There is no age limit on breast augmentation. I have performed the procedure in patients over 70 without difficulty. Although it is brief, the breast augmentation is an operation and should be so respected.
Overall health should be established and the consequences of the implant on mammography and breast cancer should be clearly understood.
Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy the results of one of the most popular operations that plastic surgeons do. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
As long as you are healthy and without any major surgical risk factors, there is no age cut off for having a breast augmentation procedure. 50 years old is absolutely acceptable. (Jeffrey W. Hall, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Age in 50 years
Make sure that you are healthy enough to undergo surgery and have a complete physical exam that includes a good breast exam and mammogram if warranted. There is no age limit on breast augmentation surgery. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
I have many patients over 50 who have had breast augmentation and are thrilled with their surgery.
If you are healthy and feel that breast enlargement will enhance your physical appearance and self esteem – then you’re certainly a candidate. (James H. Schmidt, MD, Sarasota Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation for a 50 year old.
Breast Augmentation Age 50 years
There is no age limit on having breast augmentation. My first recommendation would be to see your primary care doctor to be cleared for surgery. Next, find a few board certified plastic surgeons who are experienced in breast augmentation. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Assuming you’re in good health, there should be no problem proceeding with breast surgery. Obtaining an up to date mammogram will be important. Meet with well experienced board-certified plastic surgeons for and personal examination, discussion of goals, and determination of a treatment plan. Hopefully, your only regret will be that you wish you had done it sooner. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Age and Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation Age in 50 years old
There is really no problem with age and breast augmentation other than after a certain age you may have more breast ptosis and/or breast tissue. It is definitely recommended that they are placed subpectorally. I do prefer silicone implants over saline implants in most patients in this age group. In summary, there is no contour indication for breast augmentation in somebody who is 50 years or older. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation can be safely performed at any age. It is important to ensure you are in good health and see a primary care physician regularly to help minimize any complications from the surgery. In addition, it is important you have had a normal recent mammogram. Another consideration is that as we age the breast gland and skin can begin to sag and succumb to the effects of gravity.
Breast Augmentation Age photos
If this is the case, then you may require a breast lift with or without the placement of breast implants. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation at any age!
Are you kidding? 50 is the new 20! If you are in good health why not go for it?! If this is something you want to do to make yourself feel better than do it. After the age of 50 most doctors do ask that you have an EKG as well as a normal blood panel. If you have had children though, you may want to to prepare yourself for the doctor telling you that you are a candidate for a lift and augmentation. Enjoy your life. you’re still young! (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Never too old for augmentation if you’re healthy
I don’t think there is any reason you should feel guilty about considering breast enhancement at 50. As long as you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure, and you are clear about your goals, the recovery, and the limitations of the implants (they won’t last forever), you have just as much of a right to be pleased with what you see in the mirror as a younger woman.
Visit your family doctor to be certain you are not at higher risk of complications, and have them communicate with the Board Certified Plastic Surgeon you choose to do your surgery. As long as the details are managed appropriately, breast enhancement should be a low risk procedure for healthy women in their 50s, with a very high satisfaction rate. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Our oldest patient for breast augmentation was a very healthy 69 year-old! So, at 50, you are well within the age range for considering this procedure.
There are many reasons for breast augmentation, but if you are healthy and have a normal mammogram, there is no absolute contraindication. Most of our patients consider augmentation to be more proportioned with their lower body, to make it easier to find clothes and bathing suits that fit, and to feel more femenine.
A modest size implant, appropriate for your frame and age seems like a very reasonable choice. (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation at any age
You can get breast augmentation at any age. A breast lift might sometime be added to the augmentation if there is breast ptosis or excess skin.A mammogram will be needed before surgery to establish a base line for future comparasions. (Hisham Seify, MD, PhD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
I am assuming that you are in good health. Then the only issue is the anatomy. If you have no sagging or mild sagging in your breasts, then a conservative breast augmentation is entirely appropriate. In fact, you are in one of the two most common age groups for this operation (the other age group is early 20’s). Implants will correct mild to moderate sagging. With more pronounced sagging, women need a combination augmentation-lift. First, we make sure I understand exactly the look the patient wants. We have you look at pictures of attractive breasts and pick something close to your ideal. In your case, I am sure your choice would be reasonable (it isn’t always). Then, we use temporary, disposable implant SIZERS during surgery to determine the optimal size.
I insert the sizer in the breast and sit the patient up (you are under anesthesia, of course). Then we put different volumes of saline into the sizer until we find the size that gives the desired result. Finally, we discard the sizer and open the permanent implants.
This process adds only a few minutes to the procedure and takes all the guess work out. For most women, we recommend round, smooth walled, moderate PLUS profile, cohesive silicone gel implants, which are entirely safe. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation safe at any age if you’re healthy
The primary risk of the procedure is the anesthetic. It might be a good idea to see your family doctor or internist so that she can assess your overall health and surgical risk. As long as everything checks out, you are on your way to a better looking you. As women age, the tissues of the breasts undergo characteristic changes.
The laxity or stretchiness of the skin increases, leading to drooping or “ptosis.” The glandular breast tissues can atrophy or shrink, leading to a deflated look. Your board certified plastic surgeon should be able to assess your individual situation and help you achieve the result you are looking for. (James C. Grotting, MD, FACS, Birmingham Plastic Surgeon)
I see no contraindication to breast implant surgery based on your age (50). Most breast cancer patients are in your age group, and most of them have implant surgery over other options. Discuss your concerns with your surgeon, and they will be able to advise you of the best techniques to achieve what you are looking for.
If you are unhappy with the size/shape of your breasts, there is no way that you can diet or excercise them into a better look. Surgery is the only solution, assuming that you are otherwise in good health. (Darrick E. Antell, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Anatomy, not age, matters in breast augmentation
What matters is your anatomy, not your age. Have your surgeon assess your breast size, dimension, laxity, shape, etc. and see what is possible to give you what you want. Your breasts may be in better shape than some younger women who have had children. Cancer detection concerns should be addressed, as well as need for future surgeries and longevity of the implants. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Please realize that at 50, your breast tissues may be more lax than others and you might need a lift along with the implants. Other than that, ask yourself the question “Why now?” to make sure your motivations are appropriate.
Then go to the best plastic surgeon for your care. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation can be done at virtually any age although most patients are a little younger than you are.
If you are healthy without any major medical problems, I see no reason you cannot have the surgery. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)
It really is not problem. I often do this for patients at this age but many times combine it with a breast lift.
The patients are usually very happy and look great . (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Motivation for a cosmetic surgical procedure is always an interesting one. Many women have thought about a procedure like a breast augmentation or abdominoplasty for many years.
I believe that it is an individual question of what has motivated me now to do a breast augmenation. Age is only a relative factor when considering any cosmetic procedure. If you are in good health and have an active lifestyle, it may be just the boost you are looking for to improve self-esteem and feel better about yourself. It is importaint that you have a mammogram prior to the procedure to be certain there are no medical indications to not have the procedure. It is not entirely unusual for a women in her late forties to mid fifties to seek a breast enhancement procedure. The kids are out of the house and it is time to do something for yourself. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
The effects of age on breast implant augmentation.
You clearly are not too old. As stated elsewhere, one consdieration is the degree of sagging. This may require a lift. Another requirement s you breast state of health? Are you up to date on your mammogram? Another concern is your menopause status.
I have many patients who experience weight gain and an increase in breast size upon passing through menopause. Are your breasts stable in size? Hormonal status and weight can affect breast size and may have a role in deciding your breast implant size. In terms of silicone vs saline, age really should have no impact unless you have severely atrophic breasts in which case silicone may be preferable.
Age will not effect the decision on implant position (except for atrophy as mentioned above) nor the choice of incision. In my experience, mature women prefer a relatively smaller implant as you have stated. IF you were to choose a larger implant and have back/neck/shoulder pain, it could potentially aggravate the pain. Women with naturally large breasts do have increasing complaints of neck/back/shoulder pain. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Age is not important for breast augmentation
The most important requirement when considering breast implants is your health, rather than your age. Overall, breast augmentation is a low risk procedure, and most patients are delighted with the results. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation is safe if you’re healthy
There is absolutely no reason for you to avoid breast augmentation due to your age. The caveat, of course, is that you do not have any major medical problems and then the concerns would be of a technical nature on the part of the surgeon.
A determination regarding your tissue characteristics would be made and recommendation on how best for you to proceed would be given. Many people are just beginning life at 50. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)