Breast implants placed through tummy tuck incision
There are surgeons who will place breast implants through the abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) incision. This is basically the same concept as the TUBA (trans umbilical) approach.
I do not perform this procedure because I personally feel it takes away too much support of the lower aspect of the breast implant and is basically a “blind” dissection.
If you decide this is the way you want your procedure performed I suggest you search and find a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs it this way and meet with them to allow them to review your options. (Michael C. Edwards, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Trans-abdominal breast augmentation/ Trans-umbilical breast augmentation
Tummy tuck breast implants before
In the early 1970’s, plastic surgeons found a new way for inserting breast implants in conjunction with a tummy tuck. In a tummy tuck, the fat and skin of the abdomen is undermined all the way up to the level of the ribs. It was then a simple matter of making a short tunnel from there to the breast in order to insert the breast implants.
Years later, this same idea was expanded to the Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmetation (TUBA) procedure for inserting saline implants through a very small incision in the belly button. Instead of undermining up to the ribs, a small tunnel could be made in order to place the implants above or below the chest muscle. Both techniques are still very popular today. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck breast implants
Tummy tuck breast implants before and after
Performing a breast augmentation through the tummy tuck incision is possible. However, it is very uncommon and technically more difficult than a straightforward tummy tuck breast implants.
Additionally it take more time, so you will be under anesthesia for longer and have additionally operating room and anesthesia fees. Also, if your implants need to be adjusted or you decide to have a different size, then you will need the standard incision anyway. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation with tummy tuck
Tummy tuck breast implants picture
Yes this can be done. It is not popular for a few reasons. The placement of the implant in this situation occurs by disrupiting the breast crease which we tytpically pefer to preserve during a traditional breast augmentation procedure.
Therefore, we use a smaller approach or have to reconstruct the crease with stitches. This can result in a slightly higher risk of asymmetry and/or incomplete release of the muscle (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
I agree it can be done and it is always possible that it will have a beautiful scarless result. However, I would worry that you are taking a very simple procedure with terrific results and making it more complicated for no great reason since the scars associated with breast aug are so minimal (at least mine.shameless plug 🙂 Although not aware of any good study, I would bet the farm that there is a higher rate of capsular contracture, infection and revision procedures when going through the abdomen but this is just my guess.
I would like to see Dr. Schulman do one as I know he is a terrific surgeon. maybe I will start doing them. You never know. (Joshua B. Hyman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast implant through the tummy tuck procedure
Although it can likely be done, it is not as easy for the surgeon to perform. I would not say it is commonly done. The reason is that the surgeon would need to suspend all of the abdominal skin in order to gain access for the breast implant and this can be difficult.
Also, the retractors that are lighted that are used to illuminate the pocket where the implant will be placed are usually not long enough to use. Tuba, or a transabdominal breast augmentation has some believers but as the implant has to be pushed through a long tube, it will invalidate the warranty on the implant the manufacturers offer and you can only use saline implants.
There are also reports of permanent ridges in the skin where the large tube is pushed through the skin. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
It is possible to do a breast augmentation through an abdominoplasty incision, but it is my preference to separate the two operations into two incisional entries. This protects the implants from entering into the abdomen if there were to be migration or displacement.
The scars on the breast augmentation remain quite small. The lower fold of the breasts should not be entered as one would have to do in going through the abdomen to complete the augmentation through the abdomen. (Francis (Frank) William Rieger, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Trying to put breast implants through an abdominoplasty incision has drawbacks. There is higher chance of getting what is called a “bottomed out” look. This is when the implant has migrated down because you have opened the tissue between the abdomen and the breast pocket. There is a slightly higher chance of infection in the breast pockets.
A lot of times when a person has an abdominoplasty it is because she has had children or has lost a lot of weight. For this reason they may also need to have some kind of a breast lift.
The doctor can then use that incision to place the implant in the pocket. That way you can avoid all the possible complication of placing them in the breast through the abdominoplasty incision. (William Aiello, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation through an abdominoplasty incision
This can be done in some limited circumstances. If the breast is simple being augmented it is satisfactory. If the breast requires a lift then the placement of the implants should be approached directly through the breast. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, Champaign Plastic Surgeon)
Yes it can be done but I do not recommend this approach. The exposure is not as good and implant position may be less than optimal.
As the augmentation incisions are so small, i do not find the abdominal approach to be indicated. (Richard Linderman, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Implants through the tummy tuck incision
I do not recommend this. I do not think that this will allow for the best result. I agree that you need direct access to the area and in my opinion, the peri-areolar incision gives you the best access and therefore the best chance for a great result for breast augmentation surgery. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Trans abdominoplasty breast augmentation
Some surgeons do these procedures commonly. The truth is, the further your incision is from the area you are operating, the more control you lose. That is why most plastic surgeons avoid the TUBA (transabdominal breast augmentation).
Breast implants can be typically placed through very small incisions on the breast, or even in the armpit. Sometimes the sacrifice of a small scar for the offer of improved control is worth it. (Eric Chang, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Combining a Tummy tuck and breast augmentation are highly satisfying for both patients and surgeon. While it is possible to place breast implants through the Tummy Tuck incision, the disadvantages would seem to outweigh the benefits: Benefit Admittedly, not placing separate incisions for Breast Augmentation is a benefit, and conceptually I like this idea. Disadvantages Control and visualization – placing breast implants from the tummy tuck decreases control and visualization of the operation (especially silicone implants because silicone implants come fully-filled). Capsular contracture – separate incisions allow us to keep the two areas of the tummy tuck and breast augmentation apart, and this should reduce the chances of cross-contamination and subsequent capsular contracture. (Nick Slenkovich, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation through abdominoplasty incision?
Sure, it’s possible, and few plastic surgeons want to admit they haven’t done something others claim to have done. If a plastic surgeon has done pedicled TRAM flap breast reconstructions, abdominal tissue is separated from its native position, but left attached to the rectus muscle for blood supply.
This tissue is then transposed through the upper abdominal area to the breast or breasts after mastectomy. Placing implants via this approach is indeed possible in similar fashion, and even easier than a pedicled TRAM. But as others have stated, just because it’s possible doesn’t make it the best way. The main reason patients even ask about this potential option is concern about (or wishing to avoid) the scars on the breasts.
What is often failed to be mentioned is that any poor result from this approach requires a scar on the breast(s) to fix the problem(s).
And if a poor result or bad position or higher risk of capsular contracture or infection is attendant with this (tummy tuck) approach to the breasts, then there is a higher risk of getting the very scar(s) you wished to avoid, not to mention the extra cost and time for recovery.
Please reconsider, even if your surgeon is willing to try this higher-risk approach. (Richard H. Tholen, MD, FACS, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)
Combining abdominoplasty and breast augmentation
It is possible to undergo breast augmentation through a tummy tuck incision, but I favor a separate incision through the areola to acheive uniform results with good cosmesis. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
I have done this procedure on a select few patients with some very nice results. The operation is done through an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck approach and the implants are placed into a pocket in the chest area both silicone and saline implants can be used as well.
The issue later becomes ten years down the road or in the case of saline implants when they need to be replaced if they should rupture. The pocket is more easily created near an incision nearer to the breast, so consider this when you are deciding on options for this procedure. (Kimberly A. Henry, MD, Greenbrae Plastic Surgeon)
Procedures can be combined. The breast part has a higher risk of contamination due to the inability of betadine to completely prep and open abdomen. Have a detailed discusssion with your surgeon. Have done several that way and so far ok (Cap Lesesne, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation at the time of a tummy tuck
The performance of a breast augmentation at the time of a tummy tuck is not at all common these days.
In the past, when breast augmentation was performed above the muscle on the chest wall, a small incision could be made at the top of the tummy tuck dissection and a relatively accurate and good pocket could be made for a reliably good breast augmentation result.
With the improved long term results from the sub muscular augmentation, I would only recommend this approach and it is extremely more difficult to create an accurate and good pocket from the tummy tuck incision.
In order to hide the scars on your breasts I feel you would possibly compromise the long term aesthetic result on the breasts.
For this reason, I would not consider doing the breast augmentation through a tummy tuck incision. (John K. Long, MD, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation through abdominoplasty incision
Yes, it is definitely possible. In fact, you could get a wonderful outcome without additional scars. The problem is there is a certain degree of inaccuracy in pocket creation. If augmentation was a unilateral operation, this may not be as big of a deal. However, one of the most, if not THE most important aspects of a successful breast augmentation is symmetry. The scars from a well executed routine breast augmentation are rarely a problem. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. (York Jay Yates, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
I have done it this way but prefer not to. As it is not as precise. I suggest that you speak with your surgeons regarding their experiences and preferrences. If I were you I would only want the best exposure and precise placement. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
breast augmentation via abdominoplasty
I would be conservative and play to the strengths of each operation. Trying to make a precise implant pocket from the upper abdomen dissection field seems like an invitation to inaccuracy. While buying an external scar for the augmentation is a drawback, the profit is a quicker operation with greater accuracy and symmetry. (Dan Downey, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation via tummy tuck
Insertion of breast implants may be possible by using the surgical exposure afforded by a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty. Depending on the specific physical characteristics of the patient and requirements for the breast augmentation, a satisfactory result may be obtained. However, sometimes the fold at the inferior aspect of the breast may be disrupted, resulting in a suboptimal appearance. (Olivia Hutchinson, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Trans-abdominoplasty breast augmentation
This is not a common procedure, and I suspect most plastic surgeons have never done it. I occasionally do it, if someone is having a silicone augmentation at the same time as an abdominoplasty.
Contrary to the suggestion of other posts, this is NOT the same thing as a transumbilical augmentation. I agree with others though, that this approach does go through the inframammary fold of the breast and thus risks altering this structure. I put internal stitches in to reinforce the fold, and I have generally been pleased with this procedure. (Douglas J. Mackenzie, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)