Breast lift with augmentation photos
A periareolar lift would allow your surgeon to position the nipple in the “perfect” spot, and a lollipop lift would raise your whole breast up on the chest in addition to that.
You can always have the augmentation and wait to see if you are happy after the implants settle (3-6 months). I have done periareolar lifts in the office under local anesthesia.
If you wait until after, it means additional recovery time and possibly increased cost, but at least you’ll be sure you want the lift before placing visible scars on the chest. (Dana Goldberg, MD, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)
This appears to be a borderline situation as far as the need for a lift, and a consultation and examination can help sort through the pros and cons.
Much depends on your goals. Without a lift and with large implants, your areolas may appear more low set than now, but that is hard to predict.
Breast lift with augmentation photos
The implants will fill out the loose skin, but will not move the areolas, and that is something that a discussion with your surgeon will be superior to any possible on line advice. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Unfortunately, elasticity of the skin often does not return after weight loss. Based on breast lift with augmentation photos and the anticipated loose skin envelope, I would predict the need for a breast lift with your breast augmentation even with the dual plane technique. However, your surgeon will be able to advise you with greater accuracy after his physical exam and implant style /size discussion. (Jason Mussman, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)
You appear to be somewhat of a borderline case. If you were my patient I’d tell you that you may be able to get away with just an implant, however, once I got the implant in (in the operating room) I’d make a decision then as to whether I needed to perform some type of lift. I’m thinking you probably will need a periareolar lift based on breast lift with augmentation photos, but difficult to say for sure. I recommend that you see a board certified plastic surgeon in consultation to get more specific answers to your questions which can best be addressed after a thorough history and examination is performed. (David Cangello, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
You have a very typical dilemma: that thin fine line between BA alone or a Breast lift. In your case (by looking at your photos), I could tell you’d be a good candidate for both. Meaning, a BA alone will most likely give you a pretty natural looking breasts but you’d have to go for a considerable volume augmentation (which you mentioned is in fact what you desire), and a Breast lift would help on getting them more perky and filling better the upper pole of your breasts.
One option I always give to my patients in situations like yours, is a Periareolar Breast lift (which you’d also be a good candidate). This way, some skin can be resected, the areolar circumference (in case that bothers you) can be reduced, and the scar is practically “unnoticeable” as it resembles the areolar rim. This option could avoid having to use a very big implant, thus having less weight on your breasts.
Something you clearly need to understand: the bigger the volume, the heavier the implant, the hardest the impact of gravity on your breasts. Any other doubt, do not hesitate to contact me. (Luis A. Fernandez Goico, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)
There are many shapes and sizes that may be available but this is best decided during your consultation. I utilized a special sizer developed by one of the implant companies to help patients see and feel what their augmentation with look like. (Sean A. Simon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Your nipples are above the breast fold so you do not need a lift. There’s no magic implant style or shape that you need to get a beautiful result. I, personally, do not use the HP’s very often because I’ve noticed that over time, most of them cause the breasts to bottom out. I would definitely recommend silicone over saline. If you like to work out your chest muscles, then find a surgeon who does lots of subfascial augmentations. (Victor Ferrari, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
If using 500 cc + implants you could avoid a lift , maybe. Best to be seen in person to determine the better course of action. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
You may get away with high profile implants that will give you a lift without the vertical lift technique. However for a longer lasting result you may benefit from one because you are somewhat borderline and the weight of the implants could weigh down your breasts. (Dana Khuthaila, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
You certainly do not need a lift, just a little lowering of the inframammary folds. For a long lasting full result look for a plastic surgeon well versed in subfascial implant placement using the highest quality form-stable “gummy bear” implants such as Allergan 410, Mentor memory shape or Sientra anatomics.
The round moderate and high profile implants tend to stress the breast tissue and skin causing premature sagging. The dual-plane or sub muscular placement causes muscular forces to push the implants down and out, creating the widely separated saggy appearance that you wish to avoid.Anatomically shaped implants do not act like higher profile round implants and do not create a level effect that amplifies the distorting forces. The subfascial technique not only removes the majority of the distorting forces from the equation but also conveys long lasting structural support to the breast like a support bra inside the breast. These are the best options for you, along with aggressive release of the inframammary fold and lowering the fold about 3 cm. (Rian A. Maercks, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
I does not appear that you need a lift but without measurements it is difficult to definitively say. The worst case cenario is that you will need a periareola lift. Seek several consultations from board certified plastic surgeons. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Breast lift with augmentation photos do indicate a need for a lift for a pretty result. But probably only a periareolar lift is needed, not the full one with the vertical scars etc. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Lift or no lift
You look like you have good skin quality and that you know what you want, I would go a bit up on the implant size and do a dual plane procedure but you always have to remember you cant lift a breast with implants (Ryan Neinstein, MD, FRCSC, New York Plastic Surgeon)
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