There are really only 2 viable options for breast enhancement: fat grafting and breast implants.
Fat grafting generally takes multiple surgeries and requires a lot of fat from donor areas – so not everyone is a candidate.
Fat grafting is also quite expensive due to multiple procedures.
By far the simplest, most cost effective, and most proven way is with breast implants. (Frederick G. Weniger, MD, FACS, Hilton Head Island Plastic Surgeon)
Breast enhancement with lotions and potions
Breast enhancement non surgical photo
Wouldn’t that be great if you could use a pill, lotion, or potion to enlarge the size of your breasts? Well, I always tell my patients, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
There is no good, peer reviewed scientific literature demonstrating any safe forms of breast enhancement other than breast implants or fat grafting. If you could just take a pill all of us would be out of business overnight! (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Enhancing Pills
Breast enhancement non surgical image
I would caution against the use of any hormone pills or creams for breast enhancement. These pills come with a laundry list of complications and may only be effective as long as the pill is taken. From the standpoint of safety, longevity, and cost; a breast enhancement procedure will provide you the best result longterm. I wish you a safe recovery and great result! (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Pills and creams will not enlarge your breasts.
Please do not be fooled into thinking pills and creams will enlarge sure breast safely. The pills and creams are generally gimmicks. Please see a board certified plastic surgeon for straight honest answers. (Raj S. Ambay, MD, Brandon Plastic Surgeon)
Pills or creams for breast enhancement
Breast enhancement non surgical picture
No creams will work to enlarge your breasts. Generally there are no pills to enlarge the breasts as well. Occasionally some women will have very mild enlargement from birth control pills but is usually not significant. Actual hormone supplements also will not enlarge your breasts and can be harmful. (Kelly E. Tjelmeland, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
How to enlarge breasts
The only ways to increase the size of your breasts is with implants, fat grafting, or using a flap. Hormones can work but the risks outweigh the benefits. Suction devices can work but are cumbersome. Don’t waste your money on pills or creams. (Kurtis Martin, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)
There are no pills or creams which will make your breasts bigger
Breast enhancement non surgical pictures
There are no pills of creams which will make your breasts bigger. Breasts naturally fluctuate in size with hormonal variations during the month – but taking supplemental hormones long term can have side effects. I would not believe any website that tells you that it is possible to take a pill or apply a cream and end up with larger breasts. (Damian Marucci, MBBS, FRACS, Australia Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implants are the best way to enlarge your breasts
I’ve seen innumerable patients in my office who have spent considerable time, money, and effort to enlarge their breasts with creams and pills, with NO results. Implants are the only real option for breast enhancement. (Daniel J. Casper, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Pills or creams to make breasts bigger
If I ever invent a pill or cream that could permanently enlarge breasts, I would patent it and retire. Don’t be duped by marketers. No such thing exists. (Victor Ferrari, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
The only way to enhance your breasts is through breast augmentation surgery.
Don’t waste your money on these pills scams. If you are interested in surgery consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to be examined and review their before and after pictures. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Pills or creams to enlarge your breasts.
While many women wish to have breasts that are larger and more proportionate, surgery can seem like a daunting option for some. There have been some creams and pills that have been advertised to enhance a women’s breast size. There are none, however, that are effective.
The only reliable and permanent method of enlarging your breasts requires surgery in the form of breast augmentation.
There are some women who have had their breasts enhanced with fat grafts, but this is limited by the amount of enlargement that can be done and still requires surgery. In short, there are no pills or creams that can enlarge your breasts. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
No breast enhancement pills
The old adage that, “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true,” certainly holds here. I would be very reticent to take pills of uncertain content for this or any other purpose. (Bruce K. Barach, MD, Schenectady Plastic Surgeon)
Pills and creams are not effective for breast augmentation
Pills and creams really aren’t an effective method of breast augmentation. Although they flood the body with hormones that are designed to increase breast size, there’s no guarantee that those are the actual results you’ll see.
Hormones may also affect the body in a lot of unexpected ways, like causing weight gain, moodiness and acne. Surgical augmentation is really the only predictable option out there right now for larger breasts.
New techniques of fat grafting to the breast as a means of breast enlargement are probably the nearest thing to bigger breasts without implants.
Your own fat can be removed from the body by liposuction and then injected into the breasts to make your breasts larger. (David N. Sayah, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Pills and Creams Will Not Enlarge Your Breasts Safely
Topical creams will not enlarge your breasts in a significant way. Hormone pills can increase breast size as long as you take them but there are serious health risks to taking hormone therapy. In my opinion the safest alternative for Breast Enlargement is Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Pills and creams will not give you breast enhancement
I would say that you really have two options for breast enhancement. Breast augmentation is the gold standard and best way in my opinion to enhance the breast. It is safe, an outpatient 1 hour procedure that has an extremely high rate of satisfaction. The other option is more cumbersome and limited in what amount of increase it can deliver, but it involves “fat injections to the breast”. In this technique, a woman wears a “Brava bra” which is a negative pressure (suction) device that will increase the breasts a bit on its own and optimize the breast for the fat injections.
This is followed by fat injections to increase the breast size. This treatment has been effective to increase the breast size by maybe one cup size at the most, it is more cumbersome and time consuming, and finally it is still considered a bit “controversial” even in the plastic surgery world. (James F. Boynton, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Pills and Creams do not make breasts larger.
There are no reliable pills or creams to increase the size of your breasts. Breast augmentation surgery is safe, predictable, and achieves obvious long term results. It is important to understand why these companies which promote herbals, pills, and creams for breast enhancement can say what they want.
These products are not regulated by the FDA. If they were, they would need to prove safety and efficacy before being allowed on the market. The FDA mandates that they be labeled as a “supplement” and have the ingredients listed.
The efficacy claims made by these companies are therefore not under any scrutiny. It truly is the modern equivalent of the snake-oil salesman. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. I’ve included a link to the FDA website on these “supplements.” (David Bogue, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation with implants works, is very safe, and is relatively cheap. Although creams, suction cups, and other devices are cheaper, they don’t work. Save your money and go to a good surgeon. You will be pleased and it will be money well spent. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
I know of no creams or pills that can cause breast augmentation satisfactorily. The only way I know to reliable produce a breast augmentation is by placing breast implants. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Non surgical options for breast augmentation are not long term
The fear of surgery or the cost may lead some to seek alternatives to implant breast augmentation.
The primary options are hormones, supplements that simulate hormones, or a suction device.
The issues with hormones or supplements is the long term effects on the body in areas other than the breast and even in the breast.
These are unknown but may include other fatty deposits or even breast cancer. Once these drugs are stopped they breast will shrink, and in the long run the costs may be more than surgical costs.
The suction option is the BRAVA system which does increase the breast volume temporarily by engorgement. When stopped the breast will return to its previous volume.
This system is very useful in preparation for natural breast augmentation with fat grafting transfer from your own body. The fat grafting alternative is good for very small augmentations, and if larger volumes are desired may take more than one procedure.
The best option is still an implant breast augmentation. The primary risk is needing an additional procedure later in life. Newer implants may decrease re-operations in the future. (Scott Haupt, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
The Dark Side to Non-Surgical Breast Enlargement
There are few things in life about which I, as a plastic surgeon, feel more confident than in telling you to not use pills or creams in an attempt to increase breast size. These pills, if effective, must work by increasing the progesterone and estrogen in your body. Breast cancer, as well as a number of other malignancies, are commonly linked to overproduction or hypersensitivity of the cancer cells to estrogen and progesterone.
Offsetting this balance in your body in what is likely to be an unsatisfactory attempt at non-surgical breast augmentation is very possibly dangerous and ill advised. Best case scenario would be that the pills or creams simply don’t work. Worst case is cancer. It’s just not worth it. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Pills and Creams Will Not Augment Breast Size
There have been many creams, herbs, medications, foods that are touted to enlarge breasts. You are absolutely right to question the claims made by these products. There are no effective, predictable, safe methods to enlarge breasts other than breast implant surgery. May I add a word of advice? You are obviously a very thoughtful woman. I see patients everyday who, like you, are considering breast augmentation for their own sense of self-fulfillment.
I understand budget may be an issue. If this is really important to you, continue your research. Consider only board-certified plastic surgeons with an expertise in plastic surgery. Do not let price alone guide your decision; many practices offer financial options to help patients like you achieve their goals. It is better to wait to achieve the lasting beautiful breast augmentation you desire. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Enlargement breasts
The safest way for breast enlargement is by augmentation with implant or fat grafting. Creams and hormones do not really work. (Sanjay Lalla, MD, FACS, West Orange Plastic Surgeon)
Pills & creams
Hormonal manipulations are risky at best and I would not even consider these. Also things like stem cell and other injections have no proven track record and have not been assessed scientifically.
Creams are generally worthless. Breast augmentation is the safest modality, with a proven track record. If you hear the words “New & Improved” in Plastic Surgery – it generally should be read as “Wait & See”. (John Strausser, MD, Sarasota Plastic Surgeon)
Breast enlargement
Unfortunately, the safest and best option for breast enhancement is undergo in augmentation surgery. Pills and creams are usually ineffective, and if they contain hormone, can pose serious health risks. Iw ould highly recommend you steer clear of those. (Jeffrey Ridha, MD, Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgeon)
Pills to grow your breasts
There is no magic pill to increase your breast size. Many of the supplements on the market are frankly dangerous and none are FDA approved. (Mahlon Kerr, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Non-surgical Breast Augmentation
As you’ve seen from the many responses below, topical creams and oral medications will not augment the breasts. They could also pose a significant health risk. Breast augmentation is an established, and very popular procedure which can be done very safely with a relatively quick recovery time.
Please make sure your plastic surgeon is board certified and operates in a certified surgery center. The implants should be from well establish companies who guarantee the safety and longevity of their product. can help you find an expert surgeon in your area.(William McClure, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)