Breast Augmentation Info
Breast augmentation is plastic surgery on the breast, which is change shape and increase size.
When sagging breast, skin and glandular tissue located underneath are removed and the remaining tissue fixed in the normal position.
Breast augmentation can be considered the most popular plastic surgery in the United States. Why breast surgery is so popular?
Women with unexpressed shape of breast, after childbirth, with little breast ptosis want not to increase the breasts but improve its shape, give it a more sexy look.
Breast enlargement is performed using a surgical operation, which takes approximately one to two hours.
Operations may be different according to the type of incisions, implant material and its location. Taking into account the increase in of breast, we offer a number of clinics where you can make a such an operation. But it is always better to contact the professionals.
In particular, we are like that. The vast experience of our doctors allow to conduct surgery at the highest level. So if you are interested in high-quality breast augmentation, please contact with our professional clinic.
On our site you will find a lot of useful information about breast augmentation, such as: breast augmentation cost, swelling, recovery, fat transfer, breast lift, breast implants, breast augmentation gone wrong, pain after breast augmentation, exercise after breast augmentation and many other.

Breast implant rupture
Breast augmentation surgery (mammoplasty) is one of the most popular plastic surgery in the world. Today, this procedure is considered quite safe. However, in deciding on such a radical step, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of breast augmentation.
What are the reasons for breast augmentation?
High firm breasts has always been decoration of a woman and a symbol of motherhood. Although the size of the ideal breast were very different at various times . For example, in the Middle Ages it was considered a beautiful small but very high breast, tightened in the “iron” corset. But times have changed, and today more and more women tend to be like busty Hollywood stars. However, absolutely symmetrical breast of ideal form with “outstanding” size – a rare phenomenon.
If nature has deprived women of large breasts (as they believe), they courageously lay down under the surgeon’s knife. Of course, there is a category of women who go on mammoplasty due to the removal of one or both breasts due to cancer (mastectomy procedure).
Women who have a difference between the two breasts in a half-size or even the size can also be patients of surgeons. However, in most cases, women who have breast implants are those who are simply not happy with the size and shape of the breast.
Pros of breast augmentation
- Correction of physical disabilities. Mastectomy, that was carried out because of breast cancer, can lead to strong complexes, stress and even depression. Restoration of the natural shape of the breast is able to return self confidence for women which have lost it and will allow they to feel again “full”, desired and feminine. The same applies to women who have asymmetrical breasts from birth.
- Prevention of various problems due to excessive large breasts. In some cases, breast reduction is almost a medical reason. An excessively large breasts can be a source of great discomfort for ladies. It prevents playing sports and even leads to problems with the spine. In the story was a case when the surgeons “have removed” from a woman 3 kg from each breast.
- Improving the appearance and attractiveness to the opposite sex. Of course, having a large high elastic breast, you will instantly feel more and more popularity among men. It is no secret that most of them prefer ladies with big breasts. Nevertheless, small breasts also has its admirers. In addition, the men choose a girlfriends not only by the size of the bust.
- Improving self-esteem. Many women claim that began to feel much more confident after passing through the surgery and getting rid of long-standing complex about small or sagging breasts.
Cons of breast augmentation

Saline breast implant rupture and new breast implants
- Scars. For yourself you should clearly understand that the gonna scar from the surgery for a lifetime. And they are not always so noticeable. Only the method of insertion from the navel leaves almost no visible scars (and requires less recovery time).
- Anesthesia. Local anesthesia is safe. Full anesthesia, which is mainly used in this surgery is always more risky. Although anesthesiologists are usually highly skilled, no one is immune from mistakes. And every year people die from such errors. Furthermore, it may be fatal allergy on anesthesia.
- Infection. This is the risk of any surgery, regardless of its type. Infection during breast surgery will almost certainly require the immediate removal of the implant. And even worse, if the infection is detected after surgery.
- Recovery time. You will be able to resume normal activities only some time after the surgery, even if all goes well.
Then you need to wear special padded bras and take painkillers to reduce pain and discomfort in the breast. - The difficulty of mammography. In the presence of breast implants typically do not make mammography, and therefore detection of breast cancer and tumors will be more difficult.
- Rupture. Implants are sometimes broken. Rupture of the implant requires immediate removal that is why it could be fatal for life. Generally silicone implant rupture can be detected only by the appearance of capsular contracture.
- Loss of sensitivity. After the implantation of silicone in the breast you can lose the ability to feel any sensation in the breast as a whole or in the nipple area. Some women say that it is only during the recovery period. But there is a worst-case scenario, when there is a full and complete loss of sensation.
- Breast implants – an unreliable way to increase self-confidence. Some women even after breast augmentation continues to feel inferior. Very often the problem is not in appearance, but lies at a deeper emotional and mental level. So often several sessions to a good psychotherapist is enough to become a woman feel more confident.
Breast augmentation info:
- Breast Augmentation Sizes And Shapes Breast implants – medical products, intended to be placed under the mammary gland or the pectoral muscle in order to change the size and shape of the breast. Types of breast implants Modern plastic more
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- Breast Lift And Augmentation 500cc Changing the volume of an implant can be performed, but you may want to go with a different shaped implant to get the desired shape that you want. You also have to give yourself some more
- Infection after breast aug surgery It is not normal to have redness and tenderness one month after a breast augmentation. Both of these symptoms are suggestive of infection. Your surgeon is probably trying to salvage the implant with the more
- Tips for recovering from breast augmentation operation Recovery after breast implants can vary from patient to patient. I usually allow my patients to return to work in about a week. Light aerobic exercise in 3-4 weeks and heavy lifting and strenous workouts more
- Information about breast lift procedures surgery techniques If you are happy with a B cup breast size, then just a lift should give you enough volume. Mostly skin excision with preservation of breast tissue should result in the size you desire. ( more
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