What Reduces Swelling After Breast Augmentation?
The most significant amount of swelling will subside in the first few weeks after your breast augmentation.
It can last for about 2 or 3 months depending on your specific healing process.
I would recommend being patient throughout the process and making sure you have great nutrition so you can maximize your healing for the best results.
If after a few months you still notice too much swelling, contact your physician. (Jimmy S. Firouz, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Normal swelling after breast augmentation

The swelling after breast augmentation
You are certainly swollen at five days after surgery, you may be experiencing much tightness, swelling, and your implants may seem like they are too high especially if submuscular.
This is all normal. Your breast shape and size will change over the next several weeks as the swelling reduces and the tissue surrounding the implants relaxes, causing the implants to assume a more natural position.
The extent of the swelling depends on a couple factors:
Implant placement.

Swelling after breast augmentation picture
(A) If on top of the muscle (subfascial and subglandular), wait 1-2 weeks for reduced swelling to become evident.
(B) If under the muscle (subpectoral or submuscular), wait 3-4 weeks for reduced swelling and distortion to be noticeable (especially if you have well developed pectoral muscles.)
Soft tissue swelling.
Breast implant position shifts as the breast tissues relax after breast augmentation. Breast implants will assume a more natural position in the weeks ahead. The results of your breast augmentation will be better judged at 3 months and by a year the final shape will be present. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling after Breast Augmentation

Swelling after breast augmentation photo
Swelling of the breast immediately following breast augmentation is normal and expected after surgery. For most patients in our Richmond, Virginia practice, the swelling peaks the third through fifth days after surgery.
During the second and third weeks after surgery most of the swelling subsides and the breasts begin to take their shape. During this period the implants begin to drop, the tissues expand, and the breasts become rounder. Please note that a small amount residual swelling may still be present 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. We advise our patient to wait approximately 3 to 4 weeks before purchasing new bras to allow the breasts to settle.

Swelling after breast augmentation image
Remember not all bras are designed the same and cup size can vary dramatically between manufacturers. At this point in your post-operative course it is difficult to distinguish between the contribution post-operative swelling versus the implants are making to your final breast size. (Neil J. Zemmel, MD, FACS, Midlothian Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation swelling takes time to resolve
Swelling after breast augmentation will gradually resolve over a four to six week period. Even once most of the swelling has resolved, you will still see some changes in breast shape for a period of up to three months.

Swelling after breast aug
I generally recommend that my patients purchase sports bras early on, as these are less form fitted allow for greater latitude in sizing. I would wait at least a month before going out and investing in a new wardrobe. (Mitchel Krieger, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation swelling begins to resolve within 2 weeks
Swelling begins to resolve within 2 weeks of surgery. By 6 weeks, you should have a pretty good idea of the size of your breasts. All swelling will be gone by 3 months and at that time you will see the final results from your surgery. (David A. Robinson, MD, Munster Plastic Surgeon)
Give yourself 4-6 weeks

Swelling after breast augmentation surgery
What you are experiencing is completely normal, and in general, you will need about 4-6 weeks before you see the final result. I recommend my patients wait about 6 weeks before being fitted for and purchasing new bras so that this swelling may subside, but it sounds like you are healing normally. (Shahram Salemy, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Wait 6 weeks for new bra after breast augmentation
Patients are often given temporary soft bras to wear while the postop breast changes take place. Patients are advised to wait about 6 weeks before going bra shopping, because fit would change greatly over that period of time.

A swelling after breast augmentation
Afterward, the changes are less and gradual. Some of what you are experiencing is swelling. But much of the early postop breast appearance is due to your body adjusting to the surgery and the implant. The breast and pocket around the implant are stretched. They will relax over time. As they do, you generally see more projection and less base fullness and round appearance. They will fill out a future bra very differently than they do right after surgery. Your final cup size will depend on the implant you chose as well as your breast tissue and body proportions. It even depends on how you like to wear your bra. I agree with other surgeon’s answers in that you may need several months. Typically, you’ll be pleased with your look. (Sutton Graham II, MD, Greenville Plastic Surgeon)
Don’t look at your breasts for at least a couple of weeks

Swelling after breast augmentation recovery time
Certain things happen dynamically after breast augmentation. Of course, there is swelling and bruising that causes the breasts to be larger. The hemoglobin pigment is hydrophilic so whenever there is bruising, there is some fluid retention. However, the tissue also might be tighter since they are being stretched by the volume of the implant.
It takes a while for the tissues to accommodate the implant. This can make the breasts look smaller until the implant effect the size and shape of the tissue maximally. Because of these two opping forces, I would advise not looking at or examining the breasts too closely for at least a couple of weeks or even longer. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Swelling

Swelling after breast augmentation recovery
Being 5 days out from surgery is still very early and it is most likely there is still a fair amount of swelling. In addition if your implants are under the muscle, they sometimes look higher and bigger than they are. Give yourself 4-6 weeks at least for the swelling to subside and then you will have a better idea.
Also as I am sure you know, bra sizes can vary depending on the brand so it is more important to see if you like the shape and fullness of the breasts after the swelling goes down rather than the arbitrary cup size. Incidentally, at your height and weight, 325 cc is probably going to make you a full C to a small D but every body is different, so give it some time. (Navinderdeep S. Nijher, MD, Ocala Plastic Surgeon)
Just wait
You will be fine. This is very common and as long as you have symmetrical swelling you will do fine. Discuss your concerns with your plastic surgeon and be active. (Kamran Khoobehi, MD, New Orleans Plastic Surgeon)
5 days after a breast augmentation, you should still expect a fair amount of swelling. I would not worry to much about your cup size at this point. I usually tell my patients not to expect an accurate cup size measurement until at least 6 weeks after their breast augmentation. (Sacha Obaid, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Wait at least 5-6 weeks after breast augmentation before buying new bras
There is a significant amount of swelling associated with Breast Augmentation in the first few weeks. You have probably noticed changes even in the first 5 days. Initially you notice minimal cleavage due to uneven swelling after breast augmentation. Within 7 days, that area has become more normal.
The implants may be “riding high” at this time. Your physician will recommend massage exercises to start within the first week or two. This will relax the muscle, reduce the uneven swelling after breast augmentation and allow the implants to “settle” in place. I tell my patients to wait at least 5-6 weeks before going out and picking out new bras.
This will not be the final size, but 85-90% of the swelling will be gone at that point. The size will be an excellent approximation of your final result. You will continue to settle and modify for up to 6 months, so don’t be concerned. Enjoy the changes and don’t rush to buy new clothes just yet. (David A. Dreyfuss, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation recovery
5 days after surgery you should still be wearing some sort of post surgical bra or supportive sports bra. There is no reason to try to determine your cup size at this early period. The postoperative swelling and bruising may take a week to several weeks to completely subside.
Additionally the skin and muscle will stretch to accomodate the implant which will change the position over the first several weeks. You should have a pretty good idea of the size and starting tryin bras approximately 6 – 12 weeks after surgery. (Sean A. Simon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
In about 6 weeks. Your swelling and bruising should be gone in 2-3 weeks. Also, bra sizing varies by manufacturer. (Michael A. Giuffrida, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Breast augmentation and swelling
Swelling from breast augmentation can take several weeks to months to completely subside. Most of the swelling will go away after a few weeks, and the breast should get a bit smaller. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Post op swelling is part of the answer
It is very common to be swollen for the first few weeks after any type of surgery so it might take some time to see the final result. Also, just a comment about bra cup size. Not all C cups are equal. We in our practice have found over the years that one brand might identify their bra as 38C which fits one way and then another brand identifies the bra as a 36D and both fit the same. (Andrew Y. Kleinman, MD, Westchester Plastic Surgeon)
Uneven swelling after breast augmentation is variable
The amount and duration of swelling after breast augmentation is very variable between patients, but can last up to about a month. That’s part of the reason we limit you to a sports type bra for 4 weeks after surgery. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
It takes about 3 months for the tissues to settle
It takes about three months for the tissues to settle and the swelling to resolve. A majority of the swelling will go down in the first months. However, you will see subtle changes over the next several months. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
When Does Swelling After Breast Augmentation Begin to Subside?
The initial swelling after breast augmentation will begin to decrease over the first several weeks after surgery with the majority subsiding around 2-3 months.The final result and shape of the breasts will not be evident for approximately 6 months after surgery.
It is important to note that initially, the breast implants will sit high on the chest, as the surrounding tissue will need time for settling to accommodate the new volume of breast.
By 6 months the implants will “drop” and settle into its correct position on the chest wall. Therefore, I would not judge the final result of your surgery until you reach the 6 month post-operative date. (Gary Motykie, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Resolution of swelling after breast augmentation
In general, there is swelling after any surgical procedure. Usually this uneven swelling will increase for the first 2-4 days after surgery and then will start to subside. I usually tell my patients that most swelling will be gone by 4-6 weeks after surgery; with breast augmentation, implants will continue to soften and settle for up to 3 months.
Interestingly, many augmentation patients will initially be surprised at how large their breasts appear. It takes some time to adjust to the increase in size and get used to it. As you get used to the size (1-2 weeks), your size is decreasing as swelling is resolving. This probably accounts for why so many patients say: “I could have gone a little bigger.” They get used to a size that’s still swollen! (Mark A. Deuber, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling can take 4-6 weeks to completely resolve
At 5 days patients still are getting used to their implants and their is a lot of swelling. You should not worry about any cup size at this time!
The implants will drop, soften, and the swelling will go down mostly by 3-4 weeks but the final amounts may take up to six weeks.
Don’t worry, based on your implant size I think you should be well within a C cup range. (James F. Boynton, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling post breast augmentation
Dear Patient, surgery is when you will have a better idea of your actual cup size. (Teanoosh Zadeh, MD, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling after breast augmentation
At five days postop, you are still at the height of the swelling curve. Much of the swelling should go down within the first three weeks after surgery but some residual swelling may remain for up to six months. Be patient. You will be able to more accurately assess the healing in several weeks. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
How to reduce swelling after breast augmentation surgery?
At 5 days you should still have moderate swelling especially in the midline (cleavage) and out to the side. You really shouldn’t be wearing ‘cup’ type bras yet as your breasts are like not yet of a shape that bras will comfortably accomodate.
Swelling is probably maximal in most cases at about the 3-5 day point. It’s hard to tell you, without an examination, whether the amount of swelling you’re having is within normal limits or is accentuated because there’s an issue – so I’d recommend that you pose the question to your surgeon. (Scott E. Newman, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling after Breast Augmentation
Generally speaking, swelling can take up to 6 weeks to go down, that’s why I usually recommend that patients wait about 4 weeks to go bra shopping . It takes about 200cc’s to make a cup size. So, if you had some of your own breast tissue plus the implants, you should be around a C cup. But keep in mind, differenct manufacturers size their cups differently. So in one store you might be a B, and another a D. (Richard H. Fryer, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
Cup size and swelling after Breast Augmentation
Swelling after breast augmentation is completely normal and expected, and it typically lasts for as much as six weeks after the surgery. I recommend a soft, supportive bra without underwire or “push-up” padding for the first six weeks – don’t worry about cup size during this period of healing! After six weeks or so, it is a good idea to go and get properly measured and fitted for new bras. At that point, your size should be pretty consistent. Also, far more important than cup size is liking the way you look. All bra makers are so different, and you may fit into different sizes from one brand to another. (Amy M. Sprole, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon)
It takes about 6 weeks for the breasts after augmentation to reach their final volume and shape.
Swelling after breast augmentation will add a small amount of volume and rigidity to the breast tissue that artifically supports the implant. Understanding that convalescence is variable, allow about 6 weeks for the gross swelling to subside and reveal the final volume and shape of the breast. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Breast swelling after breast augmentation will settle
Any surgery, breast augmentation included, creates swelling that will take time to resolve. The more extensive the surgery, the longer for the swelling to settle. In our practice we generally tell our patients that they should wait a month before 95% of the swelling is gone and at that time they can go out and by new bras. Until then there is swelling that needs to resolve, and the implant settles down. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Bra cup sizes vary
It is important to remember that bra cup sizes vary between different bra manufacturers. What fits 34C in Cosabella, may be too tight or a bit loose in a comparable Victoria Secret bra. The swelling will go down, but it usually takes at least one month. And frequently longer. I recommend that my patients wear a snug fitting sports bra for the first four weeks after surgery to provide both compression and support. In the mean time, have a few different size bras available. (Kevin Brenner, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
When does swelling subside after breast augmentation?
Five days after the procedure there is still significant swelling and this is normal. Usually, most of the swelling resolves after 2-3 weeks. There is still some edema and muscle swelling that may take 7-10 weeks to subside.
I do most of my implants in the sub-muscular space and implants in this location will “settle” after about 3 months. (Joel B. Singer, MD, Old Greenwich Plastic Surgeon)
Generally speaking, swelling increases for about three days then begins to subside. By six weeks after surgery swelling is gone and patients are at a stable volume.
Between 6 weeks and 6 months the shape of theo breast settles into its final form. Obbviously people are different and some are ahead and others behind this timeline. (Michael B. Tantillo, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling is normal and it will subside in approximately 6 weeks
It’s a good one and very commonly posed. Usually, it takes 6-12 weeks post-op for the breast reach its (new) natural state and stable size.
Because the breast is a gland, the size can fluctuate and might easily be a cup-size larger in this early stage of recovery.
So, after five days, do not worry. Swelling will subside in the timeframe noted above. It appears you will very likely achieve the result you desired. In the meantime, my patients appreciate the supportive, but not constricting Coobie bras. No underwire! (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)
Breast Augmentation Swelling
Your new breasts will appear too large and too high for about 1-3 months. Your particular situation will be a combination of how your react to surgery, specifics about the surgical technique, and the size of implant you have selected. (Clark Schierle, MD, PhD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling After Breast Augmentation – When Does It Subside?
It’s a good thing you feel your breasts are too large 5 days after a breast augmentation because they definitely are going to get smaller. Normally, it takes 3 weeks for the majority of the swelling to go down, and about 3 months for all of the swelling to subside. You should pretty much be able to determine the absolute cup size at about 6 weeks, and there would be only minor changes after that. (S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
When to get sized for new bras
6-8 weeks is usually a safe time to go get sized for a new bra. Right now you might be experiencing quite a bit of muscle swelling. Try not to lift anything heavy or over do it to ensure the swelling goes down faster. (Michael A. Fiorillo, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Judging your breast size after augmentation
This is probably one of the most common questions we see after breast implants. The breast certainly changes size and shape after surgery, especially if the implants are placed under the muscle.
However, the cup size can actually increase in many cases as the implant “drops”, which allows more of the implant to lay in the bra. Nevertheless, three months is what we usually recommend to patients in terms of buying new bras, judging your final size, etc. (W. Tracy Hankins, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
How long does swelling last after breast augmentation?
Breast swelling usually gets progressively worse over the first 3 days. Some patients have described them looking like “torpedoes.” Also, you will likely feel swollen all over from your body retaining fluid. This is expected and will get better in the first week. The typical amount of breast swelling is a quarter to half a cup size.
Breast swelling resolves in several stages: 75% of swelling resolves over first 1-2 weeks 90-95% of swelling resolved by 6 weeks Remaining 5% of swelling is barely perceptible, but makes breasts a bit more firm. This resolves by around 3 months post-op. Breasts feel softer at this point. Breast shape will look weird for a number of reasons: The pectoralis muscle is swollen. This creates extra fullness in a characteristic band-like pattern across the upper breast.
The implants may rest a little high because the breast tissues are tight. As the breast tissues and skin relax the implants will “settle” into a lower position. Fullness in the upper breast from the above reasons may make nipples appear too low on the breasts until settling occurs. Breast shape improves as swelling resolves and skin relaxes. Shape usually looks much more natural 1-2 weeks after surgery, but continues to change gradually over the first 3 months. You will know approximate bra size at 6 weeks, but 3 months is most accurate. (Michael Vennemeyer, MD, Southlake Plastic Surgeon)
When does swelling after breast augmentation begin to subside?
It is way too early to tell what cup size that you are going to be and what the final shape of your breast will be. It takes anywhere from 3 to 6 months to see your final result from breast augmentation surgery.
The implants will drop into place, the skin will loosen up, and the swelling will subside. Depending on what size you were pre-operatively, 325cc implants sounds reasonable for a C cup. (Robert Heck, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
[…] Swelling after breast augmentation is a very common concern. With any surgery, there is always swelling post-operatively. After placing breast implants the swelling within the breasts will peak within the first week, then slowly subside over the next few weeks to months. It’s not unusual to be a cup size larger during this time. Every woman is different but usually by three months most of the swelling will disappear, and the bra size should then remain stable. Enjoy the new breasts! (Keith M. Blechman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon) […]
[…] amount of swelling following breast augmentation will vary depending on the technique used for the procedure, along with the type and position of […]
[…] Breast swelling usually gets progressively worse over the first 3 days. Some patients have described them looking like “torpedoes.” Also, you will likely feel swollen all over from your body retaining fluid. This is expected and will get better in the first week. The typical amount of breast swelling is a quarter to half a cup size. […]
[…] Swelling after breast augmentation is completely normal and expected, and it typically lasts for as much as six weeks after the surgery. I recommend a soft, supportive bra without underwire or “push-up” padding for the first six weeks – don’t worry about cup size during this period of healing! After six weeks or so, it is a good idea to go and get properly measured and fitted for new bras. At that point, your size should be pretty consistent. Also, far more important than cup size is liking the way you look. All bra makers are so different, and you may fit into different sizes from one brand to another. (Amy M. Sprole, MD, Wichita Plastic Surgeon) […]
[…] Swelling from breast augmentation can take several weeks to months to completely subside. Most of the swelling will go away after a few weeks, and the breast should get a bit smaller. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon) […]
[…] The swelling after breast augmentation typically takes around six weeks to go down. Even at the six week time mark, the implants have not reached their final position. The implants will descend over the course of several months. It takes about 3 months for them to reach their final position. Sometimes this can take a bit longer. The implants will initially seem high and will drop with time. (Austin Hayes, MD, ) […]
[…] Swelling after breast augmentation is probably maximum at 5-7 days and then will subside slowly after that. I tell my patient to wait 2-3 months to see the final size and not to spend too much on bras until then also. (Ralph R. Garramone, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon) […]
[…] Swelling is usually at its maximum point at 48 to 72 hour after any surgical procedure. It then starts to subside, and the rate at which it decreases is depends on the patient. You will see a noticeable decrease in a swelling over the first 3 weeks. After that time your breast shape will continue to change and will become more natural — the upper pole will decrease and the lower aspect will become rounder. You should have a much better idea of the ultimate size of your breasts after 3 weeks. (Louis C. Cutolo, Jr., MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon) […]
[…] of the swelling after breast augmentation should subside within the first 2-6 weeks, while the last bit may linger for even 3-6 months. […]
[…] my experience, the swelling after breast augmentation is mostly resolved several weeks post-operatively. That being said, you should not expect to see […]
[…] Swelling after Breast Augmentation starts to subside between 1-2 weeks but to some degree can last for 2-3 months. This is when you can get an idea of your true size. Breasts following Breast Augmentation will continue to change for up to a year with settling. (Daniel J. Casper, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon) […]
[…] can resume at 2-3 weeks and a full resumption of activities can be expected soon after. Most swelling after breast augmentation has subsided by 6 weeks and the scars are completely faded by 1 year. (Adam C. Augenstein, MD, […]
[…] elevation is useful for the first 48 hours, to keep swelling after breast augmentation away from the surgery […]
[…] pumps that dierect local anesthesia into the breast pocket. You should also take it easy to reduce swelling after breast augmentation that can increase pain. Scars are often well hidden and faint. (Karen Vaniver, MD, Kennewick […]
[…] 1. helps reduce the swelling after breast augmentation […]
[…] rubbing of your breasts and stroking motions towards your armpits aimed at speeding resolution of swelling after breast augmentation. Also, it helps with resolution of any weird nerve sensations (tingling, electrical sensations) and […]
[…] like to ask my patients to allow the initial healing and swelling after breast augmentation to diminish before they begin to massage. The patients are instructed after two weeks then begin to […]
[…] I wait until about three weeks after the procedure. At that time the wound has healed and the swelling after breast augmentation has essentially […]
[…] around the implants, keeps the implants soft and subtle in the pocket and helps with tightness and swelling after breast augmentation. Make sure that you are moving the implants and not your own breast tissue. Make sure to use your […]