Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Doctor Murphy in Sayre, Pennsylvania 18840
Name: James P. Murphy, DMD
Last name: Murphy
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2015
Years experience: 8
Primary Specialty: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Business: Guthrie Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Address: One Guthrie Square
Address suite: 5th Fl.
City: Sayre
State: Pennsylvania
Zip Code: 18840
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital
- Undergraduate: BS, Boston College
- Dental: DMD, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Postdoc Training:
- Residencies:
- Advanced Education in General Dentistry, 2010, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, AK
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA, Chief Resident, 2015
GPS coordinates on map: 41.9800398,-76.5206811
Primary location:
Location name: Sayre
State: PA
Country: US
Map point: 41.9642,-76.61599731
- Botox
- Botox for Migraines
- Botox for TMJ
- Chin Implant
- Dental Bone Graft
- Dental Implants
- Dermal Fillers
- Ear Surgery
- Earlobe Repair
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery
- Genioplasty
- Jaw Reduction
- Jaw Surgery
- Juvederm
- Mole Removal
- Rhinoplasty
RealSelf Info
Rating: 5.0
Profile views: 1656
Answer count: 6
Review count: 5
5 star count: 2
Total star count: 2
Star rating: 2.697376606878
Profile created: Feb 6, 2018
Profile modified: May 19, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jan 17, 2019
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Lancaster, PA, US. GPS coordinates: 40.0416,-76.30190277
- Sayre, PA, US. GPS coordinates: 41.9642,-76.61599731
- York, PA, US. GPS coordinates: 39.9613,-76.7315979
Latest ratings of treatments
- Orthognathic Surgery (Nov 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Botox for Migraines (Apr 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Mar 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Nov 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Chin Surgery (May 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Chin Surgery (May 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Chin Surgery (May 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Botox for Migraines (Apr 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Botox for Migraines (Apr 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Mar 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Mar 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Nov -0001) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Feb 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Feb 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Feb 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Orthognathic Surgery (Feb 2018) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Braces (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Braces (Apr 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
What can be done to fix my asymmetric jaw, protruding right side forehead, and uneven hairline? (P
Facial Asymmetry
Mar 4, 2019
Mar 4, 2019
Thanks for the great photos, you seem to have a good idea of the areas of asymmetry. The question of course is what can be done. There are some options. While I would like to see a CT/radiographs of the bony structures of your face, typical the treatment would be either facial implants or jaw surgery or a combination of the two. For example, your upper and lower jaws can be leveled with orthognathic surgery (cutting the upper and lower jaw to reposition them…
What do I need surgically to help my face become good looking and balanced?
Orthognathic surgery
Feb 23, 2019
Feb 23, 2019
From your initial photos, it does appear jaw surgery would help improve your facial proportions. While a more in-depth evaluation would be needed to see what needs to be addressed, I would imagine an upper and lower jaw surgery with a genioplasty would be required. Typically, it involves bringing the upper jaw slightly up and forward which will allow your lower jaw to move up and forward as well. This will help give you a stronger chin (along with a…
From your initial photos, it does appear jaw surgery would help improve your facial proportions. While a more in-depth evaluation would be needed to see what needs to be addressed, I would imagine an upper and lower jaw surgery with a genioplasty would be required. Typically, it involves bringing the upper jaw slightly up and forward which will allow your lower jaw to move up and forward as well. This will help give you a stronger chin (along with a…
Long face. What can be done to make me more attractive to women?
Possible orthognathic surgery
Jan 31, 2019
Jan 31, 2019
Two things I notice from your pictures is and increased maxillary incisor tooth display with minimal smile as well a retruded/set back chin. This typically happens when you have excess maxillary (upper) jaw growth that tends to make the midface appear long and the lower jaw appear deficient. You didn’t mention it but this facial growth is also frequent in people with sleep apnea as well. This often can be treated with orthognathic surgery moving the upper jaw…
Two things I notice from your pictures is and increased maxillary incisor tooth display with minimal smile as well a retruded/set back chin. This typically happens when you have excess maxillary (upper) jaw growth that tends to make the midface appear long and the lower jaw appear deficient. You didn’t mention it but this facial growth is also frequent in people with sleep apnea as well. This often can be treated with orthognathic surgery moving the upper jaw…
Would orthognathic surgery be favorable?
Your orthodontist maybe correct
Jan 18, 2019
Jan 18, 2019
TMJ pain can have many causes, sometimes in the actual jaw joint, sometimes related to the muscles that help your jaw function. Looking at your profile, your upper and lower jaw appear deficient and can often contribute to sleep apnea. The tongue is attached to the most forward/inside part of your lower jaw and when the lower jaw and chin are moved forward it can move the tongue forward preventing it from collapsing your airway when you sleep. There can…
TMJ pain can have many causes, sometimes in the actual jaw joint, sometimes related to the muscles that help your jaw function. Looking at your profile, your upper and lower jaw appear deficient and can often contribute to sleep apnea. The tongue is attached to the most forward/inside part of your lower jaw and when the lower jaw and chin are moved forward it can move the tongue forward preventing it from collapsing your airway when you sleep. There can…
Should I get implants and braces or dentures?
A little patience…
Jan 18, 2019
Jan 18, 2019
That’s great you’re replacing missing teeth and want to make sure you time it correctly with implant placement and crown placement. I would recommend you wait until your orthodontics is completed or at least very close to completion before having the implants placed. The orthodontist will likely appreciate all the space you can provide in your jaw to align the teeth. If you place the implants too early and too close to the natural teeth that need to be moved/aligned…
That’s great you’re replacing missing teeth and want to make sure you time it correctly with implant placement and crown placement. I would recommend you wait until your orthodontics is completed or at least very close to completion before having the implants placed. The orthodontist will likely appreciate all the space you can provide in your jaw to align the teeth. If you place the implants too early and too close to the natural teeth that need to be moved/aligned…
Can you give me advice which treatment will be best for my case or I need genioplasty?
Genioplasty or Orthognathic surgery
Jan 17, 2019
Jan 17, 2019
You ask a great question. Many patients ask me what to do about a facial asymmetry and I usually offer several options. If you have a comfortable bite, like the way your teeth look when you smile and only want a chin that lines up appropriately then a genioplasty or chin implant should work out nicely.
However, if you want an ideal bite and smile and correct not only the chin asymmetry but the upper jaw cant (your upper jaw is canted downward on the left side to match…
You ask a great question. Many patients ask me what to do about a facial asymmetry and I usually offer several options. If you have a comfortable bite, like the way your teeth look when you smile and only want a chin that lines up appropriately then a genioplasty or chin implant should work out nicely.
However, if you want an ideal bite and smile and correct not only the chin asymmetry but the upper jaw cant (your upper jaw is canted downward on the left side to match…
Latest Before And After Photos
- 33 Year Old Man Treated With Orthognathic Surgery With Doctor Murphy, Sayre, Pennsylvania
- Dr. James P. Murphy, DMD, Sayre, Pennsylvania (18840) 35 Year Old Man Treated With Chin Surgery Patient
- Dr. Murphy, Sayre, Pennsylvania 41 Year Old Man Treated With Chin Surgery
Last updated on 12/21/2023