Recovery from breast implants usually involves one week off from work. The pain level varies among patients; generally, submuscular placement is more painful than implants over the muscle. In terms of your children, if you have toddlers, you should not lift them for at least 2-3 weeks after surgery, if not longer. Scarring fades gradually over the course of a year. The surgery is performed on an ambulatory basis and you will go home the same day. Sutures are removed one week after surgery. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implant recovery time
Typical recovery time after breast implant surgery is 3-5 days for everyday activities.
More vigorous or strenuous activity will require a longer recovery time (i.e. tennis, golf, volleyball, basketball, swimming) probably 4-6 weeks.
If your job is sedentary you will be able to return to work quickly, if your job involves a lot of lifting, turning, twisting or pulling you will need to take 1-2 weeks off.
Of course, everyone’s recovery is different and the type of surgery also makes a difference. If the implant is placed under the muscle, the recovery will be longer because of the stretching and pulling of the muscle.
Breast implants recovery image
If you have a lift with your implant, the recovery will also be longer. The first 48 hours will be the hardest and you will need someone to help you, especially since you have toddler.
Scars tend to fade with time, it may take 6-12 months for your scars to fade. Scars are initially red and raised and are “immature”. As our scars mature, they tend to fade and become less noticeable.
This time frame varies from person to person and is even differs from different areas of our body. While your scar is maturing, it is important to protect it from UV (Ultraviolet) light such as the sun and tanning booths.
Breast implants recovery photo
You can also apply anti-scar cream or ointment to the scar to help it fade quicker. There are many excellent anti-scar treatments OTC that can be purchased at Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens without a doctor’s prescription.
Make sure you consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who performs breast augmentation frequently and will guarantee their work. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation implant recovery
Breast implants recovery picture
Breast augmentation implants surgery recovery is typically 3-5 days. We ask that you avoid lifting, pulling, or pushing anything over 10lbs for about 4-6 weeks from the date of surgery. At 6 weeks, you are cleared to resume working out.
Breast implant scars do fade over time and Dr. Heck prefers to put the scars in the breast creases to make them less noticeable. You breast implants will settle into place over 3-6 months. (Robert Heck, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
In general most plastic surgeons will have their own post operative regimen, but here is what works for my practice in Austin, Texas. Surgery: breast implant surgery takes about an hour, I use general anesthesia so that it is comfortable for you. This means you sleep through the procedure with no pain. I operate exclusively in a hospital but some surgeons will use surgery centers or operating room in their offices. My patients go home a few hours after surgery. Recovery: most patients take pain pills for a few days.
Breast implants recovery photos
The majority of my patients return to work in 5-7 days. Most people would need help with toddler for a few days after surgery. I don’t reccomend any heavy lifting or aggressive physical activity for 4 weeks.
Scars: scars for a regular breast augmentation are typically very small and heal into a thin white line by 3-6 months. Occasionally scars may take up to a year to fade. Overall breast augmentation is a great operation and one of the easier recoveries for cosmetic surgery. (Mahlon Kerr, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery after breast implants
Many websites including mine, have extensive amounts of infomation on the healing process. Under the muscle may take 2 weeks or more before you are comfortable to pick up your toddlers.
The breast implants recovery
Over the muscle is easier healing. Scars can take 6 to 18 months to fade. The shape of your breasts usually about 2-3 months to stabilize (Jed H. Horowitz, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
There are many factors that can improve postoperative recovery after breast augmentation.
One of the most important is the use of intercostal, intraoperative, and breast parenchymal tumescent block during surgery.
These will improve pain in the postoperative period. Usually, patients will resume activity within several days and will experience some discomfort for one to two weeks.
Heavy lifting should be discouraged for the same period. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery from breast augmentation with a toddler
When you wake up, you’ll probably feel as if your breasts are pushed up to your chin. Part of this is imaginary. As to the parts that’s real, don’t panic: The swelling goes down in about two weeks.
If you have a subpectoral implant, you’ll likely feel some pain, because the muscle has been stretched to accomidate the implant. Most patients of mine who have had submammary implants, on the other hand, report no discomfort. Since surgeons never agree on anything, post-op routines vary.
Some doctors tape the breasts down to keep them in place while you heal; others put a strap across the cheast. Either way, for at least one week you will be required to wear a very supportive bra – we have a special surgical one that buttons in the front – and a soft cotton dressing. This makes showering tough, but you may find the bra so snug and comforting that you won’t want to take it off at the end of the week.
Remember to wear comfortable clothing you can easily slip into after the operation – in other words, nothing that requires you to lift your arms over your head! (Michelle Copeland, MD, DMD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery from breast augmentation
It usually takes 4-6 weeks to recover from breast augmentation surgery. By recovery, I mean starting upper body exercises. There is obviously some individual variability, but I recommend refraining from any upper body activity or exercise for at least 4 weeks. If you work and your work requires no lifting over 5 pounds, or rapid upper body movement, you may return to work in a week. (Michael A. Jazayeri, MD, Santa Ana Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery from Breast Augmentation Surgery
After breast augmentation, most patients experience the most discomfort for 3-4 days. The main complaint is a feeling of tightness or pressure to the chest similar to engorgement. Pain medication usually keeps your pain controlled.
Swelling is present for 2 weeks then subsides. You should be able to drive approximately 4-5 days after surgery.
You can not lift, push, or pull objects with your arms for 4 weeks. You may experience nipple sensitivity for 2-4 weeks. You must wear a supportive bra after surgery, Sutures dissolve over a period of time but do not need to be removed. (William J. Hedden, MD, Birmingham Plastic Surgeon)
Your plastic surgeon will always be your best resource when it comes to returning to specific occupation/activities.
He/she knows exactly what was done, how you are progressing (every patient has a different experience after breast surgery), whether or not you have experienced any complications or setbacks, and exactly what type of activities you wish to return to.On average, I ask patients to take off 5 days to 1 week after breast augmentation surgery (desk job).
For some professions, I may suggest a going back to work with a lighter workload (or in your case, having someone else do the lifting etc. that would involve the pectoralis muscle). Ideally, I ask patients not to lift anything heavy or do things ( like pulling/pushing) that contract the pectoralis musle for at least 3 weeks.
Ultimately, it will be important for you to “listen to your body”, apply common sense, and return to activities/exercises in a gradual fashion. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Healing your breast augmentation
After breast augmentation can expect, with some variation:
- Discomfort from the muscle dissection for about the first 3-5 days.
- Swelling, and maybe some mild bruising, for about the first 2 weeks.
- No heavy lifting with arms (including lifting toddlers) for the first month.
- To start light aerobic activity after 2 weeks.
- To be back to full activity after the first month.
- Scars will be thickest around 2-3 weeks after surgery.
- Scars will be about 80% healed and matured 2 months after surgery.
- Scars will be fully matured and faded 1 year after surgery. (Kevin Brenner, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery tips from Breast Augmenation
Most women heal very well after breast augmentation. You can expect some pain and discomfort for a few days.
As long as your work doesn’t involve heavy labor, you may safely consider returning to work a week after surgery.
Some women are ready even earlier. Most patients are fairly swollen for a month. It takes nine months to a year to see your final results.
You will want some help for a day or two after surgery. If your toddler are small, you may not be able to lift them for 2 weeks. Postoperative discomfort can be relieved by the use of pain pills and muscle relaxers.
Some surgeons offer pain pumps that dierect local anesthesia into the breast pocket. You should also take it easy to reduce swelling after breast augmentation that can increase pain. Scars are often well hidden and faint. (Karen Vaniver, MD, Kennewick Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips
Breast augmentation is typically done on an outpatient basis and the average “recovery time” is one week. You will need help with young toddler for the first week, because you should not lift anything over 15 pounds. If you work and your job is more physical(like being a nurse, hair stylist, etc) you may need to take off up to 2 weeks just to play it safe.
Submuscular implants are more painful and the recovery is more exacting, but the recovery can be eased by the used of long acting pain blocks at the time of surgery or the use of a pain pump. Prepectoral implants(placed on top of the muscle) are typically less painful and the recovery is a bit quicker. Unfortunately, pain thresholds vary so much that some patients may need weeks while others need less than one week to recover.
Playing tennis, golf, or lifting weights may take 6-8 weeks or so, so take that into account. It is always best to give yourself more time off, more time to recovery, have help with your toddler and driving duties. Invest in yourself and don’t shortchange your recovery tips. Michael Vincent, MD, FACS (Michael Vincent, MD, Rockville Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery tips after breast augmentation
Although recovery varies from patient to patient there are a few constants I advise my patients of.
- Outpatient surgery taking about an hour and 15 minutes.
- Need a driver for first couple post op visits, day 1 and 4-5
- Local with IV sedation
- 3-5 days to start driving and back to non strenuous work
- 10 days to non impact exercise/ 5-6 weeks to impact and heavier arm lifting 5-7 days to taking care of toddlers
- Implants may be a bit high at first but will settle over a few weeks
- Swelling for a week or 10 days
- Bruising for 3 weeks
- Scars will fade over 12 – 18 months.
- Be sure your Surgeon takes the time to address all of your questions prior to any surgery (Terrence Murphy, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery tips from any surgical procedure varies from patient to patient. It depends on patient’s pain threshold and how the augmentation is performed. Breast augmentation is typically an outpatinet procedure. You will go home on the same day. For the first couple days, you will have tight discomfort around your chest, like you had engorgement from breastfeeding. Then the discomfort/pain subside pretty fast. Most of my patients take pain mediation about 3-5 days. You should be able to return to non-physical work within 3-5 days. You should be able to take care of your toddler. If you have an infant, have your family or friends help you the first two weeks. You can do light exercise after 2-3 weeks. Your scar will fade away after 6-12 months, most of times sooner. (Sugene Kim, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
The biggest difference in recovery will be determined by whether the implant is placed submuscular or under the breast and above the muscle.
Although the recovery is longer under the muscle we still recommend it as our procedure of choice for several reasons beyond the scope of this discussion.
Picking up anything, especially toddler, can be limited for several weeks. Scar healing will take several months. Back to work varies depending on what exactly your job description entails.
Typical time off work is one week unless extensive physical work is required. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, Champaign Plastic Surgeon)
Breast aug usually requires one week off from work. You will pobably require narcotics such as vicodin for two to three days, You should not be driving or operating machinery while on narcotics.
You will need help with the toddlers and should not be picking up anything heavier than 25 lbs.
Please have someone help you with the toddlers and help you at home. I recently had a patient get out of bed by herself on postop day #2 and she fell and fractured her mandible. Someone should be witjh you until you are off narcotics. (Leo Lapuerta, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
In our practice, we recommend about 3-5 days off work after the procedure, depending on the type of work you do. Work that requires heavy lifting etc may take a little longer. We recommend early light exercise is encouraged. We in fact teach our patients some simple arm raising exercises beginning in the recovery area immediately after the procedure. In combination with a bloodless approach to the operation we find that this leads to a much faster recovery, and little need for pain medications for most patients.
Most of our patients are back at work in a few days, and after the first week I recommend they begin progressive return to normal activity within their comfort level. Most should be back at the gym with a light workout at 2 weeks, and completely back to normal, even intense workouts by one month. Scars take 3-9 months completely fade depending on your skin type. As long as you don’t have to lift your toddler, you should be able to take care of them in 3-4 days. Lifting toddler should be deferred for a week or two. (Jeffrey Hartog, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Most of my patients who have breast aug surgery are back to work in one week as long as they don’t have strenuous jobs. You will want help with your toddler for at least two to three days. When the implants are placed under the muscle, it is best to keep your elbows below your shoulders for at least 10 days after surgery.
You can drive in a week or so as long as you are no longer taking any pain medication and are comfortable enough to turn around to look behind you when you need to. I prefer the scar in the crease underneath the breasts and it usually fades nicely in a few months. (James McMahan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery after Breast Aug Need Not Be Long with toddlers
Please do not let your recovery fears prevent you from having breast aug. I ask all my patients to follow a quick recovery regiment described on my website. Patients begin a series of stretching exercises in the recovery room to prevent spasm of the chest wall muscles.
Washing your hair and showering are advised the evening following surgery. Most of my patients can return to everyday activities and be back at work in three to four days.
Heavy lifting, toddlers and aerobics in two weeks with minor restrictions are permitted.
Patients may swim in a pool in ten days. Scars may take up to a year to fade and mature but your incisions are strong and will not break open after two weeks. (Richard Linderman, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
The recovery from Breast Aug surgery depends a bit on exactly what you mean by recovery.
Typically, in my experience, patients having surgery on Friday are usually back to work by Monday. It should be safe to lift a toddler within a day or two.
However, when it comes to working out or running, I usually tell patients two weeks is the norm. (Scott E. Newman, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Faster recovery from Breast Augmentation
As many have answered, the placement of the implants under the muscle do prolong the recovery more.
However, this can be diminished by minimizing the trauma to the tissue and limiting the amount of anesthetic gas you receive.
If your surgeon performs a local block of the breast, you will need less anesthesia, have less pain after surgery, and thus, recover faster.
In addition, limited trauma/injury to the breast tissue, ribs, muscle, etc with help ensure a fast recovery.
All of these techniques will help ensure you have little pain after your surgery, and most patients discontinue their pain medication in 1-3 days. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation recovery
Breast augmentation surgery, when done under the muscle like most of us commonly do, can be quite painful for the first 48 hours.
I use a pain pump for this reason, and my patients have much less pain because of it. This means less narcotic pain medicine needed, which means less potential nausea, and a dramatically better experience.
I would strongly advise you to seek a surgeon who uses a pain pump, especially if you are that concerned about your recovery.
You’ll still need to take it easy which can be difficult if you have toddler. My pateints avoid heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling for 10 days, and then can gradually return to those activities, including light weight lifting and running. (Douglas J. Mackenzie, MD, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery depends on where the breast implant goes
Generally speaking, if you are considering breast augmentation the length of recovery is primarily driven by whether the implant goes above or below the muscle. Above the muscle the pain goes quickly, below the muscle and you are more sore and have more difficulty raising your arms for a couple weeks.
Having said this everyone responds to pain differently and the decision of where the implant goes is more complicated and should be made in consultation with your surgeon. (Farzad R. Nahai, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Full recovery after breast augmentation
A few factors will help determine the length of your recovery. The placement, over vs. under the muscle. Under the muscle will cause more discomfort, anywhere from 1day to up to 2 weeks. The size of the implants, larger expansion of the breast tissue or muscle , will likely cause more discomfort. Scars never go away completely but can become so faint that they are almost unnoticeable.
Full scar healing takes over 12 months. After 3 weeks I let my patients return to full activities. This includes taking care of your toddler. (Irvin M. Wiesman, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Recovery
Breast augmentation recovery does not have to be difficult. We even encourage our patients to go out to dinner the same night as their surgery. On the day of surgery, you will be at the surgical center for about 2 to 3 hours. The surgery takes less than one hour and immediate recovery takes about one hour. You can then go home. You will have bandages in place.
We put a special tape on your incisions which stays in place for about two weeks. When the tape comes off, the incisions are basically healed. You will have several months where the incision will continue to mature. We do not put drains in for primary implants, so this is not a consideration. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation with Rapid Recovery
Straightforward breast augmentation should NOT require a lengthy recovery. The majority of my patients do not require pain medication for more than 1 to 3 days and are able to return to work or school with very little restriction also within 1 to 3 days.
A major part of your recovery depend on 1 of 2 things: 1) the surgeons technique and 2) your pain tolerance. With gentle tissue handling there is less inflammation which results in less pain and a quicker recovery.
Despite using the same careful technique on hundreds of patients, I have found that some people just don’t tolerate discomfort as well and may require up to a week of pain medication. My patients are instructed to stretch and move their arms almost immediately, but to avoid heavy lifting or exercise until the muscle fully heals. I do not use drains.
I also think that pain pumps are unneccessary except for very unusual circumstances. All my stitches are beneath the skin and dissolve by themselves. This helps because there are no tubes, drains or sutures that have to be removed so my patients are able to begin enjoying their wonderful new figure almost immediately. (Richard H. Fryer, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)