Is it safe to travel after breast augmentation by plane?
There is no medical reason why you should not be able to travel 2 weeks after a breast augmentation providing you did well.
Most surgeons would prefer you do not lift heavy weights for at least 3-4 weeks after surgery, precluding you from lifting bags. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
There should be no problems. Follow your surgeons postop instructions. No heavy lifting of suitcases. (Blane T. Shatkin, MD, Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)
Please ask your operative chosen surgeon and follow that advise. Each of us haver differing requirements that shouild not be applied to your care. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
You should be okay to travel 2 weeks after your surgery but you still need to take it easy and use common sense. It would be appropriate to have someone else carry your bags so that you are not lifting extensively. But otherwise you should be fine. (Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Yes, its probably safe to travel and engage in activities that don’t involve strenuous use of your shouldn’t swim for example. However, you are taking a risk because breast augmentations require close follow-up for the first month or so to ensure proper positioning of the implants and optimal results.
Be diligent on your trip, carefully examine yourself daily and seek medical advice if anything changes. (Eric Sadeh, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
There are 5 key things about resuming normal activity after breast augmentation
- You can travel by air, train or car in 2-3 days – This is related primarily for how our feel or your comfort level
- You can resume most exercises in 2 weeks except pull-ups and push-ups. You can do these in 3 weeks.
- Don’t get your heart rate above 100 per minute for 2 weeks post-op
- After 4 weeks, there are no restriction at all in your physical activity
- Dont lift anything heavier than 10 pounds or wear a backpack for the first 2 weeks post-op (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Traveling 21/2 weeks after breast augmentation won’t pose any risk whether it is by plane or by bus. (Babak Dadvand, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
travelling by bus at this time (2 weeks post op) should not present any issues for you, provided your incisions have healed normally, and your recovery has otherwise been complication-free (Thomas Fiala, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Traveling 2 weeks after breast augmentation
Most of the potential immediate complications following breast augmentation will occur within the first two weeks after surgery. Therefore traveling thereafter should be safe as long as lifting restrictions of 10 pounds are observed. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Air travel after 2 weeks post breast augmentation
You should be fine to travel. But, no heavy lifting or strenuous activity for about 2 more weeks. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Traveling with breast implants
If you are having an uncomplicated recovery, then there should be no problem with travel at 18 days post op. Don’t over exert yourself (let someone else carry the heavy suitcases) and do carry with you your implant information.
The only disadvantage of being so far from your surgeon that soon post op is that he or she will not be close by if any problems or questions arise. (Mark Preston, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
You may travel within several days after a non-complicated breast augmentation. Avoid hot tubs and pools before all the incisions have completely closed due to risk of infection. Patients should do light activity from the begining to help with settling of the implant and to keep the shoulders from becoming stiff. Increase the intensity as tolerated.
Patients should not drive until off narcotic pain killers,sedatives, and are pain -free. (Anire Okpaku, MD FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Travel two weeks after surgery
I am glad that you are feeling so well after surgery and are ready to travel. I would discuss this with your doctor to make sure everything is okay. If so, just be careful to avoid over exertion. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Post-augmentation travel
I am assuming that your breast augmentation surgery was performed by a plastic surgeon, that they are still alive and in practice, and if they did not already give you specific instructions as to your post-operative restrictions, that they or their experienced staff are available to answer your questions. That would be your best source of information regarding your post-operative care since you trusted them with your surgical care. (Robert M. Grenley, MD, )
Breast augmenation and travel
Yes, you can travel after 2 weeks. However, as other plastic surgeons have mentioned, please keep in mind that you should not lift heavy things, take it easy, and travel only if you are feel completely well at the start of travel. If there is any doubt, then you should see your plastic surgeon before starting travel. (Bivik Rajnikant Shah, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Travel after Breast Augmentation
I hate to be the only negative one, but there is still a risk at two weeks after any surgery. Although most people think that the development of leg vein clots that can go to your lungs is something that happens only at the time of surgery, it occurs up to a month or more after surgery.
Breast augmentation has a natural low incidence of this problem, so the risk is quite low. It is present, however. Therefore, I would suggest that you use some compressive hose, walk, and move your feet frequently. While on the bus, walk in place, and get up to walk as much as possible. This keeps the blood circulating and reduces the risk as much as you can. (Robert T. Buchanan, MD, Highlands Plastic Surgeon)
Travel 2 weeks after Breast Augmentation should be Safe

Remember that your health is most important, even if you have found an incomparably profitable last minute tours
2 weeks after your breast augmentation, there should be no medical reason you cannot enjoy your trip. On the other hand, I would not want you lifting bags or other things for another few weeks after surgery. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Travel after breast augmentation
I advise my patients that travelling by air 10 days to two weeks after breast augmentation is generally OK. Although early after surgery the change in pressure in the plane is going to make your breasts ache (take some Advil) it is safe to travel. If you are going some place sunny, although you may want to show off your new assets, be careful of sunburns because you newly stretched breast skin will be sensitive to the sun for a few months. (Terrence Murphy, MD, Englewood Plastic Surgeon)
Travelling 2 weeks after Breast surgery should be fine.
Check with your surgeon before making irreversible plans but in general there should be no concerns about flying after 2 weeks. There are no clinical consequences from the change in altitude during commercial air travel on your implants. (Mathew C. Mosher, MD, Vancouver Plastic Surgeon)
Travel after BA
Its fine to travel 2 weeks after BA provided your surgeon says its ok with your postop course. (Daniel J. Casper, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)