How To Fix Sagging Breasts After Pregnancy Via Breast Surgery?

There are techniques available to significantly improve your breasts. The plastic surgical procedure to correct sagginess and reduce the areola is called a mastopexy or in common terms a breast lift.

The breast lift can significantly improved shape of the breast and lift the nipple areola to a better position on the chest. It is also possible to reduce the size of the areola was during this procedure.

If larger breasts are desired breast augmentation can be done as an additional procedure. For more information on breast lift and augmentation please read the following link. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

How to fix sagging breast with surgery

Fixable breasts.

Your beasts can be fixed. You just need to decide how they should be fixed. Do you want them simply equalized or have implants placed as well. (Jonathan Saunders, MD, Newark Plastic Surgeon)

After weightloss breasts

Your breasts are absolutely fixable. A vertical or periareolar breast lift in conjunction with augmentation would give you a nice lift, better shape and smaller areolas. (Carlos Castaneda, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)

Breat aug

How to fix sagging breast with breast lift

You will need an augmentation with a lift to reposition and lift the breasts. Search for a surgeon in you area that performs these procedures in high volume. (Ron Hazani, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Are my breasts fixable? (Sagginess and nipples)

Your breasts are “fixable” depending what your final goal is. You can have a vertical or lollipop breast lift. This will reduce the size of the areolae, and will place them at the correct location on the breasts. Your breasts will have a better shape and will be the size of your smaller breast. If you were thinking of increasing volume, especially in the superior poles of the breasts, then you would benefit from an augmentation/lift using the vertical technique. See a board certified plastic surgeon for an in person consultation/evaluation. (George Marosan, MD, Bellevue Plastic Surgeon)

How to fix sagging breast?

How to fix sagging breast image

Your anatomy is not at all uncommon, we see these problems all the time. It requires a lift including areola reduction to improve the shape and symmetry with a small reduction on the larger side, and you can add breast implants if you also want a larger cup size. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

How to Fix “Sagginess” of Breasts

How to fix sagging breast with breast lift

It appears from your photos that you would benefit from a breast lift, which we call a mastopexy. The mastopexy operation will decrease the size of your areolas, lift your nipples/areolas to the correct position, and give your breasts a more youthful and perkier appearance. Definitely, meet with a board certified plastic surgeon to find out more.  (Joshua Cooper, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Your breasts are most certainly fixable. I would recommend a breast augmentation and a breast lift to improve your breast appearance. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Schedule a consult with a board certified plastic surgeon and discuss your options. A in person assessment is best to get the appropriate advise. Discuss, breast lift information. From your photos I think you will be able to lift your breasts and have a result you are happy with. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Your breasts are certainly “fixable”. The surgery to “fix” your breasts will depend on whether or not you are currently happy with your breast size (volume). If you are happy with your current volume, then a breast lift can make your nipple areola areas smaller and lift them to the center of your breast mound and tighten the skin.

This will give you a much nicer shape and the areolas will be smaller, but the color will not lighten. If you want more fullness, then a breast lift with implants will provide a nice shape and add more volume. You look like there is a bit of volume asymmetry, and implants can correct that too. An in person consultation will help you to understand all of your options and what results you could expect. (Amy T. Bandy, DO, FACS, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Fixable breast?

I would recomend an areolar lift with implants though that depends on the size of implants you want. A vertical lift could also be considered, it seems like you and your board certified plastic surgeon of your choice have to decide on the surgical plan. (Ricardo Vega, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)

Definitely fixable. Breasts can be re-shaped and lifted, nipples can be re-positioned and shrunk to a smaller diameter. The darkening, however, is not very fixable – but by having darker pigmented areola and lighter breast skin with a sharp demarcation, you can better hide a surgical scar.

It depends on what you would most like to accomplish with your breasts, but a lift and placement of implants would definitely give you a nice looking result. (Kyle Song, MD, Irvine Plastic Surgeon)

I think a breast augmentation with a breast lift and areolar reduction will produce the best result for you.

The changes you have experienced are not unusual. A periareolar lift with pigment(areola) excision can shrink the size. an augmentation can be done thru that incision and get a nice result. An experienced plastic surgeon can help you. (William C. Rigano, MD, Dayton Plastic Surgeon)

Your shape and sagging can be improved with surgery. I would suggest meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon and discussing your concerns. He/she can show you different sizes that would work for your frame and help you make the right decision. (Connie Hiers, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Sagging breasts and large areolas are correctable problems.

To correct the shape issues and enlarged areolas, you should discuss a possible breast lift operation with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon in your community. This operation can be carefully planned to place your nipples higher, make the areolas smaller, and make your breast appear perkier.

Should you desire an increase in size of your breasts, this should be discussed during your consultation, as well. The areas where you have stretch marks will not be improved by a breast lift. (Douglas J. Raskin, MD, DMD, Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon)

Your breasts are absolutely fixable so go on some consults with experts in your area and become fully informed about what can be done (Frederic H. Corbin, MD, Brea Plastic Surgeon)

You would need whats called a mastopexy (lift) and augmentation (implant). Many times this can be done at the same time. You might also have an element of tuberous breasts which would be address during a consultation with a plastic surgeon. (Daniel Barrett, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Absolutely Fixable

Your breasts can easily be “fixed”. The definition of fixed is something you will need to define with your board certified plastic surgeon.

If you are pleased with your breast size than a breast lift will reduce the diameter of the areola and raise the breast off the chest wall. If you would like more volume to the breast a combination procedure called a mastopexy augmentation will lift the breast and increase your volume.

Seek out a board certified plastic surgeon to inform you of your options. (Robert W. Kessler, MD, FACS, Corona Del Mar Plastic Surgeon)