Breast augmentation recovery
The majority of silicone implant breast augmentations will be submuscular, then recovery is usually 2-3 days. Time of work will depend on what you do.
If you just have an office job, you can go back to work straig afterwards, any jobs requiring physical activity take much longer.
In Caucasian skin type patients, scars should fade within 4-5 months (Alexander Aslani, MD, EBOPRAS, Little Rock AR Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery after breast augmentation Little Rock AR
With breast augmentation, recovery differs for every patient.
How long is the recovery for breast augmentation surgery
There does not seem to be a real rhyme or reason to it. Some patients look great and feel great the day after surgery. Others may be miserable for a week or more. In general, I tell my patients that, if they give themselves a long weekend to recover, they will probably be fine.
If their implants are under the muscle, the implants may sit high and tight for up to two or three months following surgery and it may be uncomfortable for the patient to lift their arms over their head until the muscle relaxes somewhat. For patients with implants above the muscle, they may see their final results in two or three weeks. I tell my patients that they may resume normal, non-strenuous activities as soon as they feel up to it, more strenuous activities after three weeks.
How long is the recovery for breast aug in Little Rock AR
You can’t ignore small children (much as you might like to at times). You have to put them in high chairs and car seats. You just have to do those things. Still, I tell my patients to use common sense. If you are doing something that hurts then DON’T DO IT or get some help.
There are basically four incision sites for putting in breast implants: under the areola, in the fold under the breast, in the armpit, or in the belly button. There are pros and cons to each approach which your doctor should discuss with you. As for scars, it takes about a year to a year and a half for scars to fully flatten and fade. If the surgery is done well, however, the scar should be fairly unnoticeable from the very start.
How long is the recovery for breast augmentation operation
There are a number of scar “cures” on the market. I personally think they are all voodoo and that time is the key factor, but I don’t discourage my patients from trying them if they want to. Who knows. Maybe there is something to them. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
What You Can Expect From Breast Augmentation
The first step is to choose a surgeon you can trust. Breast Augmentation can increase fullness and projection of your breasts, improve the balance of your figure, and enhance your self-image and self-confidence. Be prepared to discuss why you want the surgery, your expectations and outcomes.
How long is the recovery for breast augmentation image
You can expect to be under general anesthesia for the surgery. The incision can be made under the breast (inframammary fold), in the axilla (transaxillary incision) or around the areola (periareolar incision).
Next you will need to pick an implant size and type of implant (silicone or saline). In most cases, the implant is placed under the pectoral muscle against the chest wall. After surgery, you are wrapped in a bra and ace bandage for 48 hours.
Then you may shower and rest for approximately a couple days. Usually, only about 4 to 5 days off work is expected. Pain lasts for about 2 full days and will gradually fade over time. For the first 2 days post-surgery, there should be no lifting and very minimal activity, no exercise for 3-4 weeks.
How long is the recovery for breast augmentation scar strips
Help with the children would be encouraged for at least the first 4-5 days. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade 6 weeks post-surgery, scars will begin to lighten to a pink shade.
After one year, the scar is completely healed and should be skin color. (John W. Zinsser, MD, Little Rock Plastic Surgeon)
Rapid recovery for Breast Augmentation
24 hour recovery breast augmentation can vary from person to person, but in general we have found that most people are back to work in about a week, without lifting, pulling or other laborous activity.
It is important that you refrain from physical labor until you are released by your Dr (usually around 6 weeks). Most people start to resume normal activity around 3 weeks, but still refrain from major lifting.
You must wear your push-down garment full time for at least a week and then you may be able to wear it only at night for a couple of weeks after that. Again, this is determined by your doctor.
If you have young children then it will be important that you have help during the first weeks of recovery since you will not be able to lift (children, laundry, groceries, etc).
If your children are older then it should not be a challenge (they may even be able to help!). Scars can take up to a year to fully fade, but most people see significant healing within the first few months.
Please note that all doctors have their own protocols and it is important to be honest and open with the doctor you choose. Make certain that he or she is aware of your lifestyle and that you are willing to comply with their pre/post op care. (Joseph Serota, MD, Aurora Plastic Surgeon)
24 hour breast augmentation recovery
After surgery in Little Rock AR my patients go home and take a nap then go out to dinner or shopping and are encouraged to raise their arms over their head and begin massaging their implants. They are placed on muscle relaxants and analgesics for a few days.
They should be back at work in 2-3 days depending on the physical requirements of their employment. They should not lift more than 10 lbs for a few weeks. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Rapid recovery and scars following an augmentation mammoplasty
The post operative discomfort is related to whether the implant is placed under or over the muscle, the size of the implant relating to your present size and your pain tolerance. Implants placed under the muscle are more painful and the discomfort lasts about 4 – 5 days, whereas on top of the muscle is 2-3 days in most cases.
Even under general anesthesia, a local anesthetic agent is injected into the breast which reduces postoperative pain. Postoperatively I suggest a patient not move too rapidly to prevent causing internal bleeding around the implant, which is the most common complicatoin that would cause one to have to return to surgery.
Also getting too hot either from excess exposure to hot weather or exercising will cause swelling and whould be avoided for a couple of weeks. Massage exercises are started about five days after surgery to help prevent encapsulation, which can make implants feel firm and look unnatural.
This is also avoided by placing an anti-biotic into the pocket arond the implant during surgery. Scars should fade and be virtually imperceptable after 4-6 months. Implants placed under the muscle may look a little high for a week or so until the swelling subsides and the implant settles.
When the implant is placed on top of the muscle this is less of a problem. Hopefully this answers most of your questions. (E. Ronald Finger, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation recovery
While every patient is slightly different in terms of recovery after breast augmentation, most patients find it to be a relatively easy process. I perform all of my breast augmentation surgeries using conscious sedation anesthesia which allows the patient to wake up and walk out of the recovery room about 20-30 minutes after completing the 1 hour procedure. I place local anesthetic blocks just before the placement of the implants which allows for almost no pain whatsoever in the recovery room.
My patients generally use narcotic pain medication for only 1-2 days after surgery and then have just general soreness that responds to tylenol or ibuprofen for an additional week. I do ask my patients to try to keep their arms below their shoulders for the first 10-14 days and to avoid aggressive exercise for the first 3-4 weeks. Time off of work all depends upon your job. If you have a desk job, you might only need to miss 3 days. But if you are required to do heavy lifting, you might need to take off 4-6 weeks. The scars typically heal very well, but the fading of the scar might take 6-12 months to complete. (William T. Stoeckel, MD, Little Rock Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery of breast augmentation in Little Rock AR varies from patient to patient and depends on several factors. Breast augmentation performed above the muscle causes less discomfort because there is no stretching of the muscle from the implant.
Recovery of breast augmentation in Little Rock AR usually lasts several days and most of my patients return to work within a week. Breast augmentation performed below the muscle is associated with more breast augmentation swelling and discomfort.
Recovery may take 1-2 weeks before you feel ready to return to work. You should avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for up to 4 weeks to maximize your aesthetic result. Assuming that your surgery is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, scars are kept to a minimum and generally heal very nicely. (Scott Farber, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery of breast augmentation can vary from patient to patient due to variables such as surgeon technique, implant size, placement under vs. over the chest muscles, and the patient anatomy.
To prevent complications and ensure proper healing, I tell most patients that they can expect to be fully recovered around 6 weeks.
That being said, as patients start to feel better (around 2-7 days), activity can be increased, and can include things such as walking or returning to the office for desk work.
Driving can be resumed once you are off your pain medication and feel like you can handle your vehicle properly without significant discomfort. When it comes to lifting your children, you need to be very careful.
If you lift something heavy too soon after surgery, the chest muscles could potentially tear a small amount. This could cause increased swelling and soreness, and in a worst case scenario, you could have bleeding in the breast pocket (called a hematoma).
Patients with hematomas are not in significant danger, but they do require another surgery to correct the problem, which sets back the healing process. I tell patients to avoid lifting anything heavier than a few pounds for the first two weeks after surgery. Between two and four weeks, I recommend trying not to lift more than five to ten pounds. Around four to six weeks patients can slowly increase the amount of weight they lift and after six weeks there are no significant restrictions, just limitations for activities that cause soreness.
The scars after breast augmentation are generally very minimal, however the process for scars to fade can take time. Some scars will have a reddish/pink appearance and tend to fade over a period of weeks to months after surgery.
(Robert Cohen, MD, Little Rock AR Plastic Surgeon)
The majority of my patients say that their recovery was easier than they expected. Most patients take around a week off work. If you have a desk job, you could probably go back after 3-5 days.
You can do most daily activities from the beginning. You may need help caring for children the first few days. You should avoid strenuous activity for the first few weeks and can return to strength training after 6 weeks. Scars begin fading after a couple months, but take a year to fade maximally. I recommend the use of silicone based scar cream to maximize scar appearance. (Michael Vennemeyer, MD, Southlake Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery of breast augmentation
There is certainly a wide spectrum of possibilities as each patient is different, but in general you will have soreness that lasts about four to five days. You will need to curtail your exercise routine for several weeks after surgery, and this includes physically picking up your children. Any scar will take 12 to 18 months to fully heal. (Brian Howard, MD, Alpharetta Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery after breast augmentation
Breast augmentation is a one hour outpatient procedure that has a bit of discomfort for several days. My patients are typically pain free by the third day. Most of them may take one day off of work. I routinely prescribe valium and a pain medicine. I find that valium works well as a “muscle relaxant” and “loosens” the tone of the pectoralis muscle after augmentation – which is the source of the discomfort.
My patients are showering the next day after surgery. They can even go out to dinner. No heavy lifting and no exercise for two weeks. As far as kids, I prefer to not have you “pick up” any children; however, someone else can put the kids in your lap if need be. (James F. Boynton, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
The recovery period for breast augmentation is somewhat variable and surgeons have different opinions.
My recommendation is one week off from a desk job, two weeks with restricted activity, nothing aerobic, no lifting etc.
You can progressively increase your activity level expecting to be back to normal in 4-6 weeks.
It is best to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon and follow their recommendations post-operatively.
Regarding the scars, it can take up to one year for a scar to fully mature, in other words soften and fade. (Kathleen Waldorf, MD, FACS, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmenattion recovery time
Recovery time after breast augmentation can vary, but is usually quite a bit less than what patients anticipate. However, it does depend on a number of factors and is best discussed with your operating surgeon to see how his or her patients tend to recover.
For example, a blood less dissection and no bruising are very important to limiting pain, but a big implant placed under the muscle will always hurt more than a smaller implant above the muscle. (W. Tracy Hankins, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation recovery
Like all surgery, breast augmentation will require time away from work – usually a week is enough – in order for your body to heal properly. Post-procedural discomfort is usually the worst within the first 1 to 2 days and then subsides significantly. Although you will be able to walk around and perform light tasks within a few days, I think it would be a good idea to have someone help with your children for the first few days while you recover.
You will need to avoid heavy lifting, overhead reaching and intense exercise for at least 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. You breasts will be swollen for several weeks after your implants are placed. On average, it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for this swelling after breast aug to resolve completely and 2 to 3 months for the breast implants to “settle” into place. Everyone scars differently, but in general you should see significant scar improvement by 6 months, with further fading and flattening for up to a year. (Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, San Ramon Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Recovery Fairly Predictable
Breast augmentation with implants is most commonly performed in the submuscular position. This position provides more tissue coverage of ther implant reducing the risk of capsular contracture, wrinkling and palpability. Unfortunately, this makes the rapid recovery in Little Rock, AR more uncomfortable than subglandular augmentation. The trade-off is worth it in the long run. Most patients return to normal activities in 10-14 days. Light exercise like walking is acceptable at two weeks. At 4-6 weeks you can return to activities without restrictions. Incisions typically heal very well but take 12-18 months to fully mature and look their best. Most surgeons recommend a surgical bra or sports bra after surgery for support. Submuscular implants tend to “ride high” immediately afterwards and breast bands are often used to encourage the implants to assume their final position. Pain threshold varies from patient to patient but most patients use narcotic pain meds for a week or less. (George Bitar, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)
Minimal Downtime Recovery period with Breast Aug
In Austin, most of my patients that have breast augmentation surgery on a Thursday find themselves ready to be back to work by Monday or Tuesday. The recovery is actually quite quick and fairly unremarkable.
I use the Keller Funnel™ to minimize trauma to the breast, which reduces swelling and minimizes bruising. Actually, my patients rarely have bruising after this procedure.
I close the incision with dissolving sutures and a protective skin glue that allow you to shower the same day of the surgery. I am a firm believer that my patients should get back to the gym as soon as they feel ready to do so. I ask just a few things — no pull ups, no push ups, no bench press for 6 weeks.
As far as taking care of your two children- many moms have this procedure. You will need to be careful with bending over and picking up little ones- as this may cause discomfort in the first week to two weeks.
In my practice, I use a scar protocol – using SkinMedica’s Scar Recovery Gel and TNS Recovery Complex to allow you scars to heal well. This is initiated at 6 days after surgery – and continues for 6 weeks.
Most of my patient’s notice that their scars fade around 3 to 6 months with our protocol. Good luck! (Rocco C. Piazza, MD, Little Rock AR Plastic Surgeon)