Vertical lift with augmentation
The decision of having a breast augmentation, breast lift, or a combination of the two depends on the patient’s assessment and the goals they want to reach postoperatively.
Breast lift with augmentation photo
At my practice, each patient is assessed at their consultation and the location of the nipple and areola compared to the crease of the breast helps decide if a lift is needed or if an implant by itself will have good results.
Also, there are many patients who do not want larger breast or have enough breast tissue that an implant is not recommended for. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Lift versus Breast Augmentation.
Breast lift with augmentation operation
This is a very common question yet can be sometimes difficult to decide in some selected patients. There are those who definitely need a lift by the fact that their nipples are at the lowest point on their breasts and point down. There are individuals who have perky breasts who definitely do not need a lift and then there is everyone else. It would be most helpful to have photos of you so some more definitive answers can be made. The whole purpose of a lift is to elevate the nipple areolar complex and provide an aesthetic shape. In some individuals they have enough breast tissue that they do not need an implant placed at the same time. Others require an implant to provide upper breast fullness. It really depends on your starting point with regards to your shape and the end result you are looking for. Sorry this is relatively vague, but again, photos would be very helpful. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Breast lift vs. Breast augmentation
Breast lift with augmentation operation
The simplest answer, is if you want your breasts higher on your chest, a lift will be required. Breast implants will fill your breasts out and they will look better but many times they will be lower on your chest. Many patients come to our practice for Revisional Breast Surgery.
One of the most common things we see is a woman with breast implants who thought the implants would lift their breasts but it did not happen. We tell our patients that if they want their breasts higher on their chest, a lifting procedure needs to be performed. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Which approach would be best for you depends on your goals. If you would like a more youthful and perky breast then you need to go with an Augmentation/Mastopexy.
If you don’t mind that the breast will hang lower on the chest then consider placing the implants under your tissues not the muscle.
If you look on the internet you will be able to find results using both these approaches. (Todd B. Koch, MD, Buffalo Plastic Surgeon)
Vertical Lift with augmentation
Based on your pictures, it looks like you would benefit from a lift / mastopexy in addition to the augmentation / implants.
The reason is that the implant will improve the volume of your breast, the the breast tissue will still hang or have ptosis on top of the implant. That is why a lift would be required in addition to the implants. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation alone of with a lift
Though difficult to asses with photographs only, you appear to have a moderate breast droop (grade 1 or 2). With large implants (D+ or higher), your breasts may be “improved”, however you will have a similar droop to your breasts. Here’s a test you can do: put a pencil at the bottom fold of your breast horizontally.
Look in the mirror. If your nipple is more than 1″ lower than the pencil, you should consider a breast lift because the bottom of the implant will be at the lower breast fold, and your normal gland may “pooch” out below the implant, like a Snoopy nose. (Ricardo Izquierdo, MD, Oak Brook Plastic Surgeon)
Your nipples are just at the limit. If they point down you need a vertical lift. You must understand the breast mound will be lower and it is a different look. Have you doc show you photos or you can see a few examples on my site. A peri-areolar lift will work as well with limited incision. My site shows examples as well, (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation w/ Vertical Lift Needed?
My question is what is the sternal notch to nipple distance? If over 24 cm’s than some type of lift will be needed. You can plan on no lifting at the operation with the thought that you can lift after 2 months of healing under local anesthesia, just an idea I do often. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation with/without a lift
I agree with your doctor, the decision is ultimately yours. An augmentation alone can give you nice volume. If you don’t mind additional scars you can also have a lift to give you a more perky look rather than a droopy look you would have with implants alone. If you chose implants only you’ll look great in a bra but you may not like it without a bra. thus the choice is yours. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
It appears that you would probably benefit from a mastopexy or breast lift although an exam would be helpful. Since you are already undergoing a tummy tuck with your augmentation, a lift will add to your operative time and risk. You will “burn no bridges” if you wait and see if you are happy with the augmentation without a lift. You can always undergo a vertical lift as a secondary procedure. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)
It looks like you may benefit from a vertical lift to give you are more aesthetic looking breast after augmentation (Edward J. Bednar, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Problems with correction of breast asymmetry
You do have marked asymmetry and this is not unusual. Most breasts are not symmetric. You anatomy does present several problems that need to be addressed at the time of surgery to make you “evener”.
You are far from hopeless. More than likely you would benefit from a beautiful breast implants and a bilateral breast lift.
You will need more of a lift on the left side as well as an areolar reduction on both sides. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
You look like a fairly typical patient. You just sag a little more on one side than the other.
Based on your picture, I think you would get an excellent result with a mastopexy (breast lift), possibly combined with a beautiful breast implants. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Plastic surgeons generally do not accept the term hopeless. We are problem solvers and love a challenge such as the one your breasts present.
It is true that, in general, beautiful breast implants and combined lift is perhaps one the most challenging procedures. However, there is no doubt that your breasts will certainly look much, much better.
A vertical lift with implants will provide a marked improvement in your breast shape, fullness and asymmetry. Asymmetries are very natural and occur in almost everyone, so don’t take that to heart. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
You need a breast lift with implants. I think your breasts would look great after this procedure. Please seek another opinion and I am sure someone else can help you. (Shim Ching, MD)
No things are not hopeless. I agree with a lift and beautiful breast implants. (John Paletta, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)
By using different size implants and doing an asymmetric lift I believe you will be able to get a nice result that will greatly improve your appearance . (Scott Tucker, MD, Winston Salem Plastic Surgeon)
I am not sure what you want but I assume a beautiful breast implants. I think that with a lift and implant you can have a nice result.
I always point out asymmetries and tell patients that they can never be perfectly symmetrical ( as no two breasts are)! (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Please understand that you have a tough starting point and may not be able to get what you want. But substantial improvement can be made by an experienced surgeon. Just know that you aren’t a candidate for a home run and you need a combination of implants and lifts. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
You are a child, you must understand the treatment is a surgery and you must be prepared to afford it.The rest is not difficult. (Maria Cristina Picon, MD)
Get a second opinion. Your situation is a surgical challenge, certainly, not hopeless. Seek one or more consultations by a surgeon (s) certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, for a solution to your problem. (Harlan Pollock, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
That is the key to being happy after surgery. You can get very nice results with a breast lift and breast augmentation. See an experienced board certified plastic surgeon that performs many of these surgeries. Best of luck (Tal T. Roudner, MD, FACS, Coral Gables Plastic Surgeon)
Is a breast lift needed after augmentation
Although a physical exam is needed to make any formal recommendations, based on your photos alone, it appears you have ptosis and sagging with some loose skin.
You will need a lift with your augmentation. The wish pic you posted is someone who did not need a lift – so it is not realistic. Please see a board certified PS to learn more about your options. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
It would be in your best interest to have an in person exam with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. I cannot tell from just your pictures with certainty, but I think you would be unhappy with the results of an augmentation without a breast lift.
You appear to have some moderate droop to your breasts and that will not be addressed with just implants. In regard to the gummy bear implants, they work well for some people. There is a risk for rotation of the implant. (Mary Lee Peters, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Though clinical examination and discussing in detail are mandatory,from your photos ill suggest only a breast lift initially and followed by an implant after 6 months if required as the ideal way (Thangavel Ayyappan, MD, India Plastic Surgeon)
Without examining you, I cannot say that you do not need a vertical lift. However, implants can be placed just behind your breasts and give you a very natural look. Without a lift, the nipples will stay pretty much where they are. You may not be the best candidate for the gummy bear implant.
I would suggest going with the softer round gel implant so you don’t have to be concerned about implant rotation and a deformed look. Plus the gummy bear implant is rather firm. I would suggest meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon and discuss your concerns. (Connie Hiers, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
If you want more youthful breasts and not just bigger droopy breasts, you will need a lift. It all depends on what you really want. A careful conversation with a board certified plastic surgeon will help decide. No surgery will move your breast to a higher place on your chest. (Mark Eberbach, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Do I need a lift with my Breast Augmentation?
A vertical lift with breast augmentation would produce a better result. If you do not want the lift, I would say leave the breasts alone. Sometimes, an implant placed in this setting can make the breasts look worse as the implant in the right position may have a portion of the breast falling from the implant. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
The photos don’t tell all of the necessary information to give you the best answer. It depends on the placement of you nipple areolar complex (NAC). If they are above the Inframammary fold (crease under breast) you have 1st degree ptosis and an augmentation alone will give you a nice result. If the NAC is below the IMF, 2nd degree ptosis, then most all board certified plastic surgeon will recommend a breast lift ( at least thats the correct answer on our board exams). It appears you have 2nd degree ptosis as best I can tell by the photos and i would therefore recommend a lift with your augmentation (David Liland, MD, Morehead City Plastic Surgeon)
You will likely need a lift with your augmentation. An in person consultation is required to determine the best operation to fit your anatomy and your desires. (Peter Kreymerman, MD, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
I believe that you will need a breast lift. This will most likely be an anchor lift to give you the best size and shape (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, )
It does appear tom your pictures that a lift would help your overall shape. Being that said it is really difficult to know for sure without an exam. I would also caution you against the anatomic implants you are looking for especially if you get a lift. Those implants are really best suited for the non ptotic breast. They work very well in patients with a tight skin envelope not in need of a lift.
That is not to say you can not perform a vertical lift with shaped implants. The other issue is that shaped implants are textured. That means the tissues really grab on to the implant and hold it in place. One problem in the more sagging breast that needs lifting is that the textured device will not likely settle as much after a lift over time.
The end result is a breast that settles and an implant that sits very high on the chest wall. You want the implant and the breast to settle together after an augmentation and lift and that happens much better with a smooth round implant. Good Luck! (Richard J. Brown, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)