Breast augmentation infection pictures gallery of patients
Signs of Breast augmentation infection on pictures
Breast Implant infection usually demonstrates signs and symptoms that include redness, swelling, fevers, drainage, fatigue, and general ill feeling.
Persistent redness this far after breast augmentation surgery could be the result of an infection and may require hospitalization and IV antibiotics.
In some cases, washout of the pocket and placement of a new implant can spare patients from requiring implant removal. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Pictures with signs of Infection after BBA
Here are a few signs, that you can you can see in the breast augmentation infection pictures:
- redness
- warmth
- swelling
- pain/tenderness
- malaise
- systemic fever
- purulent discharge from the incision sites
In your case, you may want to get an ultrasound to r/o a collection such as a seroma, hematoma, or unlikely a galactocele. You certainly have a few signs of inflammation. Go see your surgeon again. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Signs of Potential Breast Implant Infection
The classic signs of infection described by a Roman physician and known to every medical student are: Redness, Warmth, Swelling, Pain and Loss of Function. Unfortunately, many breast implant infections do NOT have all of these findings and some infections may not have any of them. It is NOT normal for an augmented breast to be “red on the top and kinda tender (more than the other one) ” one month after surgery.
Such a presentation strongly suggests you MAY have an infection and I suspect your Plastic surgeon knows it. An aggressive broad spectrum, multi-antibiotic course is required and your surgeon may need the help of an Infectious Disease specialist in your management. An unstopped infection could lead to breast deformity and having to remove the implant as well as to capsular contracture, scarring around the implant, formation.
Please, discuss your options with your surgeon. You can see breast augmentation infection pictures. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
Detecting infection after breast augmentation
It sounds like you may have an infection or a seroma or both. It is relatively uncommon to have redness in your breast, especially asymmetrically, one month after a breast augmentation. You should be seeing your plastic surgeon as he/she can examine you and determine the likely hood of an infection. Oral antibiotics would be your first line choice followed by IV antibiotics, followed by removal and replacement of the implant with a drain. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation infection
From what you describe above it sounds like you might have an infection. Your surgeon would be the best judge of the possibility of infection. It’s possible there is just some inflammation from the surgery but time will tell if there is no improvement in your symptoms.
Talk to your surgeon again and discuss your concerns or see breast augmentation infection pictures. (Jeffrey W. Hall, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
If a patient is worried about infection after breast augmentation, see your surgeon promptly.
The person best to evaluate you for possible infection is your surgeon. I’m sure he has experience with infection and can recognize and treat the problem.
Some redness, even asymmetric, after surgery is not uncommon. Nevertheless, see your surgeon. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation and redness
Without formally examiing you, it woudl be difficult to tell you what is wrong. If you are concerned about a possible infection, then I suggest you speak to your surgeon. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
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