It is possible to perform a breast augmentation through belly button in Dallas.
However not all patients are candidates for this procedure. At this stage, it is best to be evaluated by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon so that he or she may evaluate your breast and how much tissue needs to be elevated.
If you do not need a breast lift it is possible to place implants into the breast tummy tuck incision.
Keep in mind, however, that this procedure carries risks as well. It is possible that some fluid from the abdomen may transfer to the breast and may predispose you to have problems such as a hematoma, seroma, or infection. (Pat Pazmino, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation through belly button possible
Basically, it requires the same instruments and skills as in a TUBA – trans umbilical breast augmentation – and suffers from the same potential complications.
Once the tummy skin and fat are undermined and lifted to the level of the ribs, the surgeon uses a blunt stick dissector to reach the arm pit.
There he lifts the pectoral is major muscle and gets underneath it. With back and forth movements the muscle is lifted from the underlying ribs and the lower aspect of the muscle attachment is pulled off. A temporary breast implant is inflated and the pocket examined from the outside for denting.
The opposite side is done the same way. The permanent saline implants are placed and any large openings in the bottom are repaired. Like most plastic surgeons, I do not like the idea of doing things blindly and potentially leaving bleeding vessels behind or a weak shelf over a wide open (tummy tuck space) the implants sit on.
Breast augmentation through belly button image
But – I have a friend who does a lot of these cases who has been encouraging me for years to try it. If you understand and are willing to accept the complications then the operation is for you. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
It is possible to to the breast augmentation through belly button, though it is not as common as traditional breast incision. If done by an experienced surgeon, it should be OK, but it is harder, and I suspect less accurate. I have never done it this way. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation through belly button can certainly be done
While not a common procedure, the placement of breast implants can certainly be done through a belly button.
Breast augmentation through belly button possible
In the TUBA (trans umbilical breast augmentation) approach, a tunnel is made from the belly button to the breast area and a pocket is made and the implant is placed. So the same thing could certainly be done when the tummy tuck flap is lifted.
However, only certain patients are candidates for this procedure and no lifting is done. A more precise placement of the implant and control of any possible bleeding is possible with the standard incisions for breast augmentation in Dallas.
So if you are a good candidate it can be a nice procedure. Just be sure to discuss everything with your surgeon. (Shain A. Cuber, MD, Edison Plastic Surgeon)
Placing breast implants though tummy tuck incision is not a new idea. Even earlier than the development of the TUBA(belly button incision), surgeons were able to perform this combination of procedures.
The basic TUBA approach through the tummy tuck is less traumatic than a traditional surgical technique from the tummy tuck.
This procedure should only be performed by a surgeon skilled in the TUBA technique. You must recognize what the limitations of a TUBA are and possible risks.
You cannot use silicone implants. Subpectoral placement is possible, but difficult. Misplaced asymmetric breasts are more common with TUBA.
A properly performed TUBA is less traumatic than most procedures and does not disrupt the inframammary fold. In most instances, you are better off accepting the small incision of a more traditional approach to breast implants than adding the down sides of the Tummy Tuck /TUBA.
If you do choose this route be sure the surgeon is experienced and tells you all the pros and cons. (Richard L. Dolsky, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)
Breast aug through a tummy tuck
While this is technically possible, it is not generally considered a good idea. That is because much more disruption of tissue planes and nerves and blood vessels is required through this pathway than keeping the 2 surgeries separate. It sounds cute but there are good reasons that it is rarely done. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
While this can be done, I am not always so crazy about the results. I prefer to make another small incision on the breast and produce better breasts. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)
TUBA procedure through Tummy Tuck
This is basically a TUBA procedure done through a tummy tuck incision. Any surgeon that does the trans-umbilical augmentation can do the trans-abdominal route. It is technically easier to do anyway. The real question is why. Since silicone implants are available to everyone over 22 for augmentation the TUBA procedure has lost interest as it is best for saline implants. The trade-off of the small breast incision for the benefits of a sub-muscular silicone implant is well worth it. The long term results and the lower risks of the breast incision usually is the best option. (William Alan Dulin, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Stealth implants through the tummy tuck
What you are asking about isn’t really the same thing as the TUBA (Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation Dallas) which is where saline implants are place using a large endoscope pushed up from a belly button incision. This is not a common procedure. I have placed implants from the tummy tuck incision, but it is also not commonly done. It’s a longer reach to get there than it seems, and it is usually better to have more direct access so the implants can be placed with greater precision. (Richard Baxter, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
As with so many questions in plastic surgery though, the real question is whether or not this is in your best interest. And, having tried this technique, I would say it’s not such a good idea.
The reason is that the fold under the breast (the inframammary fold, or IMF) is a very important anatomic landmark – in almost every case I have ever seen where this important structure was manipulated surgically, the fold (and therefore the breast) never looked natural again. I would focus on finding a surgeon who can place implants for you with a pleasing, attractive appearance and a natural, inconspicuous scar. Avoiding the scar on your breasts will never seem worth it to you if the breasts don’t look good or if you need additional surgery to improve this problem. It’s unfortunate, but not all things that are possible in plastic surgery are in the patient’s best interests. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, )