After a 2 week recovery period, you should be safe to sleep on your side as long as it isn’t painful or uncomfortable for you. 6 weeks is best before attempting to sleep on your stomach. (Jeffrey W. Hall, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
For most of my patients, I have them sleep on their back or side until they are comfortable. There is no set time. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Sleep in any position you like as long as it is comfortable. Follow your doctors orders, but your breasts implants are not so delicate that you cannot sleep comfortably. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Sleeping on your side or stomach after augmentation.
Sleeping after breast augmentation procedure
Sleeping position is most important during the first 4-6 weeks following surgery. During this time, the capsule which defines the implant pocket is developing. Sleeping on your sides or stomach is typically okay following the first month or so after surgery. (David Bogue, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
In general I keep my patients sleeping on their back or side for about 2 to 4 weeks depending on their comfort level. (Tal T. Roudner, MD, FACS, Coral Gables Plastic Surgeon)
Sleeping position after augment
Sleeping after breast augmentation surgery
Everyone is a little different after surgery, both in how fast they heal and what sleeping position is comfortable. I tell my patients if it hurts, don’t do it and this covers sleeping position too.
So if it doesn’t hurt, it’s probably fine. (Margaret Skiles, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)
One month post op it is fine to sleep in any way that is comfortable for you. Most women early postop breast augmentation are not comfortable lying on their stomach, but eventually any sleep position can be comfortable and will not cause any interference with the healing process. As your surgery was already over one month ago, you should be feeling comfortable enough to sleep in any position.
Sleeping after breast augmentation operation
Many women use pillows to help position themselves early on, but again this is all for your comfort only and not medically necessary for a good result. (David J. Levens, MD, Coral Springs Plastic Surgeon)
How long do I have to sleep on by back after Breast Implants?
There is no hard fast rule however, most surgeons recommend avoiding sleeping on your stomach for about a month after having breast augmentation. Sleeping on your sides is usually okay as long it doesn’t hurt too much. Always check with your plastic surgeon if you are concerned. (Adam Hamawy, MD, Princeton Plastic Surgeon)
Stomach Sleeping after Breast Augmentation
Sleeping after breast augmentation 6 days post op
Every surgeon has a slightly different opinion as to when it is OK to sleep on your back or stomach. A good rule is that as long as it is not uncomfortable, it is alright to sleep however you are comfortable. For most people this is up to 2 weeks on their side, and as long as a month before sleeping on your stomach. (Lawrence Iteld, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Sleep positions after breast augmentation
Each individual heals at a different rate and can tolerate sleeping on the side or stomach at their own pace. As soon as you feel at ease you may sleep on your side if not painful. The same is true for the stomach which can take a bit longer in general. There is no real evidence that you will cause harm to your healing with natural shifts in sleep positions. (Pedy Ganchi, MD, Ridgewood Plastic Surgeon)
Sleeping on back after breast augmentation
You’re getting close to the point where I’d let you sleep on your stomach or side but every plastic surgeon has his own protocol for this so I’d recommend that you discuss it with your doctor. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Sleeping position after augmentation
Usually I have patients sleep on their back with a couple pillows to prop them up some for about three weeks, or until they are comfortable sleeping on their sides. Patients tell me on average, it is about three weeks before they are comfortable sleeping on their side. (Todd C. Case, MD, Tucson Plastic Surgeon)
It typically takes six weeks to heal completely from a breast augmentation surgery. I tell breast augmentation patients to avoid sleeping on their back for six weeks after surgery. This allows a capsule to form so that the implants are held in place by healed tissue. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
Sleeping on your back is best for the first four to six weeks. If you must, sleeping on your side is ok after two weeks. Check with your surgeon. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Generally, unless otherwise directed, sleeping on your implants with direct pressure on the breast and implant should be avoided for approximately 6 weeks.
I am ok with side sleeping and even sleeping on your stomach. On your stomach, you can build a nest for your new chest and keep pressure off the implants and should be fine. (Matthew H. Conrad, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon)
I recommend not sleeping on the stomach for about a month out from the procedure. Sleeping on your side is fine if it feels comfortable. (Jeffrey Hartog, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
In my practice, after Breast Augmentation, my patients are asked to sleep on their side or back for generally 6 weeks. If something is hurting or uncomfortable, then I would avoid that position. (Jeff Scott, MD, Everett Plastic Surgeon)
Back sleeping after augmentation
There is no established “safe” time to sleep on your belly or side after breast augmentation. I recommend that patients wait about 4 weeks after surgery to sleep on their bellies. Sleeping on your side is recommended when comfortable. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)
Sleeping Position After Breast Augmentation
While you can’t control what you do in your sleep, it is probably better and more comfortable to sleep with a bra somewhat elevated with extra pillows behind your back. This will generally keep you from turning on your side or stomach, which is likely to be uncomfortable, but not likely to displace the implants. You will naturally protect yourself from doing harm because if it is really uncomfortable you will wake up and reposition yourself. At some point however, you will be surprised to have awakened in the morning comfortable, lying on your stomach. (Scott A. Brenman, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)
I prefer that my patients sleep on their backs for a month after surgery. If you sleep on one side, you may displace the implant, cause bleeding, or have swelling on the down side. It is a particularly bad idea to sleep on your belly after surgery. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Basically you can sleep on your side once it doesnt hurt. I tell patients not to lay flat on the stomachs.
ie getting a massage for 3 months especially if they have an areolar approach. (Rady Rahban, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Most surgeons would recommend that you not sleep on your stomach for one month after breast augmentation.
If you postoperative course is proceeding as planned, it is reasonable to allow you to sleep on your side within a week or two after the procedure. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
How long should I sleep on my back after breast augmentation?
I recommend 6 weeks of sleeping on your side or back. I often ask patients prone to sleeping on their stomach to surround themselves with pillows so they don’t rollover at night.
After 6 weeks, you can attempt to sleep on your tummy, but may find it rather uncomfortable for months.
I would carefully monitor your implants, as you do run a risk of the implants pushing outward due to pressure on the chestwall while sleeping on your stomach. I wish you a safe recovery and fantastic result! (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)