactly the fullness of the “wanna-be” picture the patient chose. That way every patient gets exactly the size and shape she wanted. (Lawrence Foster, MD (retired), Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)
Implants After Mastopexy
It is not unusual to use implants in conjunction with a breast lift. The implants will help to achieve upper pole fullness after the lift, which usually can not accomplished for any prolonged amount of time by performing a mastopexy without implants. Typically after weight loss some kind of revision will be required, whether re-tightening the skin envelope, placing an implant, or a combination thereof. In either case you should see a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options. (Pedro M. Soler, Jr., MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
You can definitely have implants placed after a lift procedure. Sometimes, some surgeons will actually recommend performing them separately especially in women who want a large implant. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)