Subpectoral breast augmentation, characterized by a partial placement of the implant under the muscle, is very common in the US. With the sub pectoral method of breast augmentation, a breast implant is located below the chest muscles at the top of for 2/3, and the base of the breast implant is supported by breast tissue.
Advantages of subpectoral breast implants
The main advantages when placing breast implants partially under muscle, partially under breast tissue (subpectoral placement breast augmentation) are:
a) A more complete visibility when mammography for breast (unlike subglandular placement).
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b) Forming a natural form in the upper pole of the breast that looks more natural. This method does not deny the probability of obtaining “artificial” breasts as a result of incorrectly chosen size, profile and surgical approach, so to get the perfect natural breasts a final decision about the choice of these parameters must take a surgeon. Trust only the professionals and you will get a WOW-effect of the new breast!
Low probability of occurrence of irregularities and expressed edges of the implant. Often, patients seek to replace the implants due to wrinkling of the skin of the breast after breast augmentation.
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The risk of developing capsular contracture with subpectoral placement of the implant under the pectoral muscle less than when placed above the muscle.
Disadvantages of subpectoral augmentation mammaplasty
Subpectoral Implants
- In the early postoperative period discomfort persists a little longer
- Limiting the size of breast implant. This does not mean that only a small breast implants can be used with a subpectoral placement. This means that very large implants can not used from the first time with this method of breast augmentation.
- Possible distortion of the implant, placed under the muscle, if significant physical activity (for example, if you are a bodybuilder).
- Subpectoral breast augmentation is characterized by a little more time for reaching the final result (when the implant is completely “get up” into place).
- If you have a predisposition, part of the implant located underneath the skin, promotes earlier ptosis
- When excess dissection of the pectoral muscles by doctor error, there is a risk of complication – symmastia.
Subpectoral placement breast augmentation
Subpectoral breast implants: Pros and Cons
The upper part of the implant partially under the muscle, lower just under the breast tissue
- The risk of capsular contracture is less
- Less likelihood of visualization regions and occurrence of implant wrinkling in the upper chest
- Formed more natural shape of the upper part of the breast that looks more natural
Before And After Subpectoral Breast Implants Photos
- The recovery period is longer (discomfort lasts longer)
- The implant can be visualized with considerable physical effort on your hands (breast shape is distorted)
- However, it is only under severe loads on the pectoral muscles
- It takes a long time after surgery order to implant “down” and “got up” into place (it takes more time to form a complete result of the operation)
- The part of the implant is anyway under the skin, which may lead to earlier breast ptosis