Saline Vs. Silicone Breast Implants Which Is Better For You
There are two types of implants available, saline filled and silicone filled.
Both are FDA approved for breast augmentation and both are excellent implants. They both have long, excellent clinical history.
It really comes down to personal preference of the patient and her Plastic Surgeon My personal preference is a saline-filled implants in young patients still within their child bearing years with a small amount to breast tissue.
I feel that saline implants are a more Maintenance Free Implant long term and when they deflat, on the rare occasion, the patient will be fully aware of it vs. silicone implants are not obvious when ruptured to the patient or the doctor.

What are the best breast implants surgery
Both have a good and natural feel to them. However, I prefer silicone implants in secondary breast augmentation patients – those with previous silicone implants and/or patients that have no breast tissue and of course if the patient prefers them.
All breast implants are placed below the pectoralis muscle for a more natural appearance and for a greatly reduced chance for implant hardness long term. The consultation and examination ultimately aid in the decision with each individual patient. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Silicone Implants or Saline Implants
Statistics show that the majority of women are now choosing silicone implants over saline. Almost as difficult as making the final decision on what size implants you want, is the decision as to what type of implant, silicone or saline?

What are the best breast implants images
There are pros and cons to each so it ends up being a personal decision as to what would be best for each patient. For many years saline implants were the only ones available, except for instances of breast reconstruction or replacement. Now the FDA has once again approved the use of silicone implants after many years of testing and trials showed there was not a danger as previously believed. Many women are still not comfortable with the idea of silicone and choose saline for this reason alone.
Another reason many women choose saline over silicone, is that if the implant should leak, the saline solution is just absorbed by the body and is harmless. Some women do not have a choice, if they are less than 22 years of age they will not be permitted to have silicone. Lastly, the cost of saline is somewhat less than silicone. The advantages of silicone implants are that they have a softer more natural feel. They do not cause rippling of the skin that sometimes saline can. If an implant should become ruptured, the gel is contained within the pocket if not within the implant itself, allowing a more normal look until the implant can be replaced.

What are the best breast implants for breast augmentation
If a saline implant deflates, a woman would have a flat chest until the replacement can take place. Another big advantage of the silicone implant is that the occurrence of forming a capsular contracture is much less than with saline.
The FDA states that women who have silicone implants should have an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) three years after the initial surgery, then once every two years. This is to be able to detect a “silent leak”. (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Implant choices
When it comes to choosing an implant that is best for you I would recommend you do some research. There are several websites that could help you decide which implant is better for you. Whether its a saline or silicone, moderate or high profile implant you should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon and go over the pro’s and con’s of the implant options. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
There is no one breast implant, size, shape, texture, location placement, incision for everyone.
This is why a consultation is performed so that patients’ goals and desires can be achieved through a thorough discussion and examination. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
There are many good options to consider when it come to breast implants.
The most important thing to consider is the credentials of your surgeon.
Your surgeon should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and have experience with both saline and silicone implantation.
There are a variety of systems that assist your surgeon in finding the right fit for you, such as the Body Logic system, by Mentor.
Currently, Allergan and Mentor are the only FDA approved manufacturers of silicone breast implant. Remember, you need to be at least 22 years of age to have silicone implants placed, according to current FDA guidelines. (Julius W. Few, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
There is no one best breast implants for all seasons. The most important issue is to become educated with the assistance of your surgeon and make the right decision for YOU.
Implants can be:
- Allergan or Mentor (soon to be Johnson & Johnson)
- Smooth or Textured Saline or Silicone
- Round or Anatomic
- Low, moderate or high profile
Taking these into consideration, there is a minimum of 14 options and it can be confusing. In the end it comes down to personal choice and making an informed decision. There is no one right answer. It would be similar to asking do you like Pepsi or Coca-Cola? (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
The choice of best breast implants is something to be done in consultation with an experienced surgeon. Most plastic surgeons who have been in practice more than a couple of years have a lot of experience with saline-filled implants, and not all have an extensive experience with silicone gel. At this time,most of my patients choose gel, about 80%, because they feel more natural.
This is less of a factor, though, when there is more breast tissue to cover the implant. It will become a bit more of a complicated choice when the form-stable silicone implants (also known as “gummy bear” or “cohesive”) become available. These implants are shaped, not round, and more firm.
In some cases they will be advantageous and others not. Round implants (the type in use now) have the same natural profile, and “behave” very much like a natural breast. Bottom line is keep an open mind, ask a lot of questions and make an informed decision when you know all the facts. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Smooth round Saline or Silicone implants are best
At the ASPS meeting in Chicago, there was an informal survey asking what type of implants the plastic surgeons in the room prefer based on show of hands. There were hundreds of plastic surgeons from across the world in the auditorium. I would estimate that for both saline and silicone implants, 80% choose smooth, round implants.
I would agree, roughly 75% of my implants are smooth round saline and 25% smooth round silicone. I rarely find a patient whom would benefit more from textured or anatomic implants. (York Jay Yates, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
Choosing the Right Implants
Women seeking breast augmentation usually have the choice between a saline-filled implant and a silicone gel-filled implant.
Both implants are very popular and patients are very satisfied with the outcome of each type.
The saline implants can usually be put into a slightly smaller incision than the silicone gel implants.
After a small incision is made, the saline implants are placed without being filled.
After they are inside the pocket, they are filled to the desired size.
The silicone gel implants come prefilled. Many people feel that the silicone implants feel slightly more natural. Many women with very little breast tissue feel that the silicone implants provide them with a more natural outcome.
Be sure to ask your doctor for details and guidance to help you make the right decision. After your implant type is determined, your surgeon will discuss your desires with regard to the implant size.
Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters, or cc’s. Selecting a size appropriate for your needs will depend on a variety of factors including your body type and your skin elasticity. Your doctor will help you make a choice suited to your proportions and skin condition. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Types of breast implants
There are many types of breast implants. The two general categories are saline or silicone gel filled implants. Both have a similar outer shell. Both have been around for fifty years. Gel implants may feel more real but they cost more, require a larger incision, and have a higher chance of capsular contracture.
Saline implants cost less, are adjustable during the surgery and are placed through a smaller incision but they can ripple or wrinkle more. Both are very good implants and come in different sizes and shapes to customize your surgey. Leo Lapuerta MD (Leo Lapuerta, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
What is the best type of breast implants?
The ideal implant is the one that gives you the result that you want. In general silicone breast implants tend to feel and look a little more natural than saline especially if you are thin and have relatively little breast tissue. Once the type of implant is chosen the width and projection of the implant should be taken into consideration. There are generally three types of implant categories based on width and projection:
- Low profile
- Medium profile
- High profile
As you move up the categories the width of the implant for any given size decreases and projection increases. Last but not least implant volume should be chosen. This decision takes into consideration your starting cup size, your desired cup size, and your breast width. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Choosing saline or silicone breast implants
Best type of breast implants are available in both silicone and saline. The choice of which type of implant is dependent on the volume of implant planned, the skin quality, breast dimensions, muscularity of the patient, droopiness of the breast and nipple, and breast volume.
I use a very objective approach to the decision. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)